1  disable

   Many entities have a status attribute called state, whose value
   reflects the current operational state of the entity. The value
   of state is usually either:

   off   The entity is disabled. In this state the entity exists and
         can be manipulated in various ways (for example, by having
         its characteristics modified), but will not perform its
         primary functions.

   on    The entity is enabled. In this state the entity is fully

   Use the disable command to place the entity in its disabled
   (off) state. Many entities do not permit you to modify their
   characteristics while they are enabled, so you must use the
   disable command before using the add, remove, or set commands.
   Also, it is often the case that you cannot delete an entity while
   it is enabled, so you must use the disable command before using
   the delete command. For example,

   ncl> disable modem connect line line-1

   disables the entity to suspend its operation temporarily and
   suspends operation of the corresponding physical line.

2  alias_(OpenVMS)

3  port

   disable  [node node-id] alias port port-name

2  csma-cd 

3  station

   disable  [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name


   disable csma station csmacd-1

2  ddcmp_(OpenVMS_VAX)

3  link

   disable  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name


   disable ddcmp link ddcmp-0

4  logical_station

   disable [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -
           logical station station-name


   disable ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0

2  dtss

   disable [node node-id] dtss

2  event_dispatcher

   disable  [node node-id] event dispatcher

3  outbound_stream

   Disables an event dispatcher outbound stream entity which 
   represents an outgoing connection to a sink on a local or 
   remote node.  

   disable  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
       outbound stream simple-name  [method disable-method]

   The optional Method argument specifies whether an existing 
   connection should be aborted immediately or shut down in an 
   orderly fashion.  The disable methods are:

   abort    The stream calls the disconnect operation to abort 
            the connection immediately. 

   orderly  The stream calls the shutdown operation to perform an
            orderly shutdown of the connection.  This is the 
            default method.


   disable event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream

   disable event dispatcher -
          outbound stream local_stream method abort

4  Exception_Messages

o  incomplete

   Orderly disable could not be completed due to lack of transport

3  relay

   disable  [node node-id] event dispatcher relay

4  logging

   Transitions the state of the specified logging entity 
   to off.

   disable  [node node-id] event dispatcher -
            relay logging logging-type


   disable event dispatcher relay logging console

   disable event dispatcher relay logging monitor

   disable event dispatcher relay logging file

3  sink

   disable  [node node-id] event dispatcher sink simple-name


   disable event dispatcher sink local_sink

2  fddi

3  station

   disable  [node node-id] fddi station station-name


   disable fddi station fddi-1

4  link

   disable  [node node-id] fddi station station-name -
             link link-index

   OpenVMS Example:

   disable fddi station fddi-0 link 0

   Tru64 UNIX Example:

   disable fddi station fddi-1 link 1

5  Exception_Messages

o  invalid item list format (OpenVMS)

   Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS 
   has been installed.

o  return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on 
   remote system (OpenVMS)

   Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS 
   has been installed on both the local and remote systems.

4  phy_port

   disable  [node node-id] fddi station station-name -
        phy port port-index

   OpenVMS Example:

   disable fddi station fddi-0 phy port 0

   Tru64 UNIX Example:

   disable fddi station fddi-1 phy port 1

5  Exception_Messages

o  invalid item list format (OpenVMS)

   Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS 
   has been installed.

o  return data corrupt or incorrectly encoded on 
   remote system (OpenVMS)

   Confirm that latest LAN driver patch kit from OpenVMS 
   has been installed on both the local and remote systems.

2  frame_(OpenVMS)

   disable  [node node-id] frame

3  link

   disable  [node node-id] frame link frame-link-id


   disable frame link frame-0

2  hdlc

3  link

   disable  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name


   disable hdlc link hdlc-0

4  logical_station

   disable  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -
            logical station logical-station-name


   disable hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-0 

2  lapb

3  link

   disable  [node node-id] lapb link simple-name


   disable lapb link link-0

2  llc2

3  sap

   disable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name

   disable llc2 sap sap-0

4  link

   disable [node node-id] llc2 sap simple-name -
         link simple-name


   disable llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-1

2  modem_connect

3  line
   disable  [node node-id] modem connect line line-name


   disable modem connect line DSY-0-0

2  mop

   disable  [node node-id] mop

3  circuit

   Removes a set of MOP service functions from the specified MOP 

   disable  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name -
            functions {function[,function...]}

