1  create
   Use the create command to create a module entity or a new 
   instance of an entity.

   Most entities support the create command; however, some entities
   are created automatically by software, and so do not support
   the create command. For example, entities that correspond to
   communications links are usually created dynamically as these
   links are opened.

2  alias_(OpenVMS)

   Creates the Alias module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY ALIAS for more
   information about this entity and its subentity.

   create  [node node-id] alias

   Select port for information on creating an alias port subentity.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An alias entity already exists.

o  wrong node type

   An alias entity cannot be created on an alias node.

3  port

   Creates an instance of an alias port entity.  An alias port entity
   provides a means to define an alternate network address for this 
   node, which is shared by other nodes in the same OpenVMS cluster.  
   create [node node-id] alias port port-name [node id LAN-address]

   The first node in the OpenVMS cluster to create an alias port for
   a particular alias address causes that alias to be created.  
   Subsequent nodes that create an alias port for the same alias 
   establish connections (ports) to that alias.  The alias becomes 
   active when the first node enables its alias port for that alias.

   The Node Id argument is optional.  It is a LAN address used to 
   build the Alias node NSAP.


   create alias port dec:.lkg.bulean node id aa-00-04-00-45-13

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An alias entity already exists.

o  too many alias port entities

   The maximum number of port entities has been exceeded.

2  csma-cd

   Creates the CSMA-CD module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY CSMA-CD for
   for information about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] csma-cd

   Select station for information on creating a csma-cd
   station subentity.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A csma-cd module already exists on the node specified.

3  station

   Creates an instance of a CSMA-CD station, using the specified 
   communications device.  The Communication Port argument is 

   create  [node node-id] csma-cd station station-name -
           communication port port-id

   Communication Port

   The Communication Port is the system device name assigned to 
   this station.  

   On Tru64 UNIX the port-id must be in the format ddn, where dd 
   is the device name prefix and n is the device number.

   On OpenVMS the port-id must be in the format ddc, where dd is 
   the device name prefix and c is the controller letter.

   Device Type  Tru64 UNIX 	 OpenVMS

   DEBNA                           et
   DEBNI                           et
   DELQA                           xq
   DELUA                           xe
   DEMNA           xna             ex
   DESVA                           es
   DEUNA                           xe
   DE422           ln              er
   KFE-32                          ef
   LANCE           ln   
   PMAD            ln              ec
   SGEC                            ez
   TGEC            te
   TULIP           tu              ew


   create csma-cd station csmacd-0 communication port EWA 

4  Exception_Messages
o  already exists

   A csma-cd station entity by that instance name already exists.

o  contraint violation

   That controller is already in use by some other csma-cd station.

o  process failure

   The communication port provided is invalid.

o  communication port in use

   The communication port is already reserved by another entity.

o  invalid communications port

   You cannot run CSMA/CD data links on this communications port.

o  no such object instance

   The CSMA-CD module has probably not been created yet.   On 
   OpenVMS, verify the contents of your NET$CSMACD_STARTUP.NCL 
   script.  You may need to run net$configure to reconfigure your 

2  ddcmp_(OpenVMS_VAX)

   Creates the DDCMP module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY DDCMP for
   more information about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] ddcmp

   Select link for information on creating ddcmp link and
   ddcmp link logical station subentities.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A DDCMP module already exists.

3  link

   Creates an instance of a ddcmp link entity which defines 
   the attributes of a link to a communications port that uses 

   create  [node node-id] ddcmp -
       link link-name [protocol protocol-type]

   The optional Protocol argument specifies the protocol mode used 
   by the local station.

   point      The local station is one end of a point-to-point link.
              This is the default and only supported value.

   tributary  The local station acts as a tributary of a multipoint


   create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 

   Select logical_station for information on creating ddcmp link
   logical station subentities.

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A ddcmp link entity by that instance name already exists.

4  logical_station

   Creates an instance of a ddcmp link logical station entity, 
   which manages a link to a remote station.  

   create  [node node-id] ddcmp link link-name -
        logical station station-name

   Station-name is the simplename chosen to identify this ddcmp 
   link logical station instance.


   create ddcmp link ddcmp-0 logical station ddcmp-0
5  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A ddcmp link logical station entity already exists.

o  maximum stations exceeded

   The station cannot be created because there are already the
   maximum stations defined for this link. This can occur when 
   there is already one logical station defined for that link.

2  device

   Creates the Device module.  For more information about this 
   entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY DEVICE.

   create  [node node-id] device

   Select unit for information on creating a device unit subentity.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A device module already exists.

3  unit

   Creates an instance of a device unit entity, which controls the
   loading and dumping of microcode for a specific communications 

   create  [node node-id] device unit devunit-name -
           name device-name

   Name is a required argument which specifies the physical device 
   this device unit entity controls.  Devunit-name is the 
   simplename which identifies this device unit instance.


   create device unit device-0 name DSV-0

2  dtss

   Creates a DECdts clerk or server process on the specified node.

   create [node node-id] dtss type type-argument

   The type argument is required.  It specifies whether the node 
   is a DECdts clerk or server.


   create dtss type clerk

2  event_dispatcher

   Creates the Event Dispatcher module.  For more information about
   this entity and its subentities, refer to 

   create [node node-id] event dispatcher

   Select outbound_stream for information on creating event dispatcher
   outbound stream subentities.  Select relay for information on
   creating the event dispatcher relay subentity.  Select sink for
   information on creating event dispatcher sink subentities.

