1  add

   Some characteristic attributes have a value that consists of a
   set of values. Use the add command to add one or more new values
   to a set value. For example:

   ncl> add node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_2,filter_3}

   adds two new values, filter_2 and filter_3, to the set of values
   represented by the cons filters characteristic of the OSI
   Transport entity. The values are enclosed in { }, and if more
   than one value is to be added in the same command, each value is
   separated from the previous value by a comma.

   To specify the empty set (that is, a set with no values), specify
   {} as the value.

   Similarly, use the remove command to remove one or more values
   from a set value. For example:

   ncl> remove node 0 osi transport cons filters {filter_3}

   removes the value filter_3 from the set.

   Use the add and remove commands only on characteristics with set
   values (as indicated in the description of the characteristic).

   You can also use the set command to change the values of a set-
   valued characteristic. However, the set command replaces the
   current contents of the set with the values you specified.

2  modem_connect

   Adds a set of modem capabilities of a modem connect line.

   add  [node node-id] modem connect line line-id -
         modem options {option[,option...]}

   The modem options are:

   dialout          The modem can dial the remote modem.  Supported 
                    only if the value of communications type is 
                    switched.  Supported on Tru64 UNIX only.

   direct           The modem is directly connected to the remote
                    modem through a non-switched line.  Supported
                    only if accompanied with dialout and used only
                    when the modem protocol type supports direct
                    dial.  Supported on Tru64 UNIX only.

   rate select      The modem is capable of data rate selection.

   You can issue this command only when the entity is disabled.


   add node remnod modem connect line dsb-0-0_callit-zwa-1 -
         modem options {rate select}

2  mop_client

   The add command can be used to modify the following attributes 
   of a particular MOP Client entity:  addresses, or device types.

3  addresses

   Modifies the Addresses attribute of the specified MOP Client
   to include at least the address or addresses in the specified set.

   add [node node-id] mop client client-name -
       addresses {lan-address[,lan-address...]} 

   For OpenVMS, Phase IV nodes can use an extended DECnet LAN 
   address in addition to their hardware address, so you must 
   include both of these addresses in the addresses set. To 
   calculate the extended DECnet address, express the Phase IV 
   node address as a four-digit hex integer, then add the 
   prefix AA-00-04-00.

   For example, if the Phase IV node named IMPLY has an 
   address of 4.260:

    =>      4 * 1024 + 260
    =>      4356 (decimal)
    =>      1104 (hex)
    =>      AA-00-04-00-04-11 


   add mop client imply -
       addresses {08-00-2b-13-d6-e0, aa-00-04-00-04-11}

3  device_types

   Modifies the Device Types attribute of the MOP Client to 
   include at least the specified device type or types.  

   add [node node-id] mop client client-name -
       device types {type[,type...]}

   Use Device Type and omit the address if you want to set up a generic
   client entity.  The entity will be used for any incoming
   load and dump requests that specify a matching communication
   device type. 

2  osi_transport

   The add command can be used to modify the following attributes of 
   the OSI Transport module:  cons nsap addresses, cons filters,
   or rfc1006 listener ports.  For more information on those commands
   select the appropriate attribute.

   Select template for the add command that modifies the classes of
   an osi transport template.

3  cons_nsap_addresses

   Modifies the CONS NSAP Addresses attribute of the OSI Transport
   entity to include at least the specified NSAP or NSAPs.  

   add  [node node-id] osi transport -
         cons nsap addresses {nsap[,nsap...]}

   CONS NSAP Addresses is a set of the valid NSAP addresses for use 
   with CONS.  One or more NSAPs must be specified to run COTS over 
   CONS.  See the DECnet-Plus Planning Guide for more information.

3  cons_filters

   Modifies the CONS Filters attribute of the OSI Transport entity to
   include at least the specified filter name or names.  

   add  [node node-id] osi transport -
         cons filters {simplename[,simplename...]}

   This CONS Filters attribute specifies the set of X.25 Access module 
   filters used to determine which inbound network connection requests 
   should be directed to the transport entity.  You can modify this 
   characteristic only when the entity is disabled. 

