1 MODIFY 2 LANGUAGE Modifies the characteristics of a specified language. Format MODIFY LANGUAGE language-name 3 Qualifiers /CAPABILITIES /CAPABILITIES=DIAGNOSTICS /CAPABILITIES=NODIAGNOSTICS Specifies whether the compiler can generate diagnostic files. /COMMENT /COMMENT=(specifier, . . . ) Specifies the character sequences of comments in the language. The specifiers are as follows: o ASSOCIATED_IDENTIFIER=keyword Indicates the preferred association of comments to identifier. You can specify one of the following values: - NEXT-Indicates that comments should be associated with the next identifier. - PREVIOUS-Indicates that comments should be associated with the preceding identifier. o BEGIN=list of quoted strings END=list of quoted strings Defines the character sequences that start and end bracketed comments. A bracketed comment begins and ends with explicit comment delimiters. (Note that the beginning and ending comment delimiters can be the same, but need not be.) The list provided with the specifiers BEGIN and END can be any of the following: - A string that is the one open comment sequence for the language. You must enclose this in quotes. - A parenthesized list of strings, each one of which can be an open comment sequence for the language. You must enclose each one in quotes. The list accompanying the BEGIN specifier must be consistent with the list acompanying the END specifier. If the BEGIN specifier lists a string, then the END specifier must also list a string. Bracketed comments are recognized by the formatting commands (see the ALIGN and FILL commands) and placeholder operations (see the ERASE PLACEHOLDER command and the /DUPLICATION qualifier of the DEFINE PLACEHOLDER command). o TRAILING=list of quoted strings Defines the character sequence that introduces line-oriented comments. A line-oriented comment begins with a special character sequence (consisting of one or more characters) and ends at the end of the line. The list provided with the TRAILING specifier can be any of the following: - A string that is the one-line comment sequence for the language. - A list of strings enclosed in parentheses; each string can be a line-comment sequence for the language. Line comments are recognized by the formatting commands and placeholder operations, just as bracketed comments are. o LINE=list of quoted strings Requires that the comment delimiter be the first character that is not blank on the line. The LINE specifier is particularly useful with block comments, such as the following: /* ** Here is the inside of a comment ** which has LINE="**" specified */ o FIXED=quoted string, column number Used for languages that require that a specific comment delimiter be placed in a specific column, such as FIXED=("*",1) for COBOL. /COMPILE_COMMAND /COMPILE_COMMAND=string Specifies the default command string for the COMPILE command. (See the explanation of the command-string parameter in the COMPILE command entry.) /EXPAND_CASE /EXPAND_CASE=AS_IS (D) /EXPAND_CASE=LOWER /EXPAND_CASE=UPPER Specifies the case of the text of the inserted template. AS_IS specifies that the inserted template be expanded according to the case in the token or placeholder definition. LOWER and UPPER specify that the inserted template be expanded in lowercase or uppercase, respectively. If you do not specify a value for the /EXPAND_CASE qualifier, then the value is reset to the default AS_IS. If you omit the /EXPAND_ CASE qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /FILE_TYPES /FILE_TYPES=(file-type[, . . . ]) Specifies a list of file types that are valid for the language being defined. The file types must be enclosed in quoted strings. When LSE reads a file into a buffer, it sets the language for that buffer automatically if it recognizes the file type. For example, a FORTRAN file type (.FOR) sets the language to FORTRAN. Note that the period character must be included with the file type. /FORTRAN /FORTRAN=ANSI_FORMAT /FORTRAN=NOANSI_FORMAT (D) Specifies special processing for ANSI FORTRAN. Note that some commands behave differently when you use the /FORTRAN qualifier. Specifying NOANSI_FORMAT causes LSE to insert templates in non- ANSI (tab) format. If you do not specify a value for the /FORTRAN qualifier, then the value is reset to the default NOANSI_FORMAT. If you omit the /FORTRAN qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /HELP_LIBRARY /HELP_LIBRARY=file-spec /NOHELP_LIBRARY Specifies the HELP library where you can find help text for placeholders and tokens defined in this language. LSE applies the default file specification SYS$HELP:HELPLIB.HLB. If you want to access some HELP library other than SYS$HELP, you must supply an explicit device name. /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS=string Specifies the characters that may appear in token and alias names in that language. This list of characters is used in various contexts for the /INDICATED qualifier. The list of identifier characters also determines what LSE considers to be a word. A word is a sequence of identifier characters, possibly followed by one or more blanks. All nonblank, nonidentifier characters are considered to be distinct words. If you do not specify a value for the /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS qualifier, LSE supplies the following values by default: "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ%$_0123456789" If you omit the /IDENTIFIER_CHARACTERS qualifier, then the current value remains in effect. /INITIAL_STRING /INITIAL_STRING=string Specifies the initial text that is to appear in a newly created buffer. /LEFT_MARGIN /LEFT_MARGIN=n /LEFT_MARGIN=1 /LEFT_MARGIN=CONTEXT_DEPENDENT(D) Specifies the left margin setting that is to be associated with the language. If you specify CONTEXT_DEPENDENT as the column number, then LSE uses the indentation of the current line to determine the left margin when you use the /WRAP qualifier. When