3  Exception_Messages

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD 
   process is probably not running.  For instructions on restarting 

3  outbound_stream

   Creates an instance of an event dispatcher outbound stream entity.

   create [node node-id] event dispatcher -
       outbound stream stream-name [maximum buffer size integer]  

   An event dispatcher outbound stream entity represents an outgoing 
   connection to a sink on a local or remote node.  Stream-name is the 
   simplename which identifies this event dispatcher outbound stream 
   instance.  Maximum buffer size is an optional argument.  


   create event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream

4  maximum_buffer_size

   Maximum buffer size is an optional argument that specifies the 
   maximum number of octets to be used for event processing of this 
   stream. The current value is displayed in the buffer size status 
   attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the 
   implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold 
   the events lost event. It is recommended that you use the default 
   buffer size, which is 16384.


   create event dispatcher outbound stream local_stream -
       maximum buffer size 16384

4  Exception_Messages

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD 
   process is probably not running.  For instructions on restarting 

3  relay

   Creates an event dispatcher replay entity which processes events 
   from Phase IV systems.  It receives Phase IV format events and 
   posts them into the DECnet-Plus logging system.

   create  [node node-id] event dispatcher relay

4  Exception_Messages

o  process failure

   The event dispatcher relay entity probably already exists.

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD 
   process is probably not running.  For instructions on restarting 

3  sink

   Creates an instance of an event dispatcher sink entity.  

   create [node node-id] event dispatcher -
      sink sink-name [maximum buffer size integer]  

   A sink manages incoming connections and filters incoming events.  
   Each sink maintains a filter that is applied to all streams that 
   are assigned to that sink.  Sink-name is a simplename that 
   identifies this particular event dispatcher sink instance.  
   Maximum buffer size is an optional argument.


   create event dispatcher sink local_sink

4  maximum_buffer_size

   Maximum buffer size is an optional argument that specifies the
   maximum number of octets to be used for event processing of this 
   sink.  The current value is displayed in the buffer size status 
   attribute. You can specify a size smaller than the 
   implementation's default, provided it is still sufficient to hold 
   the events lost event. If the value specified is inadequate for 
   the events lost event, an "insufficient resources" exception is 
   returned.  It is recommended that you use the default buffer size, 
   which is 16384.


   create event dispatcher sink local_sink -
        maximum buffer size 16384

4  Exception_Messages

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   The Event Dispatcher has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$EVD 
   process is probably not running.  For instructions on restarting 

2  fddi

   Creates the FDDI module. Refer to HELP ENTITY FDDI for
   more information about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] fddi

   Select station for information on creating fddi station
3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   The FDDI module already exists on the specified node.

3  station

   Creates an instance of an FDDI station, using the specified 
   communications device. Station-name is a simplename that 
   identifies this particular FDDI station instance.  The 
   Communication Port argument is required.

   create  [node node-id] fddi station station-name -
           communication port port-id

   The Communication Port is the system device name assigned to this 

   On Tru64 UNIX the port-id must be in the format ddn, where dd 
   is the device name prefix and n is the device number.

   On OpenVMS the port-id must be in the format ddc, where dd is 
   the device name prefix and c is the controller letter.

   Device Type  Tru64 UNIX 	 OpenVMS

   DEFAA           faa              fa
   DEFEA           fta              fr
   DEFTA           fta              fc
   DEFPA           fta
   DEFQA                            fq   
   DEFZA           fza              fc
   DEMFA           mfa              fx
   FOCUS                            fw

   OpenVMS Example:

   create fddi station fddi-0 communication port FWA 

4  Exception_Messages

o  required argument omitted

   Communications port is a required argument for this command.

o  already exists

   An fddi station by that instance name already exists.

o  no such object instance

   The FDDI module has probably not been created yet.   On OpenVMS,
   verify the contents of your NET$FDDI_STARTUP.NCL script.  You 
   may need to run net$configure to reconfigure your devices.

2  frame_(OpenVMS)

   Creates the Frame module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY FRAME for more
   information about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] frame

   Select link for information on creating frame link subentities.

3  link

   Creates an instance of a frame link entity, which is associated with 
   a physical line and controls the framing protocol used on that line.  
   There is one frame link entity for each physical line.  The link-id
   is a simplename that identifies this frame link instance.  

   create  [node node-id] frame link link-id -
         protocol protocol-type [,control mode mode]

   The Protocol argument is required.  It determines the framing 
   protocol used over the link.  Possible protocol-type values are:
   bisync, hdlc, chips, sdlc, ddcmp, swift, and genbyte.

   The Control Mode argument is optional.

