Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, llc2_sap, link

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  frame reject generated

    This event is generated when the receipt of a frame causes an FRMR
    (frame reject) frame to be generated and transmitted to the remote
    station.  Arguments:

    frame         Specifies the contents of the header of the frame
                  that caused the FRMR frame to be generated.

    frame reject  Specifies why the FRMR frame was rejected.

                  control      A received control field is undefined
                               or is not implemented.

                  format       The frame contains an unallowed
                               information field, or contains a
                               supervisory or unnumbered field of
                               incorrect length.

                  length       A received information field exceeds
                               the maximum length.

                  nr           A received control field contains an
                               invalid n(r).

                  ns           A received control field contains an
                               invalid n(s).

                  nonspecific  The frame contains an unspecified
                               number or type of errors.

    generated     Specifies the contents of the generated frmr frame
    frmr          that is sent to the remote station.

 o  frame reject received

    This event is generated when an FRMR (frame reject) frame is
    received from the remote station.  Arguments:

    frame         Specifies the contents of the header of the
                  received FRMR frame.

    frame reject  Specifies why the frame was rejected. See possible
    reason        reasons described under the Frame Reject Reason
                  argument of the Frame Reject Generated event.

 o  link halted

    This event is generated when the status attribute protocol state
    is set to halted.  Argument:

    link halted     Specifies why the protocol halted.

                    disc             A DISC frame was received. The
                                     remote end has disconnected the

                    dm               A DM frame was received. The
                                     remote end has disconnected the

                    frmr             A FRMR frame was received. The
                                     remote end has detected a frame

                    implementation   The cause is unknown.

                    lan              The LAN station has failed.

                    local            Local management action on the
                                     sap or link entities has halted
                                     the link.

                    maximum retry    A PDU had to be retransmitted
                                     the maximum number of times
                                     without response from the remote

                    User             Local client action has halted
                                     the link.

 o  link initializing

    This event is generated when the protocol has been successfully
    initialized or reinitialized.  Argument:

    link initializing  Specifies why the protocol was initialized or
    reason             reinitialized. See possible reasons described
                       under the Link Halted Reason argument of the
                       link halted event.

 o  link inoperative

    This event is generated when the status attribute protocol state
    is set to inoperative.

 o  link resetting

    This event is generated when the status attribute protocol state
    is set to resetting.  Argument:

    link          Specifies why the protocol is being reset.

                  frmr             A FRMR frame was received. The
                                   remote end has detected a frame

                  implementation   The reason is unknown.

                  maximum retry    A PDU had to be retransmitted the
                                   maximum number of times without
                                   response from the remote end.

                  sabme            A SABME frame was received. The
                                   remote end has reset the link.

 o  link running

    This event is generated when the status attribute protocol
    state is set to Running. This means that the protocol has been
    successfully initialized or reset.

 o  link setup failure

    This event is generated when llc2 protocol initialization has
    failed after the maximum number of retries.

 o  link state changed

    This event is generated when the status attribute state changes
    from On to Off, or from Off to On.
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