Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, modem_connect_line

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  cable detected

    Generated when a valid communication cable is detected following a
    cable fault event.  Arguments:

    current       Type of cable detected.

                  loopback      A loopback connector has been

                  null modem    A null modem has been detected.

                  rs232c        A cable conforming to the RS-232-C
                                standard has been detected.

                  rs449         A cable conforming to the RS449
                                standard has been detected.

                  rs422         A cable conforming to the RS422
                                standard has been detected.

                  rs423-v24     A cable is attached, but the connector
                                cannot distinguish whether it conforms
                                to RS423 or V.24 standards.

                  v28           A cable conforming to any of the CCITT
                                V.24, CCITT V.28, IS2110, or EIA-232-D
                                standards has been detected.

                  v35           A cable conforming to the V.35
                                standard has been detected.

                  x.21          A cable conforming to the X.21
                                standard has been detected.

    previous      Previous type of cable detected.

                  no cable      No cable was attached to the

                  unknown       A cable was attached, but its type was

 o  cable fault

    Generated each time the communications cable is detected as
    missing or invalid.  Arguments (The call reference argument is present
    only if the characteristic connection type is switched.):

    call          The call reference number of the call that was
    reference     disconnected because of the fault.

    previous      Type of cable that was connected before the error
    interface     was detected.

                  loopback      A loopback connector.

                  null Modem    A null modem cable.

                  rs232c        A cable conforming to the RS-232-C

                  rs422         A cable conforming to the RS422

                  rs423-v24     A cable is attached, but the connector
                                cannot distinguish whether it conforms
                                to RS423 or V.24 standards.

                  rs449         A cable conforming to the RS449

                  unknown       A cable was connected but its type was

                  v28           A cable conforming to any of the CCITT
                                V.24, CCITT V.28, IS2110, or EIA-232-D

                  v35           A cable conforming to the V.35

                  x.21          A cable conforming to the X.21

    reason        Reason that caused the event to occur.

                  invalid       A cable is attached but it is not one
                  cable         of those recognized

                  no cable      No cable can be detected

 o  clock loss

    Generated each time a loss of the transmit or receive clock is
    detected. Once this event occurs, the value of the interface state
    attribute changes to pending dte ready.

 o  dce not ready

    Generated each time a dce not ready condition is detected. Once
    this event occurs, the value of the interface state attribute
    changes to dte ready. This event is not supported if the
    characteristic modem control is none.

 o  device error

    A potential device error has been detected. This may be a
    temporary condition that means the device can continue to be used.

    reason        Reason for the failure. This is device specific.

 o  framing error

    Generated each time an asynchronous framing error occurs.

 o  incoming call failed

    Generated each time an incoming call is detected but the
    connection fails to complete. This event is supported only if
    the characteristic connection type is switched.  Arguments:

    call          Call Reference of the call that failed to connect.

    reason        Reason for the failure to complete the connection.

                  initial hold  The time set by the characteristic
                  time expired  initial hold timer has expired.

                  line          The line has been disabled.

                  line failure  There has been a communications

                  local         The entity has disconnected the line.

                  no call       There is no client assigned to handle
                  control       the call.

                  remote or     The remote system has disconnected the
                  network       line

                  remote test   The remote system is in test mode.

 o  loss of carrier

    Generated each time the carrier frequency is lost while receiving
    data. This event is not supported if the characteristic modem
    control is none.

 o  outgoing call failed

    Generated each time an attempt to complete an outgoing call fails.
    This event is supported only if the characteristic connection type
    is switched.  Arguments:

    Additional    Any extra information on the call failure above that
    information   given in other arguments.

    call          Call reference of the call that failed.

    dial          Dialing sequence used to make the call.

    reason        Reason that the call could not be completed.

                  call          The call attempt occurred at the same
                  collision     time as an incoming call was received.

                  call          The call initiation failed.

                  call not      The remote system did not answer
                  answered      the call within the time set by
                                the characteristic successful call
                                indication timer.

                  incoming      An incoming call has already been
                  call          answered.

                  line          The line is disabled.

                  line failure  There has been a communications line

                  local         The local system has disconnected the
                  disconnect    line.

                  remote or     The remote system has disconnected the
                  network       line.

                  remote test   The remote system is in test mode.

 o  rate fallback

    Generated each time the DCE indicates that it is changing from the
    high data rate (as indicated by the speed characteristic) to the
    low data rate (as indicated by the alternate speed characteristic.
    This can occur if there is excessive noise when operating at the
    high data rate. This event is supported only when the modem has a
    rate selection capability.

 o  test indication

    Generated each time the remote system tests the DCE. When this
    event occurs, the value of the interface state attribute changes
    to dte ready. This event is not supported id the characteristic
    modem control is none.

 o  transmit enable timeout

    Generated whenever the time to assert the clear to send signal
    (after receiving the request to send signal) is greater that that
    specified in the maximum enable transmit timer characteristic.
    This event is not supported id the characteristic modem control is
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