Library /sys$common/syshlp/nclhelp.hlb
Entity Hierarchy, X25 Server, Subentities

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The entity hierarchy of the X25 Server module is:


    The X25 SERVER entity represents the X.25 server that runs on a
    gateway system. The X.25 server serves X.25 clients on accessing
    systems, providing X.25 access to systems that do not have a
    direct connection to a PSDN.

    An X25 SERVER CLIENT entity provides a set of default values to
    be used to establish a session control connection with an X.25
    client when an incoming call arrives for that client. You should
    create an x25 server client entity for each X.25 client with
    which the gateway system is associated.

    An X25 SERVER SECURITY NODES entity defines the set of rights
    identifiers associated with calls issued by the X.25 Server
    module (on behalf of the X.25 Client module at an accessing
    system) to the X.25 Access module at the gateway system. These
    rights identifiers are used when making access control checks on
    the DTE class specified when a call is made.
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