Library /sys$common/syshlp/lse$help.hlb Command Definitions *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The following is an alphabetized list of LSE commands and their definitions: ALIGN Aligns trailing comments within the current selected range. ATTACH Allows you to switch control of your terminal to another process. BALANCE WINDOWS Resizes all user windows on the screen to the same size. BOTTOM Moves the cursor to the end of the current buffer. BOX COPY Copies the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUT Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX CUT PAD Moves the selected box to buffer $PASTE or the clipboard. BOX DRAW Draws a box. BOX LOWERCASE Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. BOX PASTE Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX PASTE OVERSTRIKE Copies the contents of the default location to a box at the current location. BOX UPPERCASE Changes the case of the text in the currently selected box. CAPITALIZE Capitalizes the first letter of the current word, or all words in the selected range. CENTER LINE Centers the current line between the left and right margins. CHANGE CASE Changes the case of the letter(s) in the selected range and moves the cursor to the next character. CHECK LANGUAGE DEFINITIONS Analyzes the definitions associated with a language and reports errors. CHECK LANGUAGE HELP Detects and reports invalid topic strings associated with a language. CLI Executes a Command Language Interpreter (CLI) command from within your editing session. CLOSE Writes the current buffer to its associated file, if it is writable and has been modified, and then deletes the buffer. CLOSE BUFFER Writes and deletes a buffer. CLOSE FILE Writes a file and deletes the associated buffer. COLLAPSE Compresses text and displays an overview at the current cursor position. COMPILE Lets you compile the contents of a buffer without leaving LSE. COMPILE REVIEW Compile the contents of the current buffer, and then review any errors. COPY Copies the selected text to the indicated buffer or to the clipboard. COPY APPEND Copies the selected text to the end of the buffer or clipboard. CUT Moves the selected text to the indicated buffer or clipboard. CUT APPEND Moves the selected text to the end of the designated buffer or clipboard. DELETE ADJUSTMENT Deletes the definition of one or more adjustments associated with the specified lannguage(s). DELETE ALIAS Deletes the definition of one or more aliases associated with the specified language(s). DELETE BUFFER Deletes a buffer. DELETE BUFFER OVERVIEW This command deletes the overview information for the current buffer. DELETE EXPAND Reverses the effect of the EXPAND command. DELETE KEY Deletes a user key definition. DELETE LANGUAGE Deletes the indicated language definition(s). DELETE MARK Deletes the indicated marker. DELETE MENU ENTRY Deletes an entry from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE MENU LABEL Deletes a menu label. DELETE MENU SEPARATOR Deletes a separator from a pull-down menu or from a pop-up menu. DELETE PACKAGE Deletes the package(s) specified. DELETE PLACEHOLDER Deletes the definition of one or more placeholders associated with the specified language. DELETE ROUTINE Deletes the definition of one or more routines from the specified package(s). DELETE SELECTION MARK Cancels the selected range of the NEW SELECTION MARK command. DELETE TAB Erases blanks and tabs to the left of the cursor, which moves the cursor to the previous tab stop. DELETE TOKEN Deletes the definition of one or more tokens associated with a specified language(s). DELETE WINDOW Deletes the current window. DISABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX Disables a prefix associated with a customized command language. DISABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDS Disables Compaq Source Code Analyzer (SCA) and Compaq Code Management System (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. ENABLE GRAMMAR PREFIX Enables a prefix for use with a customized command language. ENABLE VMS INTEGRATION COMMANDS Enables Compaq Source Code Analyzer (SCA) and Compaq Code Management System (CMS) integration on OpenVMS. END OF LINE Moves the cursor to the end of the current line. ENLARGE WINDOW Enlarges the current window by the specified number of lines. ENTER COMMENT Converts pseudocode into comments using block or line format. ENTER LINE Enters a new comment line or text line. ENTER PSEUDOCODE Inserts pseudocode placeholder delimiters. ENTER SPACE Inserts or overstrikes a space at the current cursor position. ENTER SPECIAL Causes LSE to enter the character specified by the ASCII code into the current buffer. ENTER TAB Inserts indentation and moves to the current indentation level. ENTER TEXT Enters text at the current cursor