4  control_mode

   The optional Control Mode argument specifies the mode in which 
   the link operates.  This argument determines the value of the 
   control mode characteristic.  The default is point-to-point.  
   Possible mode values are:  multipoint master, multipoint 
   tributary, and point-to-point.

4  Exception_Messages

o  parent is disabled

   The frame entity was disabled when you issued this create
   command. Enable the frame entity and then reissue this command.

2  hdlc

   Creates an HDLC module entity.  For more information, refer to 

   create  [node node-id] hdlc

   Select link for information on creating hdlc link and hdlc link
   logical station subentities.

3  link

   Creates an instance of an HDLC link entity, which is associated with 
   a port of the supporting physical layer module.  It contains 
   attributes common to local HDLC operations for all logical stations 
   on that line.

   create [node node-id] hdlc -
      link link-name [linktype link-type] [,profile latin1string] 

   Link-name is a simplename that identifies this HDLC link instance.
   The Linktype and Profile arguments are optional.


   create hdlc link hdlc-0

   Select logical_station for information on creating hdlc link 
   logical station subentities.

4  linktype

   The optional Linktype argument specifies the operational mode of 
   the HDLC link, determining how the logical station operates. This 
   value is negotiated with the remote station. This argument 
   determines the value of the link type characteristic.

   balanced   The logical station operates in asynchronous response
              balanced mode. This is the default value of the

   primary    The logical station is the primary and operates in
              normal response mode.
   secondary  The logical station is a secondary and operates in
              normal response mode.


   create hdlc link hdlc-0 linktype primary 

4  profile

   The optional Profile argument specifies a string of information 
   that can be used when the HDLC protocol is dependent on network 
   subscription time commitments pertinent to the Data Link layer. 
   When specified, the values of some link characteristics may be
   overridden. This argument determines the value of the profile 
   characteristic. The default value of this argument is a null 
   string, meaning that no profile is used.

4  logical_station

   Creates an instance of the HDLC link logical station entity,
   which controls the characteristics of an HDLC logical station. 

   create  [node node-id] hdlc link link-name -
           logical station station-name

   There is one station for each remote termination of a line
   associated with the HDLC link.  The station-name is a 
   simplename that identifies this HDLC link logical station 


   create hdlc link hdlc-0 logical station hdlc-0

2  lapb

   Creates the LAPB module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY LAPB for more 
   information about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] lapb

   Select link for information on creating lapb link subentities.

3  link

   Creates an instance of a LAPB link entity.  Such an instance is 
   associated with a port of the supporting Physical Layer and 
   contains attributes that describe local LAPB operation.  

   create  [node node-id] lapb link link-name profile string

   Link-name is a simplename that identifies this LAPB link 
   instance.  The required argument Profile is the name of the 
   X.25 Level 2 Profile that defines subscription details 
   associated with the PSDN to which this DTE is connected.


   create lapb link link-0 profile "AUSTPAC"

2  llc2

   Creates an LLC2 module.  For more information about this 
   entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY LLC2.

   create [node node-id] llc2
   Select sap for information on creating llc2 sap and llc2
   sap link subentities.

3  sap

   Creates an instance of an LLC2 service access point entity.  
   Such an instance allows links to be multiplexed over its 
   associated LLC2 port.  This instance is identified by the 
   simplename sap-name.

   create [node node-id] llc2 sap sap-name


   create llc2 sap sap-0
   Select link for information on creating llcs sap link 

4  link

   Creates an instance of the LLC2 sap link entity.  Each instance 
   of an LLC2 sap link entity represents one of the links that 
   operates over a particular service access point.  Link-name is 
   the simplename that identifies this particular LLC2 sap link 

   create [node node-id] llc2 sap sap-name link link-name


   create llc2 sap sap-0 link dte-1

2   modem_connect
    Creates the Modem Connect module.  For more information about this 
    entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY MODEM_CONNECT.

    create  [node node-id] modem connect 

    Select line for information on creating modem connect line 

3   Exception_Messages

o   Already exists

    A modem connect module already exists on the specified node.

3  line

   Creates an instance of the modem connect line entity.  This 
   modem connect line entity is associated with a physical circuit on 
   the node.  Usually, there is one line entity for each circuit.  
   Line-name is a simplename that identifies this modem connect line

   create  [node node-id] modem connect line line-name -
            communication port port-name [,optional arguments...]

   The required Communications Port argument specifies the name of 
   the communications port to which the communications line is 

   The optional arguments for the create modem connect line command 
   are:  communications mode, duplex, connection type (Tru64 UNIX), 
   profile, and rate select (OpenVMS).


   create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
        communication port DSY-0-0

   create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -
        communication port DMB-0-0, -
        communications mode synchronous, duplex full

   create modem connect line dsv-0 -
        communication port DSV-0-0, -
        profile "NORMAL"

4  communications_mode 

   The optional Communications Mode argument specifies the 
   communications method used on the link.  Possible comm-mode 
   values are:  asynchronous and synchronous.  The default 
   value is taken from the device capability.  If that is 
   unknown, the default is synchronous.  


   create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
        communication port DSY-0-0, -
        communications mode synchronous

4  connection_type_(Tru64_UNIX)

   The optional Connection Type argument specifies the type of 
   connection.  Possible conn-type values are: nonswitched and 
   switched.  The default value is taken from the device 
   capability. If this is unknown, the default is switched.  

