Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, x25_access

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  incoming call blocked

    Generated when an incoming call from the X.25 Protocol module (or
    from the X.25 Client module in an accessing system) is blocked
    and cleared by the X.25 Access module's security mechanisms.


    filter      Name of the selected filter.

    group       Name of the x25 protocol group entity corresponding
                to the BCUG that matches the CUG number specified in
                the Call packet. This argument is present only when
                the call is delivered via a bilateral closed user

    inbound     Name of the DTE class associated with the incoming
                call by the x25 protocol dte entity.

    security    This DTE class identifies the security dte class entity
    dte class   to be used for remote DTE matching.

    remote dte  Name of the remote dte entity whose remote address
                prefix was selected by the matching algorithm. This
                argument is not present when the call is delivered
                via a bilateral closed user group.

    sending     DTE address of the calling DTE. This argument is not
    dte         present when the call is delivered via a bilateral
                closed user group.

 o  incoming call failed

    Generated when an incoming call from the X.25 Protocol module (or
    from the X.25 Client module in an accessing system) is cleared by
    the X.25 Access module.


    group       Name of the x25 protocol group entity corresponding
                to the BCUG that matches the CUG number specified in
                the Call packet. This argument is present only when
                the call is delivered via a bilateral closed user
                group. Since group entities do not exist at accessing
                systems, this argument is present only at gateway

    reason      Reason why the call failed.
                insufficient The X.25 Access module has insufficient
                resources    resources to handle the call.

                no filters   The incoming call failed to match any of
                             the active filters.

                security     The dte class of the incoming call has
                dte class    an invalid security DTE class associated
                not found    with it.

                security     The filter on which the incoming call
                filter not   was matched has an invalid security
                found        filter associated with it.

    security    Name of the security dte class entity that was
    dte class   referenced by the selected dte class entity. This
                argument is present only if the reason for the event
                is security dte class not found.

    security    Name of the security filter entity that was
    filter      referenced by the selected dte class entity. This
                argument is present only if the reason for the event
                is security filter not found.

    sending     DTE address of the remote DTE.

 o  in use filter deleted

    Generated when an active filter has been deleted by the use of
    the NCL delete x25 access filter command.


    filter      The name of the deleted filter.

    listener    The name of the application associated with the

 o  outgoing call blocked

    Generated when the X.25 Access module's security mechanisms
    prevent a client from making an outgoing call.


    blocked by  Specifies where the security blocking occurred.
                gateway      Blocked by the gateway system.
                local        Blocked by the accessing system.

    client      Name of the entity that made the call.

    destination Specifies the called DTE address. This argument is
    dte         not present if the call specifies a bilateral closed
                user group.

    dte class   Name of the DTE class specified in the call. This
                argument is not present if the call specifies a
                bilateral closed user group.

    group       Name of the x25 protocol group entity specified in
                the call. This argument is present only if the call
                specifies a bilateral closed user group. Since group
                entities do not exist at accessing systems, this
                argument is present only on gateway systems.

    remote      DNS name of the entity that made the call. If the
    port        call is blocked by gateway security, this identifies
                the X.25 access client on the accessing system. This
                argument is mandatory only if the client of X.25
                access is the X.25 Server module.

    security    Name of the remote dte entity whose remote address
    DTE class   prefix was selected by the matching algorithm. This
    remote DTE  argument is not present if the call is made to a
                bilateral CUG.

    source      (OpenVMS) Name of the entity that made the call.
                This identifies the client of X.25 Access at the
                accessing system when the call is blocked by security
                on a gateway system. This argument is mandatory only
                when the client of X.25 Access is the X.25 Server

 o  outgoing call configuration error

    Generated when a call fails because of misconfiguration of the
    security databases.


    reason      Specifies why the call failed.
                security     The DTE class of the outgoing call
                dte class    must have a valid security DTE class
                not found    associated with it.

    security    Name of the security dte class entity that was
    dte class   referenced by the selected dte class entity.

 o  port terminated

    Generated whenever a port is closed. The event arguments simply
    reflect the attributes of the port at the time it was terminated.


    call          Name of the x25 access filter entity that matched
    association   an incoming call, or the name of the x25 access
                  template entity used in making an outgoing call.
                  This attribute is supported only if the status
                  attribute port type is set to switched and the
                  status attribute state is not set to open.

    call          Direction of the call on an SVC.
                  incoming   The call is an incoming call.
                  outgoing   The call is an outgoing call.

