Library /sys$common/syshlp/lse$clihelp.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

       /COMMENT=(specifier, . . . )

    Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language. The
    specifiers are as follows:


       Indicates the preferred association of comments to identifier.
       You can specify one of the following values:

       -  NEXT-Indicates that comments should be associated with the
          next identifier.

       -  PREVIOUS-Indicates that comments should be associated with
          the preceding identifier.

    o  BEGIN=list of quoted strings

       END=list of quoted strings

       Defines the character sequences that start and end bracketed
       comments. A bracketed comment begins and ends with explicit
       comment delimiters. (Note that the beginning and ending comment
       delimiters can be the same, but need not be.) The list provided
       with the specifiers BEGIN and END can be any of the following:

       -  A string that is the one open comment sequence for the
          language. You must enclose this in quotes.

       -  A parenthesized list of strings, each one of which can be
          an open comment sequence for the language. You must enclose
          each one in quotes.

       The list accompanying the BEGIN specifier must be consistent
       with the list acompanying the END specifier. If the BEGIN
       specifier lists a string, then the END specifier must also
       list a string.

       Bracketed comments are recognized by the formatting commands
       (see the ALIGN and FILL commands) and placeholder operations
       (see the ERASE PLACEHOLDER command and the /DUPLICATION
       qualifier of the DEFINE PLACEHOLDER command).

    o  TRAILING=list of quoted strings

       Defines the character sequence that introduces line-oriented
       comments. A line-oriented comment begins with a special
       character sequence (consisting of one or more characters)
       and ends at the end of the line. The list provided with the
       TRAILING specifier can be any of the following:

       -  A string that is the one-line comment sequence for the

       -  A list of strings enclosed in parentheses; each string can
          be a line-comment sequence for the language.

       Line comments are recognized by the formatting commands and
       placeholder operations, just as bracketed comments are.

    o  LINE=list of quoted strings

       Requires that the comment delimiter be the first character that
       is not blank on the line. The LINE specifier is particularly
       useful with block comments, such as the following:

                ** Here is the inside of a comment
                ** which has LINE="**" specified

    o  FIXED=quoted string, column number

       Used for languages that require that a specific comment
       delimiter be placed in a specific column, such as FIXED=("*",1)
       for COBOL.
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