4  duplex 

   The optional Duplex argument specifies whether the line 
   is full or half duplex.  Possible duplex-type values are:

   full      The line has full-duplex capabilities.

   half      The line has only half-duplex capabilities.

   The default value is taken from the device capability. 
   If that is unknown, the default is full. 


   create modem connect line DDCMP-0 -
        communication port DMB-0-0, duplex full

4  profile

   The optional Profile attribute specifies the name of a 
   local profile to be used with the line. Specify the name 
   as a latin1string.  On OpenVMS, you must include the profile
   name in quotes.


   create modem connect line dsv-0 -
        communication port DSV-0-0, -
        profile "NORMAL"

4  rate_select_(OpenVMS)

   The optional Rate Select argument specifies which of the 
   line rates is to be used if none is specified when a call 
   is set up.  

   high    The value of the "speed" characteristic is used. 
           This is the default.

   low     The value of the "alternate speed" characteristic 
           is used.


   create modem connect line DSY-0-0 -
        communication port DSY-0-0, -
        rate select low

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A modem connect line entity with the specified name already 
   exists on the specified node.

o  communications port in use

   Another entity has reserved the communications port specified in
   the command. Check that you specified the correct port. Reissue
   the command specifying another port or modify the other entity to
   use a different port.

2  mop

   Creates the MOP module.  For information about this entity and 
   its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY MOP.  For information about
   managing MOP, refer to HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP.

   create  [node node-id] mop

   Select circuit for information on creating mop circuit subentities.

   Select client for information on creating mop client subentities.

3  Exception_Messages
o  already exists

   A MOP module already exists.

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   MOP has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP process has probably 
   not been properly started.  See HELP NETWORK_MANAGEMENT MOP for
   further information.

3  circuit

   Creates an instance of a mop circuit entity, identified by the 
   circuit-name simplename.  This mop circuit entity is a data link on 
   which MOP services are available.  The required Type attribute 
   specifies the type of circuit.

   create  [node node-id] mop circuit circuit-name type circ-type


   create mop circuit csmacd-1 type csma-cd

4  Exception_Messages

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   MOP has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP process has 
   probably not been properly started.  For more information,

o  unsupported circuit type

   Type argument value is not supported in this implementation.

o  already exists

   A mop circuit by this name already exists.

3  client

   Creates an instance of a mop client entity, identified by the 
   client-name simplename.  A mop client is a set of default 
   characteristics saved in the MOP Client database.  

   create  [node node-id] mop client client-name

   These default characteristics are used by several MOP functions:  
   dump/load server, load requester, loop requester, and console 
   requester.  When a command or request for one of these 
   services does not supply all of the required arguments, the 
   values stored in the MOP client database for that client are 
   used to perform the operation.


   create mop client lamchp

4  Exception_Messages

o  entity class not supported (OpenVMS)

   The MOP entity has not registered with EMAA.  The NET$MOP 
   process has probably not been started.  For more information,

o  already exists

   The a mop client by that instance name already exists.

o  no such object instance

   MOP has not been properly started or configured.

2  nsp

   Creates the NSP module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY NSP for information
   about this entity and its subentities.
   create  [node node-id] nsp

3  Exception_Messages

o  Already Exists

   The create fails if the nsp module already exists.

2  osak

   Creates the OSAK module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY OSAK for information
   about this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] osak

   Select application for information on creating osak application 
   and osak application invocation subentities on OpenVMS.

3  Exception_Message

o  entity exists

   An osak entity already exists.

3  application_(OpenVMS)

   Creates an osak application entity which represents an OSI application
   and is created each time an OSI application that is running over the
   OSAK software opens an initiator or a responder.  The entity also
   records information about the name and address of an application.

   create  [node node-id] osak application "presentation address"

   For OpenVMS, an osak application entity has zero or more application-
   entity invocations, each represented by an OSAK application invocation
   entity.  In addition to recording information about the name and 
   address of an application, it also records information that controls
   the way in which inbound association requests for that application
   are handled by the OSAK software.

   You should create an osak application and an osak application 
   invocation for each passive application that you want to run, 
   identifying the application by its presentation address.  Also,
   an osak application entity is created automatically for an active
   application and deleted at the end of the connection.


   create osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS"

4  invocation_(OpenVMS)

   Creates an osak application invocation entity which represents one
   invocation of an application.  

   create  [node node-id] osak application "presentation address"
           invocation invocation-identifier

   An osak application invocation entity can be created in two ways:

   o  Automatically, each time an OSI application that is running over
      the OSAK software opens an initiator or a responder

   o  Manually, when you use this create command to create a passive
      application, which becomes active only when your OpenVMS system
      receives an OSI call for that particular application invocation.


   create osak application "'0001'H/'0001'H/'0004'H/NS+21,CLNS" -
           invocation [AP_Invocation = -1, AE_Invocation = -1]

2  osi_transport

   Creates the OSI Transport module.  Refer to HELP ENTITY OSI_TRANSPORT
   for information concerning this entity and its subentities.

   create  [node node-id] osi transport

   Select application for information on creating osi transport
   application subentities on OpenVMS.  

