1 COPY The COPY KNOWN NODES command updates the node database on the local node. You can copy the volatile or permanent database from a remote node to either or both the volatile and permanent databases on the local node. You also have the option of clearing or purging the node database on the local node before the copy operation is performed. Only the node name and address are copied. A node entry will not be copied into the node database if a node with the same name or address already exists in the database. You cannot use the TELL prefix with the COPY KNOWN NODES command. COPY KNOWN NODES FROM node-id USING TO WITH 2 KNOWN NODES KNOWN NODES indicates that names and addresses of all known nodes stored in the database of the specified remote node are to be copied. 2 FROM node-id Specifies the remote node from which the copy is to be made. The remote node can be any node in the network to which you have access. The word FROM is optional. 2 USING option Specifies the node database on the remote node from which the information is to be copied. The two possible options are: VOLATILE Indicates that the volatile database on the remote node is to be copied. PERMANENT Indicates that the permanent database on the remote node is to be copied. The default is VOLATILE. 2 TO option Specifies the node database on the local node to which the information is to be copied. The three possible options are: VOLATILE Indicates that the information is to be copied to the volatile database on the local node. PERMANENT Indicates that the information is to be copied to the permanent database on the local node. BOTH Indicates that the information is to be copied to both the volatile and permanent databases on the local node. The default is VOLATILE. 2 WITH option Clears or purges the node database on the local node beforethe copy operation is performed. Retains the executor node characteristics and the name and address of the remote node from which the node information is to be copied. The node database to be cleared or purged is the local database to which the information will be copied. The node database to be cleared or purged is the local database to which the information will be copied. There are two options: CLEAR Clears the volatile database at the local node. PURGE Purges the permanent node database at the local node. Note that you can specify CLEAR or PURGE for either database or for both databases. If you do not specify the WITH qualifier, the node entries copied are added to the existing node database(s). 2 Examples NCP>COPY KNOWN NODES FROM LARK USING PERMANENT- _ TO PERMANENT WITH PURGE %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.21 (Thrush) %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.22 (Lark) %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted %NCP-I-NMLRSP, listener response - Success Remote node = 2.20 (Robin) %NCP-I-RECDELET, Database entry deleted This COPY command copies the node information from the permanent node database on node LARK into the permanent node database on the local node (ROBIN). The node database is purged before the copy operation is begun. NCP>COPY KNOWN NODES FROM LARK This COPY command copies the node information from the volatile node database on node LARK into the volatile node database on the local node (ROBIN). In this example, the volatile node database on the local node is not cleared before the copy operation is begun. !