position. ERASE CHARACTER Erases a single character from the current cursor position in the current direction. ERASE COMMENT Reverses the effect of an ENTER COMMENT command. ERASE END OF LINE Erases text from the current cursor position to the end of the line. ERASE END OF WORD Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next word. ERASE LINE Erases a line of text at the current cursor position. ERASE NEXT CHARACTER Erases the next character. ERASE NEXT LINE Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the next line. ERASE NEXT PLACEHOLDER Erases the text of a placeholder and related punctuation in the forward direction. ERASE NEXT WORD Erases the word following the cursor. ERASE PLACEHOLDER Erases a placeholder in the current direction. ERASE PREVIOUS CHARACTER Erases the previous character. ERASE PREVIOUS LINE Erases text from the cursor back to the previous end of line. ERASE PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER Erases a placeholder in the reverse direction. ERASE PREVIOUS WORD Erases the word before the cursor. ERASE SELECTION Erases the text within the selected range. ERASE START OF LINE Erases the text from the current cursor position back to the beginning of the line. ERASE START OF WORD Erases text from the current cursor position to the beginning of the previous word. ERASE WORD Erases a word at the current cursor position. EXACT SUBSTITUTE Replaces occurrences of the search string with the exact form of the replace string. EXECUTE BUFFER LSE Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER PLSE Directs LSE to execute LSE commands from a buffer. EXECUTE BUFFER TPU Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statements from a buffer. EXIT Ends an LSE editing session and returns control to the calling process or the command-line interface. EXPAND Replaces tokens, placeholders, overview lines, or show lists with appropriate text. EXTEND Compiles one or more TPU procedures to extend LSE. EXTRACT ADJUSTMENT Extracts the definition of an adjustment and formats it as portable commands. EXTRACT ALIAS Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es). EXTRACT LANGUAGE Extracts the definition of the specified language(s). EXTRACT NEW ADJUSTMENT Extracts the definition of the specified adjustment defined during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW ALIAS Extracts the definition of the specified alias(es) created or modified during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW LANGUAGE Extracts the definition of the specified language(s) defined during the current editing session. EXTRACT NEW PACKAGE Extracts the definition of the specified package(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW PLACEHOLDER Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW ROUTINE Extracts the definition of the routine(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT NEW TOKEN Extracts the definition of the specified token(s) defined during this editing session. EXTRACT PACKAGE Extracts the definition of the specified package(s). EXTRACT PLACEHOLDER Extracts the definition of the specified placeholder(s). EXTRACT ROUTINE Extracts the definition of the specified routine(s). EXTRACT TOKEN Extracts the definition of the specified token(s). FETCH Retrieve the element without causing version changes. FILL Reformats the text within a selected range. FIND OCCURRENCES Sends a message to the cross-reference server, asking the server to display the occurences of the indicated symbol. FOCUS Displays an overview of the buffer around the current position. GOTO BUFFER Moves the specified buffer to the current window. GOTO COMMAND Displays the LSE> prompt. GOTO DECLARATION Displays the source for the primary declaration of a symbol. GOTO MARK Moves the cursor to a user-defined mark. GOTO REVIEW Moves the cursor to the currently active review buffer. GOTO SOURCE Displays the source corresponding to the current diagnostic or show list entry. HELP Displays information about LSE commands and topics. HELP INDICATED Displays the help text associated with the current token, placeholder, or routine. HELP KEY Displays help information for the indicated key. HELP KEYPAD Displays help on the key binding for the keypad. INCLUDE FILE Includes the specified file at the current editing position. INDENT LEFT Removes leading blanks and tabs from lines to move one tab stop. INDENT RIGHT Adds leading blanks and tabs to lines to move one tab stop. LINE Moves the cursor to the specified line number. . LOWERCASE Changes the current word or the selected range to lowercase. LSE Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. MOVE DOWN Moves the cursor down one line. MOVE UP Moves the cursor up one line. NEW ADJUSTMENT Creates a new adjustment associated with the specified