Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb Event Messages, session_control *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
o access control violation Generated each time that Session Control detects an access control violation. The arguments provide information about the source and destination. Arguments: destination End-user specification of the destination account. destination Destination account information. account destination Destination user name. user node name Name of the source node. nsap Network address of the source node. address source End-user specification at the source node. o backtranslation deletion Generated each time that a backward translation name is discarded because of an irrecoverable error. Arguments: name Deleted name. reason DECdns error that caused the deletion. o bad backtranslation link Generated when an attempt to access a backward translation soft link results in a clerk exception indicating that some attribute in the soft-link chain was improperly configured. Arguments: name Name improperly configured. reason Reason for the exception. o dangling link Generated each time an attempt to access an attribute of a backward translation soft link results in a clerk. Dangling exception. Argument: name Full name of the soft link. o deleted maintained object Generated each time that a tower maintenance entity is discarded because of an irrecoverable error. Arguments: client Network management name of the user who issued the keepmehere call that resulted in the creation of this entity. creation Time this entity was created. time higher Set of higher towers that was passed in the towers keepmehere that created this entity. last A DECdns error code that indicates the reason for the failure last update failure. reason last Time of the last successful update to the DNA$Towers successful attribute. update last Time that the last attempt to update the DNA$Towers update attribute completed. completed last Time that the last attempt to update the DNA$Towers update attribute was initiated. started name Full name of the deleted entity. reason DECdns error that caused the deletion. uid Entity's unique identifier, generated when the entity is created. update Generated each time that an attempt to update a failures DNA$Towers attribute fails. update Generated each time that an attempt to update a successes DNA$Towers attribute succeeds. o verification failure Generated each time that session control is unable to verify that the addresses and protocols of an incoming connection request are consistent with the DNA$Towers attribute of the source node name. Arguments: address Unverified protocol address sequence. node Full name of the source node.
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