1 config_name =title Applied Configuration: The Applied Configuration dialog box contains the name of the configuration of compilation options that is currently in effect. Clicking on the OK button in the main dialog box initiates a compilation governed by these options. The name of the product-supplied default configuration (Product_Default) appears in the Applied Configuration dialog box the first time DWCI is invoked (that is, a compilation request is issued from, for example, a FileView window). For subsequent invocations, the established configuration that was current at the time of the previous compilation is used. You can use the Applied Configuration dialog box in the following ways: o To change to another established configuration, select its name from the Configurations list box and click on the Apply button. o To establish a new configuration of compilation options, modify the options associated with the current configuration using the Options pull-down menu. When you change a compilation option setting, the name of the current configuration immediately changes to "**unnamed**". At this point, you have several options: - You can delete the character string "**unnamed**", type the name that you want to assign to the new configuration, and click on the Add button. The new configuration name then appears in the Configurations list box (and is available for future use). - You can use the new configuration to control a single compilation. To use a new configuration in this way, click on the OK button -- without typing in a name and clicking on the Add button. Under these circumstances, the configuration is only in effect for a single compilation. It is not retained as a permanent configuration (that is, its name does not appear in the Configurations list box). If you type the name of an existing configuration, the new configuration assumes that name, replacing the existing configuration. This allows you to modify option settings for an established configuration. The equivalent <*DCL_COMMAND*> command that you would issue at the DCL interface level to achieve the same effect as the current configuration's option settings is shown in the subwindow at the bottom of the main dialog box. Double click on the item under additional topics to obtain more help information about adding configurations to the Configurations list box for future use. 2 add =title Add Click on the Add button to establish the configuration of option settings identified in the Applied Configuration dialog box as a permanent configuration for future use. The name of the configuration is added to the Configurations list box after you click on the Add button. If the name in the Applied Configuration dialog box is the same as a name in the Configurations list box, the configuration of options associated with the name in the Configurations list box is replaced by the new configuration.