language. NEW ALIAS Creates a new alias associated with the specified language. NEW BUFFER Creates a new buffer in the current window. NEW FILE Creates a new file and positions to it. NEW KEY Binds an LSE command to a key. NEW LANGUAGE Creates a new language. NEW LEARN KEY Binds a sequence of keystrokes to a key. NEW MARK Marks the current cursor position with the supplied name. NEW MENU ENTRY Adds an entry to the specified pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW MENU LABEL Defines a new menu label that can be added to a pull-down or pop-up menu. NEW MENU SEPARATOR Adds a separator to a pull-down menu or pop-up menu. NEW PACKAGE Creates a subroutine package for which subroutine-call templates are automatically generated. NEW PLACEHOLDER Creates a placeholder for use with the specified language. NEW ROUTINE Creates a new routine template for the specified subroutine package. NEW SELECTION MARK Marks a position as one end of a selected range. NEW TOKEN Creates an token for use with the specified language. NEW WINDOW Divides the current window into two or more windows. NEXT BUFFER Moves the next buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. NEXT CHARACTER Moves the cursor one character to the right. NEXT END OF LINE Moves the cursor to the end of the line. NEXT ERROR Selects the next diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. NEXT PAGE Moves the cursor to the next page of text in the current buffer. NEXT PLACEHOLDER Moves the cursor to the next placeholder. NEXT SCREEN Moves the cursor to the next screen of text. NEXT START OF LINE Moves the cursor to the start of the next line. NEXT WINDOW Moves the cursor from the current window to the next window. NEXT WORD Moves the cursor to the first character of the next word. ONE WINDOW Removes all but the current window from your screen. OPEN FILE Moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file. OPEN SELECTED FILE Uses the current primary selection information to determine the file to open. OVERVIEW SOURCE Displays an overview of the buffer. PASTE Copies the contents of the specified buffer or clipboard to the current location. PATTERN EXACT SUBSTITUTE Searches for a string that matches the wildcard string and replaces it with the text exactly as specified in the replace string. PATTERN SEARCH Enables the use of wildcard patterns in a search string and searches the current buffer for all occurrences of that string. PATTERN SUBSTITUTE Replaces any string matching the given string, which may contain wildcards. PLSE Directs LSE to execute a portable language command. PREVIOUS BUFFER Moves the previous buffer in the list of buffers to the current window. PREVIOUS CHARACTER Moves the cursor one character to the left. PREVIOUS END OF LINE Moves the cursor to the end of the previous line. PREVIOUS ERROR Selects the previous diagnostic in the current set of diagnostics. PREVIOUS PAGE Moves the cursor to the previous page of text in the current buffer. PREVIOUS PLACEHOLDER Moves the cursor to the previous placeholder. PREVIOUS SCREEN Moves the cursor to the previous screen of text in the current buffer. PREVIOUS START OF LINE Moves the cursor to the start of the line. PREVIOUS WINDOW Moves the cursor from the current window to the previous window. PREVIOUS WORD Moves the cursor to the first character of the word to the left. QUIT Ends an LSE session without saving modified user buffers. QUOTE Enters a control code or other character as text. QUOTE KEYNAME Accepts keypad and function keys to enter a control code or other character as text in the current buffer. RECOVER BUFFER Reconstructs the contents of a buffer from a buffer-change journal file. REDO Reverses the most recent UNDO command. REFRESH Clears and redisplays the screen. REPEAT Repeats a command a specified number of times. REPLACE Return an element, to its source control area creating a new revision. RESERVE Retrieve element from the repository for revision. RESTORE Restores the text deleted by the most recent ERASE command REVIEW Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a compilation of the current buffer. REVIEW BUFFER Displays a set of diagnostic messages resulting from a compilation of the specified buffer. REVIEW FILE Displays a set of diagnostic messages, from the specified diagnostics file, resulting from a compilation. SAVE AS Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE ENVIRONMENT Saves all language definitions, including placeholders, tokens, aliases, routines, adjustments, and packages in an environment file. SAVE ENVIRONMENT CHANGES Saves language definitions (including placeholders, tokens, aliases, and packages) that were defined in the current editing session in an environment file. SAVE FILE Writes the current buffer to the specified file. SAVE