Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, nsp, local_nsap, remote_nsap

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  reject received

    Generated when a connection attempt initiated by the local NSAP is
    rejected by the remote NSAP.   Arguments:

    additional    If applicable, contains additional information from
    information   the variable part of the PDU.

    reason        Reason why the event was generated.

                  no resources  Transport rejected the connection
                                attempt because of insufficient

 o  reject sent

    Generated when a connection attempt initiated by the remote NSAP
    is rejected by the local NSAP.


    See the arguments for the reject received event.

 o  remote protocol error

    Generated when a transport PDU received from the remote NSAP
    violates NSP protocol.   Arguments:

    erroneous     Includes some, none, or all of the PDUs causing the
    transport     event.
    data unit

    reason        Reason why the event was generated.

                  invalid flow  A PDU was discarded because it
                  control       contained flow control information
                                that, when used to compute the request
                                count, would produce a result that
                                exceeds the limits. The entire PDU is
                                provided in the erroneous transport
                                data unit argument.

                  invalid       A PDU was discarded because reserved
                  message       bits or values were used in the PDU.
                  format        The beginning of the PDU is provided
                                in the erroneous transport data unit
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