Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb show, csma-cd, station, Counters *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
Unless stated otherwise, counts include both normal and multicast traffic and all protocol types, service access points (SAPs), and protocol identifiers. o alignment errors Number of times a received frame did not contain an integral number of octets. o carrier check failures Number of times the data link did not sense the receive carrier signal or detected an error in the receive carrier signal during transmission of a frame. o collision detect check failures Number of times the collision detect test signal was not sensed after a transmission. If this count approximates the number of frames sent, either the collision detect circuitry is not working correctly or the test signal is not implemented. o creation time Time at which the station was created. o data overruns Number of times the hardware lost one or more consecutive, partially complete, incoming frames because it could not keep up with the incoming frame rate. Used in conjunction with pdus received, this count provides a measure of hardware resource and bandwidth failures. o excessive collisions Number of times a transmission failed because the maximum allowable number of retransmission attempts all culminated in collisions. o frame check errors Number of times a received frame containing an integral number of octets failed the frame check sequence (FCS). o frame size errors Number of times the user requested transmission of a frame outside the range of valid frame sizes. o frames too long Number of times a received frame exceeded the maximum length allowed by CSMA/CD medium access control. o initially deferred pdus sent Number of times a PDU was deferred by the station access algorithm on the first attempt at transmission, but was then transmitted successfully without collision. Used in conjunction with pdus sent, this count measures the rate of CSMA/CD contention with no collisions. o late collisions Number of times a collision was detected after the allotted time for collisions had expired. o multicast octets received Number of multicast data octets that were successfully received. The count is the number of octets in the CSMA/CD user data field and does not include MAC headers. Comparing this count to the octets received count yields the gross percentage of bandwidth that was consumed (over time) by multicast frames received by the local system. o multicast octets sent Number of multicast data octets that were successfully sent. The count is the number of octets in the MAC user data field, including any padding or length fields; it does not include MAC headers. Comparing this count to the octets sent count yields the gross percentage of bandwidth that was consumed (over time) by multicast frames transmitted by the local system. o multicast pdus received Number of multicast PDUs that were successfully received. Comparing this count to the pdus received count yields a gross percentage of CSMA/CD usage for multicast PDUs received by this system. o multicast pdus sent Number of multicast PDUs that were successfully sent. Comparing this count to the pdus sent count yields a gross percentage of CSMA/CD usage for multicast PDUs sent by this system. o multiple collisions pdus sent Number of times a PDU was successfully transmitted on the third or later attempt by the station access algorithm after normal collisions on previous attempts. Used in conjunction with pdus sent, this count provides a measure of CSMA/CD media contention at a level where there are collisions and the backoff algorithm no longer works efficiently. o octets received Total number of MAC user data octets that were successfully received from frames that passed address and protocol filtering for both individual and multicast MAC addresses. The count is the number of octets in the CSMA/CD user data field plus any padding, Ethernet length fields, or LLC header fields; it does not include MAC headers. Adding the octets received count to the protocol overhead calculated from the pdus received count yields the amount of CSMA/CD bandwidth consumed by frames received by the local system. o octets sent Total number of user data octets that were successfully sent. The count is the number of octets in the MAC user data field including any padding or length fields; it does not include MAC headers. Adding the octets sent count to the protocol overhead calculated from the pdus sent count yields the amount of CSMA /CD bandwidth consumed (over time) by frames sent by the local system. o pdus received Total number of PDUs that passed address and protocol filtering and were received without errors. The count provides a gross measurement of incoming CSMA/CD usage by the local system; this information can be used in conjunction with other counters to approximate the average receive frame size or to determine the ratio of errors to successful receives. o pdus sent Total number of PDUs successfully sent. The count provides a gross measurement of outgoing CSMA/CD usage by the local system; this information can be used in conjunction with other counters to approximate the average transmit frame size or to determine the ratio of errors to successful transmissions. o receive data length errors Number of times a frame was received with a length field value that was invalid for the number of octets actually received by medium access control. o send data length errors Number of times the user requested transmission of an 802.3 frame with a length field value that was not valid for the number of octets actually passed. o single collision pdus sent Number of times a PDU was successfully transmitted on the second attempt by the station access algorithm after a normal collision occurred on the first attempt. Used in conjunction with pdus sent, this count provides a measure of CSMA/CD media contention at a level where there are collisions, but the backoff algorithm still works efficiently. o station failures Number of times that the station self-testing procedures reported failure. o unavailable station buffers Number of times a complete, fully received PDU was discarded because no station buffer was available. Used with pdus received, this count provides a measure of receive problems related to the station buffer. o unavailable user buffers Number of times no user buffer was available for an incoming frame that passed all filtering for the port. Used in conjunction with the pdus received count, this counter can indicate the rate of user buffer receive problems. o unrecognized individual destination pdus Number of times a received PDU with an individual destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the correct Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or link logical control SAP address enabled. o unrecognized multicast destination pdus Number of times a received PDU with a multicast destination MAC address was discarded because there was no port with the correct Ethernet protocol type, SNAP protocol identifier, or link logical control SAP address enabled.