1 help =title Help Pull down the Help menu to do the following: o Find out information about the compiler: its name, version number, release date, and copyright notice o Get an overview of how to use the DECwindows Compiler Interface (DWCI) Help information on the menu items in the Help pull-down menu is available below under additional topics. To view the help information on an additional topic, double click on the topic. 2 about =title About =include Help Overview =include Help About More_About <*COMPILER*> Version n.n Copyright 1989 by Digital Equipment Corporation All Rights Reserved Double click on Overview (in the Additional Topics section of the Help window) for a general description of the DECwindows Compiler Interface (DWCI). 3 more_about =title Additional Trademark and Product Information The help information provided with this product is subject to change without notice and should not be construed as a commitment by Digital Equipment Corporation. Digital Equipment Corporation assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in the help text. The software product associated with the help text is furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. No responsibility is assumed for the use or reliability of software on equipment that is not supplied by Digital Equipment Corporation or its affiliated companies. The following are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC VAX VMS 2 overview =title Overview The DECwindows Compiler Interface (DWCI) allows you to establish named sets of compilation options for use in compiling your programs. The Applied Configuration dialog box contains the name of the set of compilation options that go into effect when you click on the OK button to initiate a compilation. The subwindow at the bottom of the main dialog box shows the <*DCL_COMMAND*> command line that is equivalent to the option configuration identified in the Applied Configuration dialog box. You can establish several named sets of compilation options. The compilation options associated with a particular name remain in effect until you change them. This allows you to use a particular set of options repeatedly, without having to reestablish option settings using the Options pull-down menu. The names in the following list are examples of names you might specify: o Debug (for interactive debugging situations) o Full_Optimization (for debugged applications ready for running) o Fast (for syntax checking; no object-code generation) The names appear in the Configurations list box. To place one of these names in effect as the current configuration, select a name and click on the Apply button. The product-specified default options are included in the Configurations list box under the name Product_Default. This is the only name that is predefined; the names for the compilation configurations that you establish are defined by you. Help information on common user tasks, help, and unsupported compilation options is available under additional topics. For information on how to establish and use a configuration of compilation options, double click on the topic Common User Tasks and then double click on the topic Applied Configuration. 3 common_user_tasks =title Common User Tasks =include options =include config_list_box =include config_name =include hide =include main_push_buttons =include dcl_subwindow The following list describes common user tasks and the screen objects associated with them: o To exit from the DWCI dialog box and begin compilation of the selected files, using the compilation options as displayed, click on the OK button or press the Return key. o To cancel the compile operation and return to FileView, click on the Cancel button or select the Quit menu item in the Commands pull-down menu. o To select compilation options, pull down the Options menu and choose the desired option categories. o To establish selected compilation options as a named configuration, type the name in the Applied Configuration dialog box and click on the Add button. o To change the current configuration to another configuration, select the name of a configuration in the Configurations list box and click on the Apply button. o To display the <*DCL_COMMAND*> command (DCL interface) that is equivalent to the option settings for a given configuration, select the configuration from the Configurations list box and click on the Apply button. This causes the equivalent <*DCL_COMMAND*> command line to appear in the Command subwindow at the bottom of the main dialog box. (The subwindow always displays the <*DCL_COMMAND*> command line for the configuration identified in the Applied Configuration dialog box.) o To have the current configuration used automatically for future compilations using this language, click on the Hide This Dialog button. Later, when you wish to bring up the DWCI dialog box to change the configuration, hold down the Shift key while clicking on the FileView Compile button. Help information on the screen objects associated with these tasks is available below under additional topics. 3 using_help =title Using Help Information on how to obtain help on any active screen object in the DWCI dialog box can be accessed as follows: 1. Select the Help menu item in the Help pull-down menu in this window (not in the DWCI dialog box). 2. Double click on "What is Context-Sensitive Help?" under additional topics. For options (Option List... items) that are inaccessible (dimmed image on screen), you cannot obtain help by using the method for active screen objects. To view help for an option that is inaccessible, obtain the help frame for the menu item that produced the auxiliary dialog box. Then, double click on the appropriate title in the Additional Topics section of the help window. The help frames for the inaccessible options explain which options affect their accessibility. 3 unsupported_compilation_options =title Unsupported Compilation Options The following list contains command-line compilation options not supported by DWCI: o "Plus" lists and nonalphabetical "comma" lists of file names are not supported by DWCI. (When you specify multiple file names using a command-line interface and you separate them by plus signs (+), the files are concatenated and compiled as one program. When you separate the file names by commas (,), the programs are compiled separately.) You must use the DCL interface if you want to either compile multiple files as a single program or compile them separately in a sequence other than that shown in the FileView window. You can select more than one file from the FileView window (as with a "comma" list), but you cannot change the order in which they are compiled; they are compiled in the order shown. o If you have a library of <*LANGUAGE*> source modules that you want to include in a compilation, you must use the DCL interface; the /LIBRARY qualifier has no equivalent in DWCI.