   The Functions argument is required for the disable mop circuit 
   commands.  The MOP Circuit Functions include:

   configuration monitor  	        load server
   console requester      	        loop requester
   dump server            	        query requester 
   load requester (Tru64 UNIX)          test requester 


   disable mop circuit csmacd-1 -
        functions {configuration monitor}

   disable mop circuit fddi-1 -
        functions {dump server, load server}

2  ncl

3  logging

   disable ncl logging

   This will discontinue the logging of ncl commands to the NCL log
   file.  This logging was established earlier in the NCL session 
   with the "set ncl logfile" and "enable ncl logging" commands.  To 
   determine the name of the log file, use the "show ncl logfile" 

   For example, on OpenVMS:

   NCL>set ncl logfile test
   NCL>enable ncl logging
   NCL>show all
   NCL>disable ncl logging
   NCL>show ncl logfile
   Logfile name is: test
   Logfile is Disabled

   The results will be in the file TEST.NCL.  That file will contain 
   the logged NCL command(s), and the output will be commented out.  
   You may then reissue the command(s) you logged by:

   NCL>do test.ncl

3  uid_display_(Tru64_UNIX)

   By default, unique identification (UID) values are not displayed in
   NCL output.  Use the enable ncl uid display command if you wish to
   see this attribute displayed.  Use the following command to turn
   UID displays back off:

   disable ncl uid display

   For more information, refer to HELP NCL OUTPUT DISPLAYING_UIDS.

2   function 

    disable  [node node-id] function function-arg 


    disable function address watcher

    Disables node entity functions as specified by the function-arg.  
    Possible function-arg values are:

    address    Disabling this function causes the state attribute
    watcher    to be set to off, but the node can still respond to
               management through its CMIP interface. The disable
               function is only supported on OpenVMS.

    CMIP       Enabled automatically by the software. This
    listener   function permits the node to respond to management
               through its CMIP listener interface. The CMIP
               listener function is only supported on OSF/1.

2  nsp

   disable  [node node-id] nsp

2  osak

   Puts the OSAK entity in the NotAvailable state in which it does not
   accept any more inbound or outbound association requests, and 
   existing associations are aborted.  If the OSAK entity is already in
   the NotAvailable state, the command has no effect.

   disable  [node node-id] osak

2  osi_transport

   disable  [node node-id] osi transport

2  routing

   disable  [node node-id] routing

3  circuit

   disable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name


   disable routing circuit csmacd-1

4  ip_reachable_address

   disable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
            ip reachable address simple-name

4  reachable_address

   disable  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
            reachable address simple-name


   disable routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean

3  egp_group

   disable  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name

4  egp_neighbor

   disable  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name -
            egp neighbor neighbor-name

2  session_control

   disable  [node node-id] session control 

2  token_ring_(Tru64_UNIX)

   disable  [node node-id] token ring station station-name

2  x25_access

   disable  [node node-id] x25 access

3  application

   disable  [node node-id] x25 access -
         application application-name


   disable x25 access application X25_MAIL

2  x25_client_(OpenVMS)

   disable  [node node-id] x25 client

2  x25_protocol

   disable  [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name


   disable x25 protocol dte dte-1

2  x25_relay_(Alpha)

3  client

   disable  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name

3  pvc

   disable  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name

2  x25_server

   disable  [node node-id] x25 server

3  client

   disable  [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name

2  xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha)

3  sap

   disable  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name

   Disables a Service Access Point (SAP) subentity of the 
   X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) module.  The sap-name is a simple
   name which uniquely identifies a particular SAP 


   disable xot sap sap-0

4  link

   disable  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name

   Disables XOT communications with a particular remote system
   identified by the LINK's remote IP addres and remote RFC1613
   port number.  The sap-name and link-name are simple names
   which uniquely identify particular SAP and LINK instances.


   show xot sap sap-0 link * remote ip addr
   disable xot sap sap-0 link link-0