   For each CONS Filter, there must be a corresponding X25 Access
   Template with the same name.  One or more of these filters must
   be specified in order to run COTS over CONS.  The X.25 access
   filter named "OSI Transport" is typically used.  


   add node remnod osi transport cons filters -
       {"OSI Transport"}

3  template

   Modifies the Classes attribute of the specified OSI Transport 
   Template instance to include at least the specified class or 

   add  [node node-id] osi transport template template-id -
         classes {class[,class...]}

   The Classes attribute is a set of protocol classes that can be
   negotiated for use on a transport connection.  If the value of
   the Network Service attribute is CLNS, the class must be a subset
   of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute CLNS
   Classes Supported.  If the value is CONS, the classes must be
   a subset of the classes supported by the OSI Transport attribute
   CONS Classes Supported.  If the value of the Network Service
   attribute is ANY, the classes must be a subset of the combined
   classes in the CLNS Classes Supported and CONS Classes 
   supported attributes.


   add node remnod osi transport -
         template osit$loop_cons classes {0,2,4}   

3  rfc1006_listener_ports_(OpenVMS)
   Modifies the RFC1006 Listener Ports attribute of the OSI Transport
   entity to include at least the port or ports specified.  

   add  [node node-id] osi transport -
         RFC1006 listener ports {port[,port...]} 

   The RFC1006 Listener Ports attribute set contains the names of the 
   TCP listener ports used to receive inbound RFC 1006 connection 
   requests.  Port 102 is applicable for RFC 1006 (OSI over TCP/IP) 
   connections, and port 399 is applicable for RFC 1859 (DECnet over 
   TCP/IP) connections.  You can only remove RFC1006 Listener Ports 
   when the entity is disabled.


   add node remnod osi transport RFC1006 listener -
         ports {102, 399}

2  routing

   The add command can be used to modify the following attributes of 
   the Routing module:  manual area addresses, or manual network 
   entity titles.

   Select one of those attributes for further information, or select
   circuit for information on add commands that apply to the 
   routing circuit entity and its reachable address subentity.

3  circuit

   The add command can be used to modify the manual routers attribute
   of a routing circuit.  Select manual_routers for further 
   information on that command.

   Select reachable_address for information on add commands that 
   modify the dte addresses and permitted LAN addresses attributes
   of a particular routing circuit reachable address.

4  manual_routers

   Modifies the Manual Routers attribute of the specified Routing
   Circuit instance to include at least the address or addresses

   add  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        manual routers {address[,address...]}

   Manual Routers

   Support: End
   Default: No router IDs     Value: Set of LAN addresses
   Manually entered IDs of routers. If this set is empty, the
   circuit will auto-configure the routers. This characteristic is
   supported only if the circuit's characteristic type is csma-cd.
   For Tru64 UNIX, a maximum of 5 routers can be in the set.


   add routing circuit csmacd-1 manual routers -

4  reachable_address

   The add command can be used to modify the following attributes
   of a particular routing circuit reachable address entity:
   dte addresses, or permitted lan addresses.

5  dte_addresses

   Modifies the DTE Addresses attribute of the specified Reachable
   Address instance on a particular Routing Circuit to include
   at least the address or addresses specified.

   add  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simplename -
        dte addresses {address[,address...]}

   DTE Addresses

   Support: End,L2
   Default: No DTE addresses        Value: Set of DTE addresses
   A set of DTE addresses to which a call may be directed in order
   to reach an address that matches the address prefix of this
   reachable address.

   This characteristic is supported if the node is a level 2 router,
   where the owning circuit's characteristic type is one of the X.25
   circuit types, and the reachable address's characteristic type
   is outbound. It is also supported by end nodes operating over an
   x25 da circuit. You can modify this characteristic only when the
   entity is disabled.

5  permitted_LAN_addresses

   Modifies the Permitted LAN Addresses attribute of the specified 
   Reachable Address instance on a particular Routing Circuit to 
   include at least the address or addresses specified.

   add  [node node-id] routing circuit circuit-name -
        reachable address simplename -
        permitted lan addresses {address[,address...]}

   Permitted LAN Addresses

   Support: End
   Default: No LAN addresses        Value: Set of LAN addresses
   This is a set of LAN addresses corresponding to routers that
   are permitted to be used for forwarding to this prefix.  This 
   attribute is supported only if the Type characteristic is set
   to "filter" on broadcast circuits only.  At least one LAN
   address is required.


   add routing circuit csmacd-1 reachable address to-bulean -
        permitted lan addresses {aa-00-04-00-23-45}

3  manual_area_addresses

   Modifies the Manual Area Addresses attribute of the Routing
   entity to include at least the specified area or areas.

   add [node node-id] routing manual area addresses -

   Manual Area Addresses 

   Support: L1,L2
   Default: No area addresses        Value: Set of area addresses
   Area addresses to be used for this node. An area address cannot
   be a Phase IV address or the address DefaultArea.

   If the characteristic manual L1 algorithm has the value routing
   vector, this set must be empty, and the characteristic phase iv
   address must not be 0.0. If the characteristic phase iv address
   is 0.0, there must be at least one area address.