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not
    set to open.

    calling       Calling NSAP address that is carried transparently
    address       in an incoming or outgoing call packet. This attribute
    extension     is supported only if the status attribute port type
                  is set to switched and the status attribute state is
                  not set to open.

    calling dte   Calling DTE address in a call request or incoming
    address       call packet (depending on the value of the status
                  attribute call direction). This attribute is supported
                  only if the status attribute port type is set to
                  switched and the status attribute state is not set
                  to open.

    channel       Channel number of the underlying virtual circuit.
                  This status is valid only if the port is at a
                  gateway system and the status attribute state is
                  not open.

    client        Name of the entity that made or accepted the call.

    data octets   Number of data octets received at the port.

    data octets   Number of data octets sent by the port.

    dte class     Name of the DTE class to which the DTE of the
                  underlying virtual circuit belongs. This attribute
                  is supported only if the status attribute state is
                  not set to open.

    fast select   Specifies whether fast select is in operation for
                  the call.

                  fast select        Fast select in operation.

                  no fast select     Fast select not in operation.

                  not specified      Facility not requested.

                  with response      Fast select with response in

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

    group         Name of the x25 protocol group entity (that is, CUG)
                  associated with an incoming or outgoing call. This
                  attribute is supported only if the status attribute
                  port type is set to switched and the status attribute
                  state is not set to open.

    incoming      Packet size, in octets, for incoming data on a virtual
    packet        circuit. This attribute is supported only if the status
    size          attribute state is not set to open.

    incoming      Throughput class for incoming data on a virtual
    throughput    circuit.

    incoming      Window size for incoming data on a virtual circuit.
    window size

    local dte     Name of the DTE entity associated with the call.

    originally    If a call is redirected, this is the DTE address
    called        from which the call was redirected; otherwise,
    address       the address is null. This status is valid only if
                  the status attribute redirect reason is not
                  [not] redirected. This attribute is supported only
                  if the status attribute port type is set to switched
                  and the status attribute state is not set to open.

    outgoing      Packet size, in octets, for outgoing data on a
    packet        virtual circuit. This attribute is supported only
    size          if the status attribute state is not set to open.

    outgoing      Throughput class for outgoing data on a virtual
    throughput    circuit.

    outgoing      Window size for outgoing data on a virtual circuit.
    window        This attribute is supported only if the status
    size          attribute state is not set to open.

    pdus          Number of pdus received at the port.

    pdus sent     Number of pdus sent by the port.

    protocol      First four octets of call data in the call. This
    identifier    attribute is supported only if the status attribute
                  port type is set to switched and the status
                  attribute state is not set to open.

    pvc           Name of the pvc to which this port belongs. This
                  attribute is present only if the status attribute
                  port type is set to permanent.

    redirect      Specifies whether a call has been redirected and,
    reason        if so, the reason for the redirection.

                  busy         The call has been redirected because
                               the original destination was busy.

                  not         The call has not been redirected.

                  out of      The call has been redirected because the
                  order       original destination was not operational.

                  systematic  The call has been redirected because
                              all calls to the original destination
                              have been systematically redirected.

    This attribute is supported only if the status attribute port
    type is set to switched and the status attribute state is not set
    to open.

    reference     Time at which the port was created (if the
    time          circuit is a PVC), or the time at which the
                  port was first used to send or receive a
                  call at the X.25 user interface (if the circuit
                  is an SVC).

    remote        Name of the peer entity with which this port is
    port          communicating.

    reserved      If the port is associated with a reserved Logical
                  Channel Number (LCN), this specifies the name of the
                  local DTE entity on which the LCN is reserved. A null
                  string indicates that the port is not associated with
                  a reserved LCN. This attribute is supported
                  only if the status attribute port type is set to
                  switched and the status attribute state is not set
                  to open.

    reverse       Specifies whether reverse charging is in operation for
    charging      the call. This attribute is supported only if the status
                  attribute port type is set to switched and the status
                  attribute state is not set to open.

    segments      Number of segments of data sent by this port.

    segments      Number of segments of data received by this port.

    state         Status of the x25 access port entity.

        called         A call has been received and taken by a user.

        calling        A user is making a call.

        cleared        A Clear Indication or Clear Confirmation packet
                       has been received, or the X.25 Protocol module has
                       detected an error.

        cleared by     The port was cleared by network management.

        clearing       A user has requested that the call should be

        no communi-    Communications with the PSDN have been lost.

        open           The port is open.

        running        The associated virtual circuit is available for
                       data transfer.

        synchronizing  A user has requested a reset, but the network has
                       not yet responded with a Reset Confirmation or
                       Reset Indication packet.

        unsynchronized A Reset Indication packet has been received, or
                       the X.25 Protocol module has detected an error
                       and the user has not yet responded with a reset

     target       Called NSAP address that is transparently carried in
     address      an incoming or outgoing call packet. This attribute is
     extension    supported only if the status attribute port type is
                  set to switched and the status attribute state is not
                  set to open.

     target dte   Called DTE address in a call request or incoming call.
     address      This attribute is supported only if the status attribute
                  port type is set to switched and the status attribute
                  state is not set to open.

     type         Specifies that the port represents an SVC.

                  switched       The circuit is an SVC.

                  permanent      The circuit is a PVC.

 o  pvc access blocked

    Generated when a client of X.25 Access is not allowed to access a


    blocked by  Where the blocking occurred.
                gateway      At the gateway system
                local        At the accessing system

    client      Name of the entity that attempted to use the pvc.

    pvc         Name of the pvc.

    source      Name of the entity that attempted to use the PVC.
                This identifies the client of X.25 Access module
                at the accessing system when the call is blocked
                by security on a gateway system. This argument is
                mandatory only when the client of the X.25 Access
                module is the X.25 Server module.
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