Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, mop_circuit

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  dump request completed

    This event is generated each time a remote dump service request
    completes successfully.

    Arguments: See the address, client, and file arguments described
    under the load request failed event.

 o  dump request failed

    This event is generated each time a remote dump request tries and
    fails. When a request is never started because of insufficient
    client information, the unrecognized dump client event is

    Arguments: See the address, client, file, and reason arguments
    described under the load request failed event.

 o  load request completed

    This event is generated each time a remote load service request
    completes successfully.

    Arguments: See the address, client, file, and program type
    arguments described under the load request failed event.

 o  load request failed

    This event is generated each time a remote load request tries and
    fails. When a request is never started because of insufficient
    client information, the unrecognized load client event is
    reported.  Arguments:

    address     Data Link address of the remote system. This argument
                is supplied only for LAN data links.

    client      Name of the client that corresponds to the remote

    file        Name of the file being dumped or loaded.

    program     Program type requested by the remote system on a load
    type        operation.

                cmip         A file containing initialization data
                script       encoded as network management directives
                             in CMIP form.

                diagnostic   A file containing diagnostic test

                management   A file containing initialization data
                             encoded in a product-specific format.

                secondary    A secondary file containing software to
                loader       be downline loaded.

                system       The primary file containing the system
                             image to be downline loaded.

                tertiary     A third file containing software to be
                loader       downline loaded.

    reason      Reason for the failure.

                file i/o     Unable to read load file or write dump
                error        file.

                file open    Unable to open load or dump file
                error        requested.

                no           Insufficient network management or
                resources    system resources.

                operation    Unexpected error prevents completion of
                aborted      request.

                protocol     A violation of the MOP protocol
                error        occurred.

                receive      Error or timeout receiving data from the
                error        network.

                transmit     Error reading data to the network.

                unknown      Client requesting load or dump is not
                client       found in MOP client database.

 o  unrecognized dump client

    This event is generated each time a remote dump service request
    was not accepted because a required client database entry could
    not be found.

    Argument: See the address argument described under the load
    request failed event.

 o  unrecognized load client

    This event is generated each time a remote load service request
    was not accepted because a required client database entry could
    not be found.

    Arguments: See the address and program type arguments described
    under the load request failed event.
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