SECTION Writes the binary form of all current key definitions, learn sequences, and text processing utility (TPU) procedures and variables to a section file. SAVE SELECTION Writes the contents of the selected range to a file. SAVE VISIBLE Writes the visible lines in the buffer to a file. SEARCH Searches the current buffer for the specified string and positions the cursor at that string. SELECT Toggles the select mark. SELECT ALL Selects the entire contents of the current buffer. SET ADJUSTMENT COMPRESS Indicates whether groups of matching lines should be compressed. SET ADJUSTMENT COUNT Determines whether the adjusted line contributes to a group's line count. SET ADJUSTMENT CURRENT Adjusts the indentation of the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT INHERIT Specifies that the indentation for the current line is taken from the adjusted indentation of another line. SET ADJUSTMENT OVERVIEW Indicates whether or not the text of the line is used as the overview line. SET ADJUSTMENT PATTERN Defines the pattern of an adjustment. SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX ADJUSTMENT Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to determine the adjustment. SET ADJUSTMENT PREFIX INDENTATION Lets you skip a pattern at the beginning of a line to determine the indentation value. SET ADJUSTMENT SUBSEQUENT Adjusts the indentation of lines after the current line. SET ADJUSTMENT UNIT Tells LSE to treat consecutive lines as a single unit. SET ALIAS EXPAND TEXT Defines the expanded text of an alias. SET BALANCE WINDOWS Automatically balances window length whenever you change the number of windows. SET BELL ALL Sets the state that determines whether or not the terminal bell sounds when messages are written to the message window. SET BELL BROADCAST Sets the state that determines whether or not terminal bell sounds when broadcast messages are written to the message window. SET BUFFER AUTO ERASE Enables or disables automatic erasing of placeholders for the current buffer. SET BUFFER CLOSE Sets the buffer's read/write state. SET BUFFER DIRECTION Sets the direction of a buffer to forward or reverse. SET BUFFER INDENTATION Sets the indentation level for the current buffer, without changing the current line. SET BUFFER JOURNALING Enables or disables buffer-change journaling for the current buffer. SET BUFFER LANGUAGE Associates a language with the current buffer. SET BUFFER LEFT MARGIN Sets the left margin for the current buffer to the column number you specify. SET BUFFER MODIFIABLE Changes the buffer modifiable state of the current buffer. SET BUFFER OUTPUT FILE Associates an output file with the current buffer. SET BUFFER OVERVIEW Enables or disables overview operations in the current buffer. SET BUFFER RIGHT MARGIN Sets the right margin for the current buffer. SET BUFFER TAB INCREMENT Specifies the logical tab stop length in the current buffer. SET BUFFER TEXT Sets the text-entry mode of the current buffer to insert or overstrike. SET BUFFER WRAP Enables or disables line wrapping in the current buffer. SET CLIPBOARD Changes the default behavior for the DECwindows clipboard. SET COMMAND LANGUAGE Sets the command language to Portable or VMSLSE. SET CURSOR Sets free or bound cursor motion in a buffer. SET DIRECTORY DEFAULT Changes your default device and directory specifications. SET DIRECTORY READONLY Sets the indicated directory's read/write state. SET DIRECTORY SOURCE Specifies a directory to be used to find source files. SET FONT Sets the screen font size to big or little and the font spacing to normal or condensed. SET HEIGHT Sets the number of lines on the screen. SET KEYPAD Sets the keypad definitions to EDT or EVE. SET LANGUAGE ANSI FORTRAN Specifies special processing for ANSI Fortran. SET LANGUAGE BRACKETED COMMENTS Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language. SET LANGUAGE COMMENT ASSOCIATION Specifies whether comments are associated with the next or previous identifier. SET LANGUAGE COMPILE COMMAND Specifies the default command string for the COMPILE command. SET LANGUAGE ESCAPES Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. SET LANGUAGE EXPAND CASE Specifies the case of expanded text of inserted templates. SET LANGUAGE FILE TYPES Specifies a file type that is valid for the language being defined. SET LANGUAGE FIXED COMMENTS Specifies the character sequences of fixed comment delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE FORTRAN Specifies special processing for Fortran. SET LANGUAGE HELP LIBRARY Specifies the HELP library where you can find help text for placeholders and tokens defined in this language. SET LANGUAGE HELP TOPIC Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated in a placeholder or token definition before LSE looks up the help text for that placeholder