1 update 2 dtss Gradually adjusts the clock on the specified server node to a new time, beginning at the time specified by the Time argument. update [node node-id] dtss time [absolute-time] Example: update dtss time 1996-12-30-11:24:00.000-05:00I02.000 2 session_control 3 backtranslation_softlink Updates a bactranslation softlink entity. update [node node-id] session control - backtranslation softlink name Example: update session control backtranslation softlink - DEC:.DNA_BACKTRANSLATION.%X49.%X0004.%XAA0004005F13 3 tower_maintenance Updates tower maintenance entity. update [node node-id] session control tower maintenance fullname Example: update session control tower maintenance DEC:.LKG.TRUE