Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, xot (OpenVMS Alpha), sap, link

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  link state changed

    The XOT SAP LINK state has changed.  The new XOT SAP LINK
    state (on or off) is an argument for this event.

 o  outbound connect failed

    Occurs when an attempt to establish an outbound connection
    with a remote system fails.  The event returns the
    following arguments:  Failure Reason, Remote IP Address,
    Remote Port Number, and if the Failure Reason argument
    indicates a PWIP Error, PWIP Error Code.

    The Failure Reason agrument indicates why the connection
    could not be made, the argument takes one of the following

    Remote System     The XOT system could not reach the
    Unreachable       requested remote system.

    Connection        The XOT system was able to reach the
    Rejected          remote system.  However, the remote
                      system denied the connection request.

    PWIP Error        During the connection establishment
                      process the XOT system received an
                      unexpected error from the PWIP software
                      it uses.

    No Reason         The XOT system could not establish a
    Specified         connection with the requested remote
                      system.  No additional information is

 o  protocol error

    Indicates an error occurred in the XOT protocol during a
    XOT protocol exchange with the remote system.  The event
    returns the following arguments:  Error Reason, Remote
    IP Address, Remote Port Number, and Received PDU.

    The Error Reason argument indicates what type of protocol
    error was detected; the argument takes one of the
    following values:

    Invalid XOT       The XOT system received a PDU apparently
    Header            destined for the XOT software, but the
                      XOT header was not valid.

    Invalid PVC       While attempting to establish a PVC
    Setup Packet      connection with the remote system, the
                      remote system returned an invalid
                      response PDU.  This error can also occur
                      if the remote system attempts to
                      establish a PVC connection with the
                      local system and the PVC connection PDU
                      is invalid.
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