Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
show, modem_connect, line, Characteristics

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  alternate speed

    Default: 0

    Alternate (low) speed (in bits per second) to operate the
    line. You can modify this characteristic only when the entity
    is disabled. This characteristic is supported only when the
    characteristic communications mode is asynchronous, the
    characteristic modem control is full, the characteristic modem
    options includes rateselect, the characteristic clock is internal,
    and when the alternate line speed is needed.

 o  call accept timer

    Default: 0

    Minimum time (in milliseconds) between the assertion of data set
    ready and accepting a call by asserting request to send. This
    characteristic is not supported if the characteristic modem
    control is none.

 o  carrier loss timer

    Default: 15000

    Maximum time (in milliseconds) that the carrier detect signal
    can be absent before the loss of carrier event is generated.
    This characteristic is not supported if the characteristic modem
    control is none.

 o  clock

    Source of the transmit and receive clocks.

    external         The modem provides the clock.

    internal         The communications device provides the clock.

    reflected        The DTE transmit clock is a reflection of the
                     DCE transmit clock. This minimizes the clock to
                     data skew that the DCE encounters when high line
                     speeds are used.

    The default value depends on the setting of the characteristic
    communications mode. If communications mode is asynchronous, the
    default value of this characteristic is internal. Otherwise, the
    default value is external.

    The value of this attribute has no effect when the communications
    line is in loopback mode. In this case, the type of loopback
    determines the type of clock. You can modify this characteristic
    only when the entity is disabled.

 o  communications mode

    Default: Sychronous        Value: Asynchronous or synchronous

    Communications method to be used on the link, either asynchronous
    or synchronous. The value of this characteristic is a copy of the
    communications mode argument specified when the entity is created.
    You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  communications port

    Default: None

    Name of the communications port. The value of this characteristic
    is a copy of the communications port argument specified when the
    entity is created. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  connection type (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: Nonswitched           Value: Nonswitched or switched

    Indicates whether the line is switched or non-switched. The value
    of this characteristic is a copy of the connection type argument
    specified when the entity is created. You cannot modify this

 o  duplex

    Default: Full		Value: Full or half

    Indicates whether the line is full- or half-duplex. The value of
    this characteristic is a copy of the duplex argument specified
    when the entity is created. You cannot modify this characteristic.

 o  encoding

    Default: normal            Value: normal or nrzi

    Encoding technique used on the line. You can modify this
    characteristic only when the entity is disabled.

 o  initial hold timer (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 10

    Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity waits for an incoming
    call to be accepted.

 o  maximum call setup timer (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: 60

    Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity waits for an outgoing
    call to connect.

 o  maximum disable transmit timer

    Default: 500			Value: 0-60000

    Maximum time, in milliseconds, that clear to send can remain
    asserted before the line is disconnected after Request to Send
    is deasserted. This attribute is not supported if the
    characteristic modem control is set to none.

 o  maximum dsr deassertion timer

    Default: 5000		Value: 0-60000

    Maximum time, in milliseconds, the entity will wait for data set
    ready to be deasserted after it has deasserted data terminal
    ready. If this timer expires, the entity assumes it can assert
    data terminal ready once again. This attribute is not
    supported if the characteristic modem control is set to none.

 o  maximum enable transmit timer

    Default: 2000              Value: 1-5000

    Maximum time, in milliseconds, between the assertion of the
    request to send signal and receiving the assertion of the clear
    to send signal. This attribute is not supported if the
    characteristic modem control is set to none.

 o  minimum dtr deassertion timer

    Default: 1000	      Value: 0-60000

    Minimum timer, in milliseconds, that the DTE will deassert data
    terminal ready during a disconnection. This attribute is not
    supported if the characteristic modem control is set to none.

 o  modem control

    Default: Full              Value: Full or none

    Indicates whether the interchange circuits are to be monitored and
    used. The value none means that only the data leads are monitored.

    The value full must be used when the value of the characteristic
    duplex is half. This characteristic is supported only if
    the characteristic connection type is switched.

 o  modem options

    Default: No options        Value: Set of options

    Set of values that determine the capabilities of the modem.

    dialout          The modem can dial the remote modem. Supported
      		    only if the value of communications type is
      		    switched. This value is supported by Tru64 UNIX

    direct           The modem is directly connected to the remote
                     modem through a non-switched line. Supported
                     only if accompanied withdialout and used only
                     when the modem protocol type supports direct
                     dial. This value is supported by Tru64 UNIX

    rate select      The modem is capable of data rate selection.

 o  modem protocol format (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: See following     Value: See following description.

    Format to use for V.25bis protocol messages. This characteristic
    applies only when the characteristic modem protocol type is
    v25bis or dmcl.

    asynchronous     Use the asynchronous format.

    hdlc             Use the HDLC format.

    synchronous      Use the synchronous format.

    The default value depends on the value of the characteristic
    communications mode. If communications mode is asynchronous, the
    default value of this characteristic is also asynchronous. If the
    value of communications mode is synchronous, the default value of
    this characteristic is hdlc.

 o  modem protocol type (Tru64 UNIX)

    Default: V25bis            Value: See description

    Protocol that the modem uses to select modem options and to set
    line control parameters.

    at               A set of automatic calling procedures used in the
                     Hayes Smart Modem 2400.

    dmcl             The Digital Modem Control Language, based on

    v25              A set of automatic calling and answering
                     procedures defined by CCITT. These procedures
                     use the 200-series circuits defined in the
                     CCITT recommendation V.24. The V.235 procedures
                     are also known as parallel automatic calling

    v25bis           A set of automatic calling and answering
                     procedures defined by CCITT. These procedures
                     use the 100-series circuits defined in the CCITT
                     recommendation V.24. The V.25bis procedures
                     are also known as serial automatic calling

 o  profile

    Default: None

    Name of the local profile to be used with the line. This profile
    is used to restrict the range of various line attributes, and to
    change the defaults for those attributes. The value of
    this characteristic is a copy of the profile argument specified
    when the entity is created.

 o  rate select

    Default: High              Value: High or Low

    Specifies which of the line rates is to be used if none is
    specified when a call is set up.

    high  	The value of the speed characteristic is used.

    low 		The value of the alternate speed characteristic
                 is used.

 o  speed

    Default: 0

    High speed, in bits per second, to be used on the line. This value
    is always used on asynchronous links. It is used on synchronous
    links only in the following circumstances:

    o  When the value of the clock characteristic is internal

    o  When a null modem cable is detected

    o  When using a loopback mode that uses internal clocking

 o  successful call indication timer

    Default: 30

    Maximum time, in seconds, that the entity will wait for indication
    of a successful call before disconnecting the line. This
    attribute is not supported if the characteristic modem
    control is set to none.

 o  suppress test indicator

    Default: False             Value: True or false

    Specifies whether the Test Mode signal is to be monitored. If the
    value is false, a change in the circuit will be monitored and will
    cause the Test Indication event to be generated.

    You should set this characteristic to true in cases where the
    transitions of this signal are not produced by entering test
    mode, so that this signal should be ignored.

 o  transmit holdoff timer

    Default: 0

    Necessary delay, in milliseconds, between the transmitter
    being disabled and then reenabled. The value 0 means
    that the request to send signal can be asserted as soon as the
    client requests it. This characteristic is not supported if the
    characteristic modem control is set to none.
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