   Select template for information on creating osi transport templates.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An osi transport entity already exists.

3  application_(OpenVMS)
   Creates an instance of the osi transport application entity.  That 
   instance is identified by the simplename application-name.  

   create  [node node-id] osi transport -
          application application-name

   An OSI Transport Application stores information about an end user 
   that is activated for receipt of an incoming connection request when 
   the request contains that end user's name in its Destination Name 


   create osi transport application osit$ivp

3  template

   Creates a instance of an osi transport template entity, identified 
   by the simplename used in place of template-id. 

   create  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id

   An OSI Transport Template entity provides a collection of 
   characteristics that supply default values for certain parameters 
   that influence the operation of a port on a transport connection.  
   One template, with the reserved template-id of "default", is 
   automatically created when the osi transport entity is created.  
   This template is used by default when a user does not specify a 
   template-id in a call to establish a connection.  The default 
   template is deleted automatically when the osi transport entity 
   is deleted.  Similarly, the initial values of the attributes in a 
   template are the same as the current values in the default 


   create osi transport template osit$rfc1006plus

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An osi transport template entity by that instance name already 

2  routing

   Creates the routing entity.  For information about the Routing
   entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY ROUTING.

   create  [node node-id] routing  type routing-type

   The Type argument is required.  It determines the value
   of the type characteristic attribute.  These are the possible
   routing-type values:

   endnode    The node is an end system.

   L1router   The node is a level 1 router.

   L2router   The node is a level 2 router.


   create routing type endnode

   Select circuit for information on creating routing circuit,
   routing circuit adjacency, and routing circuit reachable
   address subentities.

   Select egp_group for information on creating routing egp
   group and routing egp group egp neighbor subentities.

   Select permitted_neighbor for information on creating 
   routing permitted neighbor subentities.

3  Exception_Messages
o  already exists

   A routing entity already exists.

o  invalid router type

   The type argument specifies an invalid router type on the create

3  circuit

   Creates an instance of a routing circuit entity which represents 
   a data link to another node, specified by the simple name 

   create  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
         type circuit-type

   The Type argument is required.  Possible circuit-type values are:

   csma-cd             - a broadcast circuit
   ddcmp               - a DDCMP circuit
   fddi                - an FDDI large packet circuit
   hdlc                - an HDLC circuit
   x25 da              - a dynamically allocated X.25 circuit
   x25 permanent       - an X.25 permanent virtual circuit
   x25 static incoming - a static incoming X.25 circuit
   x25 static outgoing - a static outgoing X.25 circuit

   On OpenVMS for FDDI routing circuits, the type should only be 
   fddi if large packet support is in use, otherwise the type should 
   be csma-cd.


   create routing circuit fddi-1 type csma-cd

   create routing circuit fddi-1 type fddi ! for large packet support

   Select adjacency for information on creating routing circuit
   adjacency subentities.  

   Select reachable_address for information on creating routing 
   circuit reachable address subentities.

4  Exception_Messages

o  invalid circuit type

   The specified circuit type is invalid.


   reason     Reason why the circuit type is invalid.

   1          A dynamically allocated X.25 circuit type is not
              permitted for a level 1 router.

o  maximum circuits exceeded

   An attempt has been made to create more than the maximum number
   of circuits allowed.

4  adjacency

   Creates an instance of a routing circuit adjacency.  An 
   adjacency describes a neighboring node that is accessible 
   through a particular circuit.  

   This create command is allowed only if the circuit is a 
   csma-cd circuit and the type is L1router or L2router.  

   create  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
                  adjacency adjacency-name, -
                  endnode ids {id[,id...]}, -
                  LAN address LAN-address [,data format string]

   The required Endnode IDs argument is a set of source system 
   IDs.  The required LAN Address argument is the Data Link
   address from which the adjacency receives end system hellos.  
   The optional Data Format argument is the format of the reachable 

4  reachable_address

   Creates a routing circuit reachable address entity instance
   which contains information about a manually entered address 
   prefix accessible over that circuit. It exists only on L2 
   routers and end nodes.  

   create  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simple-name -
        address prefix address-prefix

   On an end system, the type may be "outbound" or (for a 
   broadcast circuit only) "filter".  A reachable address of
   type outbound behaves in a way similar to that on an L2
   router except that the routing information is used to 
   control the operation of the ES cache.  A reachable address
   of type filter (for the broadcast circuit only) specifies
   the permitted LAN addresses of routers on the LAN that will
   be used by the reverse path cache algorithm.  To switch
   between outbound and filter types, the reachable address
   must first be disabled.  For either outbound or filter type,
   the mapping attribute should be set to manual because the
   default is X.121.

