Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
query, mop, circuit

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    Initiates an XID exchange between the system specified by node-
    id and the system specified by the arguments or a client.

    query  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            address lan-address [,sap octet]

    The Address information is required.  If Address is not specified
    in the command, then a Client must be specified which can supply
    the address information.

    query [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            client client-name [,sap octet]

    SAP is an optional argument for the query mop circuit command.
    The optional SAP argument specifies the Service Access Point on
    the target system to which the XID message is to be sent.  SAP is
    an octet (00-FF).  The default SAP is 00.

    The query requester function must be enabled on the MOP Circuit
    to perform the query operation.  You may enable this function

    enable mop circuit circuit-name function {query requester}


    query mop circuit csmacd-1 address 08-00-2b-45-77-ED

    query mop circuit csmacd-1 -
        client lamchp ! Client lamchp has the Address.

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