Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
show, routing, ip_destination_address, Status

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  level

    Support: L1,L2,IP

    Level at which the shortest path exists in the shortest paths

    Level 1

    Level 2 External

    Level 2 Internal

 o  metric

    Support: L1,L2,IP

    Default metric value for the shortest path to the destination

 o  paths

    Support: L1,L2,IP

    Equal cost paths for this route. For each path the following
    information is given:

    1. The name of the entity pair that represents the forwarding
       decision for this path (circuit and one of adjacency, IP
       adjacency, or IP reachable address).

    2. The routing mechanism through which the route was learned:

       o  Local: the route is derived from the subnet address or
          alternative subnet addresses characteristics of a local

       o  Netmgnt: the route is derived from manually configured
          information on the local system.

    3. The number of seconds since the route was last updated.
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