or token. SET LANGUAGE IDENTIFIER CHARACTERS Specifies the characters that may appear in token and alias names in the language. SET LANGUAGE INITIAL STRING Specifies the initial text that is to appear in a newly created buffer. SET LANGUAGE LEFT MARGIN Specifies the default left margin setting to be used for buffers associated with language. SET LANGUAGE LINE COMMENTS Specifies the character sequences of the line comment delimiter in the language. SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL DELIMIT Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional placeholders. SET LANGUAGE OPTIONAL LIST DELIMIT Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit optional list placeholders. SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW MINIMUM LINES Specifies the minimum number of lines an overview line must hide SET LANGUAGE OVERVIEW TAB RANGE Indicates the range of tab values for which the adjustment definitions are valid. SET LANGUAGE PSEUDOCODE DELIMIT Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit pseudocode placeholders. SET LANGUAGE PUNCTUATION CHARACTERS Specifies the characters that are considered punctuation marks, or delimiters, in the language. SET LANGUAGE QUOTES Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED DELIMIT Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required placeholders. SET LANGUAGE REQUIRED LIST DELIMIT Specifies starting and ending strings that delimit required list placeholders. SET LANGUAGE RIGHT MARGIN Specifies the default right margin setting that is to be used for buffers associated with the language. SET LANGUAGE TAB INCREMENT Specifies the increment of tab stops to be used for buffers associated with the language. SET LANGUAGE TAG TERMINATORS Specifies a list of characters that you can use to terminate a comment tag. SET LANGUAGE TRAILING COMMENTS Specifies the character sequences of trailing commment delimiters in the language. SET LANGUAGE VERSION Specifies a string that represents the version number of the language. SET LANGUAGE WRAP Specifies whether text should be wrapped to a new line when you are typing beyond the right margin of the current line in any buffer associated with the language. SET MAX UNDO Sets the maximum number of commands you can undo for a specific buffer. SET MAXIMUM WINDOWS Specifies the maximum number of windows that LSE automatically creates. SET MENU LABEL Modifies an existing menu label. SET MENU MNEMONICS Sets the menu mnemonics on or off. SET MINIMUM WINDOW LENGTH Specifies the minimum length of the windows that LSE automatically creates. SET NUMBER OF WINDOWS Sets a specific number of windows on the screen. SET PACKAGE HELP LIBRARY Specifies the HELP file (.HLB file) where you can find help text for routines and parameters defined for this package. SET PACKAGE HELP TOPIC Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to the TOPIC_STRING for routines and parameters defined for the package. SET PACKAGE LANGUAGE Specifies the languages for which package routines are defined. SET PACKAGE PARAMETER EXPAND Prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to define the expansion of parameters in this package. SET PACKAGE ROUTINE EXPAND Sets the prefix of a text processing utility (TPU) routine to define the expansion of routines in this package. SET PENDING DELETE Specifies whether or not a selection in a user buffer is deleted when a user inserts text. SET PLACEHOLDER AUTO SUBSTITUTE Specifies whether to replace the next occurrence of this placeholder with the text typed over the current one. SET PLACEHOLDER BODY LINE Specifies a body line of a nonterminal type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER DESCRIPTION Specifies text for a placeholder description. SET PLACEHOLDER DUPLICATION Specifies whether a list placeholder is duplicated horizontally or vertically. SET PLACEHOLDER HELP TOPIC Sets the help topic string for the given placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER INHERIT Causes a placeholder to inherit the definition of another placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER LEADING Identifies leading text to be associated with a placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER MENU LINE Specifies a line of menu that is displayed when a menu-type placeholder is expanded. SET PLACEHOLDER PSEUDOCODE Specifies whether you can enter pseudocode at this placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER SEPARATOR Specifies the string that separates each duplication of the placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER TERMINAL LINE Specifies a line of a terminal-type placeholder. SET PLACEHOLDER TRAILING Specifies any trailing text to be associated with the placeholder. SET PRIMARY SELECTION MODEL Lets you choose between a focus-based