   The address prefix argument is required.  It specifies the 
   address prefix to which this reachable address corresponds.


   create routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean -
          address prefix 49::4

5  Exception_Messages
o  address prefix not unique

   A reachable address already exists with the specified address

o  invalid address prefix

   Specified address prefix has more than two digits, and does not
   correspond to a valid AFI.

o  non DA circuit

   A reachable address on an endnode can only be created on a DA

3  egp_group

   Creates a routing egp group defining a set of systems in the same
   autonomous system with which this sytem may exchange EGP messages.

   create  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name

   This entity is supported only on Level 2 routers that support dual
   routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).

4  egp_neighbor

   Creates a routing egp group egp neighbor entity which defines one of 
   the systems in the same autonomous group defined by the owning egp 
   group entity.  

   create  [node node-id] routing egp group group-name egp neighbor -
           neighbor-name  ip address ip-address

   This entity is supported only on Level 2 routers that 
   support dual routing (and, in particular, the EGP routing protocol).

5  Exception_Messages

o  duplicate ip address

   An EGP neighbor with this IP address already exists in this EGP

3  permitted_neighbor 

   Creates a routing permitted neighbor entity instance which 
   represents a neighboring node on a nonbroadcast circuit that 
   is permitted to connect to this node.  Neighbor-name is a 
   simple name.  ID is the node ID of a potential neighbor node.

   create  [node node-id] routing -
           permitted neighbor neighbor-name -
           id node-id


   create routing permitted neighbor nashua_decnet-osi -
          id 08-00-2b-12-34-56

   create routing permitted neighbor nashua_phase_iv -
          id aa-00-04-00-12-34

4  Exception_Messages

o  duplicate node id

   A routing permitted neighbor entity with the specified node ID
   already exists.


   name       The name of the permitted neighbor that already has
              this node ID.

o  permitted neighbor already exists

   A routing permitted neighbor entity with the specified name
   already exists.

2  session_control

   Creates the Session Control module.  For information about this
   entity and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY SESSION_CONTROL.

   create  [node node-id] session control

   Select application for information on creating session control
   application subentities.

   Select proxy for information on creating session control proxy
   subentities on Tru64 UNIX.

   Select transport_service for information on creating session
   control transport service subentities.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A session control entity already exists.

3  application

   Creates a session control application entity instance which stores
   information about an end user that this activated for receipt of an
   incoming connection request when the request contains that end user's
   name in its destination name field.  Application-name is the simple
   name assigned to the application when it is created.

   create  [node node-id] session control application application-name


   create session control application task

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An instance of a session control application entity by that name
   already exists.

3  proxy_(Tru64_UNIX)

   create  [node node-id] session control proxy name

   Name is the simple name assigned to a particular entity instance. 
   The name is the management identifier for the proxy database entry 
   and is kept unique among the entries in this database maintained by
   Session Control.

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A session control proxy entity already exists.

3  transport_service

   Creates an instance of a session control transport service 
   entity which stores information about modules in the 
   Transport layer that support Session Control.  

   create  [node node-id] session control -
           transport service transport-name  -
           protocol protocol-id [,tsel hex-string]

   The Protocol argument is required.  It specifies the transport 
   protocol to be used by this transport service:

   '04'H      This transport service uses the NSP transport 

   '05'H      This transport service uses version 1 of the 
              OSI transport protocol.
   The optional TSEL argument is only applicable for the OSI 


   create session control transport service nsp protocol %X04

   create session control transport service osi protocol %X05

4  tsel 

   The Transport Selector is used by the OSI Transport Module 
   to bind incoming connection requests to session control. 
   The default value is the hexadecimal representation of 
   "DEC0". This argument is not applicable for NSP transport.


   create session control -
           transport service osi protocol %X05, tsel %DEC0

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   This session control transport service entity already exists.

o  duplicate protocol

   The session control transport service entity fails on creation
   because the protocol already exists.

o  protocol not supported

   The session control transport service entity fails on creation
   because the protocol is not supported by this module.

2  token_ring_(Tru64_UNIX) 

   Creates the Token Ring module.  For information about this entity
   and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY TOKEN_RING.

   create  [node node-id] token ring

   Select station for information on creating token ring station 
   and token ring station fa map subentities.

3  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A token ring entity already exists.

3  station

   Creates an instance of a token ring station.

   create [node node-id] token ring station station-name -
       communication port device-name [,mode loopback-or-normal]
       [,transparent source routing enabled]

   The Communication Port is required.  It specifies a Tru64 UNIX 
   device name to assign to this station. The name must be in the 
   format ddn, where dd is the device name prefix and n is the 
   device number.

   Device	device-name

   DETRA	tra0

   Select FA_map for information on creating token ring station
   fa map subentities.

4  FA_map

   create  [node node-id] token ring station station-name -
                          FA map famap-id

5  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   An FA map entity with the same identifier already exists.

4  mode 

   The mode in which this station will be enabled.  Can be 
   either normal (default) or loopback.

4  transparent_source_routing 

   Indicates whether the transparent source routing 
   functionality will or will not be enabled. The default is 
   enabled. This value cannot be disabled.

