Library /sys$common/syshlp/lse$clihelp.hlb MODIFY, LANGUAGE, Qualifiers, /QUOTED_ITEM *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
/QUOTED_ITEM=(QUOTES=string [,ESCAPES=string]) /NOQUOTED_ITEM Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. LSE uses the /QUOTED_ITEM qualifier to detect comments properly. LSE does not acknowledge comment strings that occur within quoted items, nor does LSE acknowledge quoted elements that occur within comments. The value of the /QUOTED_ITEM qualifier indicates the syntax of a quoted item. This value must be a keyword list. The keywords are as follows: o QUOTES This keyword is required, and must have an explicit value. The value must be a quoted string denoting all of the quote characters in the language. LSE assumes that quoted items begin and end with the same character. o ESCAPES This keyword is optional. If given, then the value is required and must be a quoted string containing the escape characters for quoted items. Some languages use escape characters to insert quoting characters into strings. For example, C uses the backslash (\) as an escape character. If you omit this keyword, then LSE assumes that the language inserts quote characters into strings by doubling them.