3  manual_network_entity_titles

   Modifies the Manual Network Entity Titles attribute of the Routing
   entity to include at least the specified NET or NETs.

   add [node node-id] routing manual network entity -
        titles {NET[,NET...]}

   Manual Network Entity Titles

   Support: End
   Default: No NETs       Value: Set of NETs

   Network entity titles (NETs) to be used for this node. If the
   characteristic dna address format is set to false, there must be
   at least one NET.


   add routing -
       manual network entity titles {49::00-04:AA-00-04-00-45-13:00}

2  session_control

   Select application for the add command that modifies the addresses
   of a session control application.

   Select proxy for the add commands that modify the application
   and source end users attributes of a session control proxy.

3  application
   Modifies the Addresses attribute of the specified Session Control
   Application instance to include at least the specified object name(s)
   and/or number(s).

   add  [node node-id] session control -
        application application-name -
        addresses {object-name-or-number[,object-name-or-number...]}


   Default: Empty set     Value: Set of end-user specifications

   A set of end-user specifications, any one of which, when
   specified in the destination name field of an incoming connection
   request, causes applications defined by this entity to be

   You can identify an application with an object name or an object 
   number.  Usually, applications are identified by network object
   number 0, but you can optionally assign it a nonzero object number,
   in the range from 128 to 255.  A nonzero object number can be 
   specified without an application name.  Object numbers 1 through
   127 are reserved for use by Compaq.  Specific network services
   are identified by nonzero object numbers; for example, 27
   represents the mail utility.


   add session control application mail addresses {number=27}

   add session control application task addresses {name=task}

3  proxy_(Tru64_UNIX)

   The add command can be used to modify the following attributes
   of a session control proxy:  application, or source end users.

4  application

   add  [node node-id] session control proxy name -
         application {simplename[,simplename...]}


   Default: None	Value: Set of simple-name

   Set of application identifiers, one of which must match the
   application requested. If this attribute value is null, any
   requested application will match.

4  source_end_users

   add  [node node-id] session control proxy name -
         source end users {record[,record...]}

   Source End Users

   Default: None	Value: Set of record

   Set of remote end users for whom this proxy entry applies. An
   unspecified end user implies all end users on the node specified
   in the same record. The record format has two fields: node which
   has a data type of fullname, and end user which has a data type
   of enduserspecification.

2  x25_access

   Select application for the add command that modifies the filters
   of an x25 access application.

   Select dte_class for the add command that modifies the local dtes
   of an x25 access dte class.

   Select security_dte_class for the add command that modifies the
   rights identifiers of an x25 access security dte class remote dte.
   Select template for the add command to modify the rpoa sequence 
   of an x25 access template.

3  application

   Modifies the Filters attribute of the specified X25 Access
   Application instance to include at least the specified name or

   add  [node node-id] x25 access application application-name -
         filters {name[,name...]}


   Default: None             Value: Set of names

   Set of filters that are associated with filtering calls for
   either X.25 or X.29 applications represented by this entity.


   add x25 access application X29_LOGIN filters {X29}

3  dte_class

   Modifies the Local DTEs attribute of the specified X25 Access
   DTE Class instance to include at least the specified DTE name or

   add [node node-id] x25 access dte class class-name -
       local dtes {dte-name[,dte-name...]}

   Local DTEs

   Default: No names      Value: Set of DTE names

   Names of the local x25 protocol dte entities that belong to this
   DTE class. Note that these DTE entities need not exist when their
   names are entered in this set; DTEs that do not exist when the
   DTE class is used are not considered when the DTE class is used
   for an outgoing call.

   If an x25 protocol dte entity has status attribute state set to
   running when its name is added to local dtes, you must disable
   the DTE entity and reenable it (see the disable x25 protocol dte
   and enable x25 protocol dte commands) in order for the DTE to be
   considered when this DTE class is used for an outgoing call.

   You can specify this characteristic only for DTE classes with
   characteristic type local.


   add x25 access dte class dte-0 local dtes {dte-0,dte-1}

3  security_dte_class

   Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of the specified
   Remote DTE instance for a given X25 Access Security DTE Class
   to include at least the specified identifier name or names.

   add  [node node-id] x25 access security dte class class-name -
        remote dte dte-name  rights identifiers {name[,name...]}

   Rights Identifiers

   Default: No rights identifiers     Value: Set of names
   Rights identifiers possessed by this remote DTE. Wildcards can be
   used in the identifiers that form part of each Access Control 
   Entry (ACE) in an Access Control List (ACL). It is used for
   incoming call checking against the ACL attribute of a security
   filter entity that is used to guard a filter.


   add x25 access security dte class default -
        remote dte MATCHALL -
        rights identifiers {PSI$OPEN_SECURITY}

3  template

   Modifies the RPOA Sequence attribute of a given X25 Access
   Template instance to include at least the specified DTE
   address or addresses.

   add  [node node-id] x25 access template template-name -
         rpoa sequence {dte-address[,dte-address...]}

   RPOA Sequence

   Default: No DTE addresses       Value: Set of DTE addresses
   Private Operating Agency sequence of transit networks to be used
   in setting up the call. Format the values to specify a set of
   DTE addresses. Each DTE address is four digits long. An empty set
   indicates that no sequence is included in the outgoing call.


   add x25 access template "OSI Transport" -
         rpoa sequence {%x9999,%x8888}

2  x25_protocol

   Select dte for the add command that modifies the outgoing list 
   of an x25 protocol dte.