4  Exception_Messages

o  already exists

   A token ring station entity already exists.

o  communication port in use

   A communication port is already reserved by another entity.

o  invalid communication port

   Cannot run Token Ring data link on this communication port.

2  x25_access

   Creates the X.25 Access module on the system.  The Maximum Active
   Ports argument is optional.  It specifies the maximum number of 
   ports that can be created on this system. 

   create  [node node-id] x25 access [maximum active ports integer]

   For more information about the X.25 Access entity and its 
   subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY X25_ACCESS. 

3  application

   Creates an X.25 Access Application entity instance which defines an
   application to be executed for an incoming call.

   create  [node node-id] x25 access application application-name


   create x25 access application X29_LOGIN

   create X25 access application X25_MAIL

   create X25 access application APPLICATION_0

3  dte_class

   Creates an X25 access dte class entity which defines a named class of
   DTEs which is a group of local DTEs or a group of DTEs on a remote
   gateway system.  

   create  [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name -
           type local-or-remote  
           [,profile profile-name] (Tru64 UNIX)

   Type is a required argument.  Profile is an optional Tru64
   UNIX argument used to supply default values for the X.121 mapping
   attribute in this entity. 


   create x25 access dte class dte-0 type local

   create x25 access dte class AUSTPAC type local

   create x25 access dte class REMOTE-CLASS-0 type remote

3  filter

   Creates an X.25 access filter entity which defines the criteria by
   which the destination of an incoming call is determined.

   create  [node node-id] x25 access filter filter-name


   create x25 access filter FILTER_0

3  reachable_address

   Creates an X.25 access reachable address entity which maps a
   destination network service access point (NSAP) address in an 
   outgoing call to a DTE class/DTE address pair.  

   create [node node-id] x25 access -
           reachable address address-name -
           address prefix address-prefix

   The Address Prefix argument is required.  It is the leading 
   substring of an NSAP address associated with this reachable 
   address entity.


   create x25 access reachable address x121 address prefix 37

4  Exception_Messages

o  address prefix not unique

   A reachable address with the specified prefix already exists.

3  security_dte_class

   Creates an X.25 access security dte class entity which is used to
   control inbound and outbound calls.

   create  [node node-id] x25 access -
           security dte class class-name

4  remote_dte

   Creates an X.25 access security dte class remote dte instance 
   which is a collection of access control attributes that 
   control inbound calls from and outbound calls to a set of 
   remote DTEs.  

   create  [node node-id] x25 access -
           security dte class class-name -
           remote dte dte-name -
           remote address prefix dte-address-prefix

   The Remote Address Prefix argument is required.  It is a 
   leading substring of a DTE address associated with this 
   remote address entity. Wildcards can be used in the address 


   create x25 access -
          security dte class Default remote dte remdte-0 -
          remote address prefix 9876*

3  security_filter

   Creates an X.25 access security filter entity which is a 
   collection of access control attributes that control access 
   to one or more filters.

   create [node node-id] x25 access security filter filter-name


   create x25 access security filter APPL_APPLICATION_0

3  template

   Creates an X.25 access template entity which is used to 
   supply default values for call parameters when an outgoing 
   call is made.  Values in a template can be overridden by 
   user-supplied values.

   create  [node node-id] x25 access template template-name


   create x25 access template TEMPLATE-0

2  x25_client_(OpenVMS)

   Creates an X.25 client module which describes the X.25 client 
   interface in an accessing system, through which X.25 clients gain 
   access to a PSDN via an X.25 server in a gateway system.  For 
   information about the X25 Client entity, refer to HELP ENTITY 

   create  [node node-id] x25 client
            [maximum session connections integer]
            [,incoming session template simple-name]

   The Maximum Session Connections and Incoming Session Template 
   arguments are optional.

3  maximum_session_connections 

   Maximum number of concurrent Session Control connections that can
   be supported by the X.25 Client module. This argument determines
   the value of the maximum session connections characteristic. If
   not specified, the implementation-specific default value of the
   characteristic maximum session connections is used.

3  incoming_session_template

   The Session Control template specified for an open/incoming 
   connection at the end-user Session Control interface.

2  x25_protocol

   Creates the X.25 Protocol module which operates the packet level
   protocol interface to a PSDN, as defined by the CCITT and ISO.

   create  [node node-id] x25 protocol

   For information about the X25 Protocol entity and its subentities,

   Select dte for information on creating x25 protocol dte and 
   x25 protocol dte pvc subentities.

   Select group for information on creating x25 protocol groups.

3  dte

   Creates an X.25 protocol dte entity which describes a local DTE.

   create  [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -
            profile profile-name [,maximum active circuits integer]

   The Profile argument is required.  It is the name of the profile 
   that supplies subscription details of the PSDN to which the DTE is 

   The Maximum Active Circuits argument is optional.  It specifies
   the number of virtual circuits that can be active at any time on 
   the DTE for SVCs and PVCs (OpenVMS). 


   create x25 protocol dte dte-1 profile "ISO8881"

4  pvc

   Creates an X.25 protocol dte pvc entity which describes a 
   permanent virtual circuit (PVC).  

   create [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -
       pvc pvc-name -
       channel integer [,packet size integer] [,window size integer]

   The Channel argument is required.  It is the concatenated logical 
   channel group and logical channel number for the PVC, and it 
   should be a unique value among PVCs on this DTE.  These channel 
   numbers must not be present in the incoming list or outgoing list 
   of the parent DTE. 

