Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, x25_protocol, dte

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  diagnostic packet received

    Generated when the DTE receives a diagnostic packet from the


    cause       Cause code provided by the DCE on reset.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number of the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    diagnostic  Diagnostic code provided by the DCE on reset.

 o  dte down

    Generated when the status attribute state changes from on to off,
    synchronizing, or unsychronized.


    configuration  Specifies whether or not there has been a
    error          configuration error.

    lapb link      DTE state has changed due to the deletion of the
    deleted        underlying link service provider entity.

 o  dte up

    Generated when status attribute state changes to on from off,
    synchronizing, or unsychronized.


    config-    Specifies the DTE configuration.
               dce         The DTE has initialized as a packet-mode

               dte         The DTE has initialized as a packet-mode

               Negotiated  The DTE has negotiated to operate as a
               dce         packet-mode DCE.

               Negotiated  The DTE has negotiated to operate as a
               dte         packet-mode DTE.

 o  illegal packet received

    Generated when the DTE receives an illegal packet from the


    call time   Time at which the call request was made.

    ccitt       CCITT state.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number for the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    direction   Direction of the call.

                incoming     The call was incoming.

                outgoing     The call was outgoing.

    failure     Specifies why the packet was flagged as illegal.
                header       Error in the received block header.

                invalid      Invalid general format identifier.

                invalid      The packet is invalid in the current
                state        state of the protocol.

                no           No interrupt packet was sent.

                too long     The packet is too long.

                too short    The packet is too short.

                unacknowledgeThere is an outstanding interrupt.

                unrecognizedThe  packet is unrecognizable to the DTE.

    header      Header contents of the packet that caused the event.

    packet      Type of illegal packet.

    remote dte  Address of the DTE that is the source of an incoming
                call or the destination of an outgoing call.

 o  network initiated reset

    Generated when the DTE receives a Reset packet from the network.


    cause       Cause code provided by the DCE on reset.

    ccitt       CCITT state. See possible reasons described under the
    state       illegal packet received event.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number of the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    diagnostic  Diagnostic code provided by the DCE on reset.

    direction   Direction of the call.
                incoming     The call was incoming.
                outgoing     The call was outgoing.

 o  network initiated restart

    Generated when the DTE receives a Restart packet from the


    cause       Cause code provided by the DCE on reset.

    ccitt       CCITT state. See possible reasons described under the
    state       illegal packet received event.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number of the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    diagnostic  Diagnostic code provided by the DCE on reset.

 o  protocol error detected

    Generated when a protocol error is detected.


    call time   Time at which the call request was made.

    ccitt       CCITT state. See possible reasons described under the
    state       illegal packet received event.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number for the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    failure     Reason for the protocol error.
                bad p(r)     Invalid receive packet sequence number
                received     received.

                bad p(s)     Invalid transmit packet sequence number
                received     received.

                invalid      Invalid Logical Channel Number.

                invalid      Error in negotiated or requested packet
                packet       size.

                invalid      Error in negotiated or requested
                throughput   throughput class.

                invalid      Error in negotiated or requested window
                window       size.

                no fast      Fast Select is not supported.

                receiver     Data received while in receiver not
                not ready    ready state.

    header      Header contents tht caused the event.

    remote dte  Address of the DTE that is the source of an incoming
                call or the destination of an outgoing call.

 o  reject packet received

    Generated when the DTE receives a Reject packet from the network.


    call time   Time at which the call request was made.

    ccitt       CCITT state. See possible reasons described under the
    state       illegal packet received event.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number of the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    direction   Direction of the call.
                incoming     The call was incoming.
                outgoing     The call was outgoing.

    remote dte  Address of the DTE that is the source of an incoming
                call or the destination of an outgoing call.

 o  retry failed

    Generated when one of the DTE's maximum retry counts has been


    ccitt       CCITT state. See possible reasons described under the
    state       illegal packet received event.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number for the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    remote dte  Address of the DTE that is the source of an incoming
                call or the destination of an outgoing call.

    retry       Specifies which retry counter has generated the event
                by reaching its maximum value.

                clear        The maximum clear attempts counter.

                reset        The maximum reset attempts counter.

                restart      The maximum restart attempts counter.

 o  switched virtual circuit failed

    Generated when an incoming or outgoing call fails in the setup or
    data phase.


    call time   Time at which the call request was made.

    cause       Cause code provided by the DCE on reset.

    channel     Concatenated logical channel group and logical
                channel number for the virtual circuit associated
                with the event.

    diagnostic  Diagnostic code provided by the DCE on reset.

    direction   Direction of the call.

                incoming     The call was incoming.

                outgoing     The call was outgoing.

    failure     Reason why the circuit failed.
                call         The call was cleared by an invocation of
                cleared      the interface function.

                call         Call collision occurred.

                call         The call timer expired for an outgoing
                timeout      call attempt.

                dte          The local DTE was disabled by network
                disabled     management.

                level 2      A failure occurred at the Frame level
                failure      link or below.

                local        The X.25 Access module rejected an
                reject       incoming call attempt.

                network      A Clear packet with a network cause code
                clear        was received.

                no           Insufficient resources to handle call.

                no taker     Incoming call attempt rejected on
                             timeout with no response from X.25
                             Access module.

                remote       Disconnect initiated by network or
                reject       remote DTE.

                restart      A Restart packet was sent by the DCE.

                security     An implementation-specific access
                             criterion was violated.

    remote dte  Address of the DTE that is the source of an incoming
                call or the destination of an outgoing call.
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