   Select group for the add command that modifies the members of an 
   x25 protocol group.

3  dte

   Modifies the Outgoing List attribute of a given X25 Protocol
   DTE instance to include at least the specified range or ranges.

   add  [node node-id] x25 protocol dte dte-name -
         outgoing list {range[,range...]}

   Outgoing List

   Default: [1...4095]    Value: Set of range (0-4095)

   Channel number ranges that define the LCNs that are available
   for calls on outgoing or two-way channels. Format the values to
   specify a set of channel number ranges. Each channel number is
   the concatenation of the logical channel group number and logical
   channel number of an SVC on the DTE.


   add x25 protocol dte dte-0 outgoing list {[10..4095]}

3  group   

   Modifies the Members attribute of a given X25 Protocol Group
   instance to include at least the specified member record or

   add  [node node-id] x25 protocol group group-name -
         members {record[,record...]}


   Default: No DTEs       Value: Set of records

   DTEs at a gateway system that make up the group. Format the
   values to specify a set of records. Each record consists of a
   name that identifies an X25 protocol dte entity and an integer
   (in the range 0 to 9999) that identifies the CUG number assigned
   by the network. If a DTE is already created and enabled and is
   then added to the set of members, it must be disabled and re-
   enabled to service the specified CUG number or BCUG.


   add x25 protocol group group1 -
         members {[dte = dte-1, index = 4444], -
                  [dte = dte-0, index = 8787]}

2  x25_relay_(Alpha)

   Select client for the add commands that modify the filters and 
   rights identifiers attributes of an x25 relay client.

   Select pvc for the add command that modifies the rights identifiers 
   of an x25 relay pvc.

3  client

4  filters

   Modifies the Filters attribute of a given X25 Relay Client
   instance to include at least the specified filter or

   add  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name -
         filters {simplename[,simplename...]}


   Default: No filters    Value: Set of simple names

   Set of filters that are listened to by this client. Each name
   is the name of an x25 access filter entity. For the add and set
   commands, the x25 relay client entity must be in the Off state
   before the filters attribute can be modified.
4  rights_identifiers

   Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Relay
   Client instance to include at least the specified identifier
   name or names.

   add  [node  node-id] x25 relay client client-name -
         rights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]}

   Rights Identifiers

   Default: No rights     Value: Set of simple names

   Set of rights identifiers that this client possesses. It is used
   when placing the outgoing call.

3  pvc

   Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Relay
   Permanent Virtual Circuit instance to include at least the
   specified identifier name or names.

   add  [node  node-id] x25 relay pvc pvc-name -
        rights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]}

   Rights Identifiers

   Default: No rights identifiers    Value: Set of simple names
   Rights identifiers possessed by this entity. These rights are
   used to access the local PVC and relayed PVC if it resides on 
   the local system.

2  x25_server

   Select client for the add command that modifies the filters
   of an x25 server client.

   Select security_nodes for the add commands that modify the 
   rights identifiers or nodes attributes of an x25 server 
   security nodes entity.

3  client

   Modifies the Filters attribute of a given X25 Server Client
   instance to include at least the specified filter or filters.

   add  [node node-id] x25 server client simple-name -
        filters {simplename[,simplename...]}


   Default: No default    Value: Set of simple names

   Set of filters to be used by the server to filter calls for
   this X.25 client. Each name is the name of an x25 access filter

3  security_nodes

   The add command can be used to modify the nodes and rights
   identifiers attributes of an x25 server security nodes entity.

4  nodes

   Modifies the Nodes attribute of a given X25 Server Security
   Nodes instance to include at least the specified fullname or

   add  [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name -
         nodes {fullname[,fullname...]}


   Default: No node names       Value: Set of full-name
   DNS full names of accessing systems, or the wildcard full name.
   Note, when managing entities on an OpenVMS system, this name must
   be a Phase IV node name.
4  rights_identifiers

   Modifies the Rights Identifiers attribute of a given X25 Server
   Security Nodes instance to include at least the specified 
   identifier name or names.

   add  [node node-id] x25 server security nodes simple-name -
         rights identifiers {simplename[,simplename...]}

   Rights Identifiers

   Default: No rights identifiers     Value: Set of simple names
   Set of rights identifiers to be associated with the set of nodes
   named in the nodes characteristic for purposes of access control
   to DTE classes at the gateway node.