   Packet Size and Window Size are optional arguments.


   create x25 protocol dte dte-0 pvc PVC-0 channel 5

5  packet_size 

   Packet size, in octets, for the PVC. This argument determines
   the value of the packet size characteristic. This value should
   be within the maximum and minimum packet size specifier by the
   parent DTE.

5  window_size 

   Window size for the PVC. This argument determines the value of
   the window size characteristic. This value should be within the
   maximum and minimum window size specifier by the parent DTE.

5  Exception_Messages

o  name not unique

   The PVC entity is not unique at the gateway system.

3  group

   Creates an X.25 protocol group entity which specifies a number of
   DTEs that make up a closed user group (CUG).

   create  [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name


   create x25 protocol group GROUP-0

2  x25_relay_(Alpha)

   Creates an X.25 relay entity which accepts an incoming call from one
   client and redirects it to another client.  For information about 
   the X25 Relay entity and its subentities, refer to 

   create [node node-id] x25 relay [maximum active connections integer]

   The Maximum Active Connections argument is optional.  It specifies
   the maximum number of active connections supported.

3  client

   Creates an X.25 relay client which provides a set of default values
   to be used to set up a relay between an incoming call and an 
   outgoing call.

   create  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name

3  pvc

   Creates an X.25 relay pvc entity which provides a set of
   default values to be used to establish a connection to a 
   client over a permanent virtual circuit (PVC).  

   create  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name -
           type local-or-remote

   The Type argument is required, either local or remote.


   create x25 relay pvc pvc-0 type local

2  x25_server

   Creates X.25 server module which represents the X.25 server that runs
   on a gateway system.  The X.25 server serves X.25 clients on accessing
   systems, providing X.25 access to systems that do not have a direct
   connection to a PSDN.  For information about the X25 Server entity
   and its subentities, refer to HELP ENTITY X25_SERVER.

   create  [node node-id] x25 server
            [maximum session connections number]
            [,incoming session template simple-name]  (Tru64 UNIX)

   The Maximum Session Connections optional argument that specifies 
   the number of incoming and outgoing connections that may be 
   supported concurrently.

   Incoming Session Template is an optional argument for Tru64 UNIX
   that specifies the Session Control template used to filter 
   incoming session control connection requests. 

3  client

   Creates an x25 server client entity which provides a set of 
   default values to be used to establish a Session Control 
   connection with an X.25 client when an incoming call arrives 
   for that client.  You should create an x25 server client entity 
   for each X.25 client with which the gateway system is associated.

   create  [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name

3  security_nodes

   Creates an x25 server security nodes entity which defines a set of
   rights identifiers associated with calls issued by the X.25 Server
   module (on behalf of the X.25 Client module at an accessing system)
   to the X.25 Access module at the gateway system.  These rights 
   identifiers are used when making access control checks on the DTE
   class specified when a call is made.

   create  [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name

2  xot_(OpenVMS_Alpha)

   Creates the X.25 Over TCP/IP (XOT) module.   

   create [node node-id] xot

3  sap

   create [node node-id] xot sap sap-name

   Creates a Service Access Point (SAP) entity which specifies the
   point at which the XOT entity gains access to the TCP/IP 
   environment for the purposes of listening for inbound XOT 
   connections.  The sap-name is a simple name that uniquely
   identifies a particular SAP instance.

   By default a XOT SAP is created with the local ip address of, which indicates that the SAP will listen on any
   available IP interface, for example:

   create xot sap sap-0  
   enable xot sap sap-0  

   Or you may choose to create one or more SAP entities to listen
   on specific IP interfaces, as in:

   create xot sap sap-0              
   set xot sap sap-0 -              
     local ip address  
   enable xot sap sap-0              
   create xot sap sap-1              
   set xot sap sap-1 -              
     local ip address  
   enable xot sap sap-1

   However, if multiple SAP entities are created, then none of 
   them can use the local ip address of  

4  link

   create  [node node-id] xot sap sap-name link link-name

   Creates a LINK entity which represents a remote system 
   with which XOT is allowed to communicate.  The sap-name
   and link-name are simple names which uniquely identify 
   particular SAP and LINK instances.

   To set up a XOT link, you must first create a SAP.  A SAP
   is required so that a number of XOT links can use a single
   RFC1613 port.   


   create xot sap sap-0 
   enable xot sap sap-0
   create xot sap sap-0 link link-0
   set xot sap sap-0 link link-0 -
        remote ip addr
   enable xot sap sap-0 link link-0

5  Exception_messages

o  Already exists

   The link entity by this name already exists.

4  Exception_messages

o  Already exists

   A SAP entity by this name already exists.