primary selection model and a selection-based primary selection model. SET PROMPT ABORT Defines keys for aborting a prompt. SET PROMPT ALTERMINATOR Defines keys for terminating a prompt that are executed in only in the current buffer. SET PROMPT DIALOG Sets dialog box prompting. SET PROMPT EXPANDMENU Specifies the available key bindings for the expand menu prompt. SET PROMPT KEYPAD Specifies the available key bindings for prompting. SET PROMPT TERMINATOR Specifies which key completes a prompt. SET ROUTINE DESCRIPTION Sets the description string for a given routine. SET ROUTINE HELP TOPIC Sets the help topic string for the given routine. SET ROUTINE PARAMETER Specifies a parameter to the given routine. SET SAVE RELATED BUFFERS Determines if related modified buffers are written out on COMPILE commands. SET SCROLL MARGINS Specifies the lines at the top and bottom of the buffer at which the cursor triggers scrolling. SET SEARCH AUTO REVERSE Specifies that LSE search in the opposite direction if the string is not found in the current direction. SET SEARCH CASE SENSITIVE Specifies whether or not LSE matches case exactly when searching for text. SET SEARCH DIACRITICAL Specifies whether or not LSE exactly matches characters with diacritical markings when performing a search. SET SEARCH PATTERN Sets whether LSE uses ULTRIX, VMS or TPU style pattern matching for search strings. SET SEARCH SPAN SPACE Determines how LSE matches blank space in the search string. SET TABS HARD Specifies whether tab or blank characters are used for tabulation SET TABS VISIBLE Specifies whether or not visible tab symbols appear. SET TOKEN BODY LINE Specifies a body line of a token. SET TOKEN DESCRIPTION Specifies text for a token description. SET TOKEN HELP TOPIC Sets the help topic string for the given token. SET TOKEN INHERIT Specifies the name of a defined placeholder that expands in place of the token. SET UNDO Specifies whether or not UNDO processing is enabled. SET WIDTH Specifies the screen width. SHIFT LEFT Shifts the window to the left or text to the right by the specified number of columns. SHIFT RIGHT Shifts the window to the right or text to the left by the specified number of columns. SHOW ADJUSTMENT Displays the definitions and characteristics of the indicated adjustments. SHOW ALIAS Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more aliases. SHOW ATTRIBUTES Displays the current system attributes. SHOW BUFFER Displays information about the indicated buffer or user buffers. SHOW KEY Displays the definitions of the specified key(s). SHOW LANGUAGE Displays the characteristics of the specified language(s). SHOW LANGUAGE ROUTINE Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s) associated with the given language. SHOW MARK Displays information for the indicated user marker. SHOW MAX UNDO Shows the maximum number of commands that you can undo for a specific buffer. SHOW PACKAGE Displays the characteristics of one or more packages. SHOW PACKAGE ROUTINE Displays the characteristics of the specified routine(s) associated with the given package. SHOW PLACEHOLDER Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more placeholders. SHOW PROMPT ATTRIBUTES Displays the prompt attributes. SHOW SEARCH ATTRIBUTES Displays the status of text-search options. SHOW SUMMARY Shows statistics and other information about LSE. SHOW SYSTEM BUFFER Displays information about the indicated buffer(s). SHOW TOKEN Displays the definitions and characteristics of one or more tokens. SHOW VERSION Displays the current version of LSE. SHOW WINDOW ATTRIBUTES Displays the current window attributes. SHRINK WINDOW Shrinks the current window. SPAWN Creates a subprocess running a command interpreter and suspends the editing session. SPELL Runs DECspell on OpenVMS systems to check the currently selected text or the entire buffer for spelling errors. START OF LINE Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line. SUBSTITUTE Replaces occurrences of one text string with another. TOGGLE INSERT OVERSTRIKE Switches the text-entry mode in the current buffer between insert and overstrike. TOP Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current buffer. TPU Directs LSE to execute text processing utility (TPU) program statments. TWO WINDOWS Splits the current window into two windows. UNDO Reverses the most recently executed LSE command. UNRESERVE Cancels a previous reservation of an element. UPPERCASE Changes the current word or the selected range to uppercase. VIEW DEBUGGING SOURCE Displays the source code with adjustments applied. VIEW FILE Moves the cursor to a read-only, unmodifiable buffer containing the specified file. VIEW SOURCE Displays the top levels of detail in the buffer. WHAT LINE Shows the current line number and total number of lines in the buffer.