Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Event Messages, ddcmp link (OpenVMS VAX)

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

 o  pdu received with header format error

    Generated each time the local station detects invalid fields in a
    received message, even though the message's CRC was correct. The
    errors that can generate this event are:

    o  Invalid select flag

    o  Invalid addr value

    o  Fill fields not zero

    o  Invalid control type or subtype fields


    address     Specifies the address of the remote station that
                caused the event.
    message     Specifies the message header that contains the error.

 o  selection address error

    Generated each time the controller of a multipoint link
    receives a message that contains an address other than that
    of the currently selected tributary. This event is supported
    only on half-duplex point-to-point links, or if the protocol
    characteristic is set to tributary.


    current     Specifies the address of the currently selected
    address     tributary station.

    previous    Specifies the address of the previously selected
    address     tributary station.

    received    Specifies the address contained in the received
    address     message.

 o  streaming tributary

    Records potential jamming of a line by a remote station. It is

    o  When a remote station exceeds a maximum transmission interval
       without releasing the channel.

    o  When a remote station fails to release a channel after sending
       a message with the select flag set.

    o  When the jamming condition is cleared.


    previous    Specifies the address of the previously selected
    address     tributary station.

    received    Specifies the address contained in the message

    address     received after transmission should have ended. This
                argument is not present if no message is received.

    type        Specifies the type of jamming that the local station
                detected, or indicates that jamming has now cleared.

                Continued    The remote station continued to send
                transmis-    information after it sent a message with
                sion after   the select flag set.

                Continued    The remote station continued to send
                transmis-    information after exceeding the maximum
                sion after   transmission interval.

                Streaming    A previous streaming tributary error has
                cleared      been cleared.

                Streaming    The remote station continued to send
                tributary    valid control messages or headers to
                             data message after exceeding the maximum
                             transmission interval.

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