you use the FILL command, LSE uses the indentation of the first line of each selected paragraph to determine the left margin. If you do not specify a value for the /LEFT_MARGIN qualifier, then the value is reset to the default CONTEXT_DEPENDENT. If you omit the /LEFT_ MARGIN qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /OVERVIEW_OPTIONS /OVERVIEW_OPTIONS=(MINIMUM_LINES=m, TAB_RANGE=(t1,t2)) Specifies both the minimum number of lines an overview line must hide and the range of acceptable tab increments. The specifiers are as follows: o MINIMUM_LINES=m Specifies the minimum number of lines an overview line must hide. The default is 1. For example, if the value of the parameter on MINIMUM_LINES is 5, then a line hides other lines only if there are at least five lines to hide. This specifier helps the user to avoid having very small source-line groups, and thus to avoid many expansion levels. o TAB_RANGE=(t1,t2) The TAB_RANGE specifier indicates the range of tab values for which the adjustment definitions are valid. The default is (4,8). The second value must be at least twice the first value; both values must be positive. For example, if the tab range is (4,8), then LSE assumes that the adjustment definitions will work for any DEFINE LANGUAGE/TAB_INCREMENT value from 4 to 8 inclusive. If you specify a /TAB_INCREMENT value outside the tab range, then LSE recomputes indentation to make the adjustments work. For best performance, it is recommended that you avoid recomputation by choosing a range that covers reasonable values. The numbers specified for the DEFINE ADJUSTMENT/CURRENT and DEFINE ADJUSTMENT/SUBSEQUENT commands must work for any tab increment value in the tab range. /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS=(delimiter-specification[, . . . ]) Specifies the starting and ending strings that delimit placeholders. Placeholders can specify single constructs or lists of constructs. The delimiters for each type of placeholder are specified as a pair of quoted strings separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. The format of a delimiter specification is as follows: keyword=(starting-string,ending-string) Possible keywords are REQUIRED, REQUIRED_LIST, OPTIONAL, OPTIONAL_ LIST, or PSEUDOCODE. If you do not use the PSEUDOCODE keyword, the default is NOPSEUDOCODE. The maximum length of these strings is seven characters. The following is an example of a complete set of placeholder delimiter specifications: /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS = ( - REQUIRED =("{<",">}"), - REQUIRED_LIST=("{<",">}..."), - OPTIONAL =("[<",">]"), - OPTIONAL_LIST=("[<",">]..."), - PSEUDOCODE=("«" , "»")) If any of the five keywords are not specified with the /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS qualifier, LSE applies the following defaults: /PLACEHOLDER_DELIMITERS = ( - REQUIRED =("{","}"), - REQUIRED_LIST=("{","}..."), - OPTIONAL =("[","]"), - OPTIONAL_LIST=("[","]..."), - NOPSEUDOCODE) /PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS /PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS=string /PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS=",;()" (D) Specifies the characters that are considered punctuation marks, or delimiters, in the language. When a placeholder name and its enclosing brackets are deleted, preceding white space is also deleted if there are punctuation characters to delimit the program constructs. If you do not specify a value for the /PUNCTUATION_ CHARACTERS qualifier, then the value is reset to the default ",;()". If you omit the /PUNCTUATION_CHARACTERS qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /QUOTED_ITEM /QUOTED_ITEM=(QUOTES=string [,ESCAPES=string]) /NOQUOTED_ITEM Describes the syntax of certain language elements, such as strings, that require special handling for proper text formatting. LSE uses the /QUOTED_ITEM qualifier to detect comments properly. LSE does not acknowledge comment strings that occur within quoted items, nor does LSE acknowledge quoted elements that occur within comments. The value of the /QUOTED_ITEM qualifier indicates the syntax of a quoted item. This value must be a keyword list. The keywords are as follows: o QUOTES This keyword is required, and must have an explicit value. The value must be a quoted string denoting all of the quote characters in the language. LSE assumes that quoted items begin and end with the same character. o ESCAPES This keyword is optional. If given, then the value is required and must be a quoted string containing the escape characters for quoted items. Some languages use escape characters to insert quoting characters into strings. For example, C uses the backslash (\) as an escape character. If you omit this keyword, then LSE assumes that the language inserts quote characters into strings by doubling them. /RIGHT_MARGIN /RIGHT_MARGIN=n /RIGHT_MARGIN=1 (D) Specifies the right margin setting that is to be associated with the language. If you do not specify a value for the /RIGHT_MARGIN qualifier, then the value is reset to the default 1. If you omit the /RIGHT_MARGIN qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /TAB_INCREMENT /TAB_INCREMENT=n Specifies that tab stops be set every n columns, beginning with column 1. /TAG_TERMINATORS /TAG_TERMINATORS=(string[, . . . ]) /TAG_TERMINATORS=(":") (D) Specifies the character sequences that you an use to terminate a tag. You can use each string in the list of strings to terminate a tag. When you use the /DESIGN=COMMENTS qualifier to compile programs, the compiler uses this information to detect tags inside of comments. You must not specify a string that ends in whitespace (space characters or tabs). Compilers always allow whitespace between a tag name and the tag terminator characters. If you want to require whitespace between the tag and the tag terminator string, use a space character as the first character of the tag terminator string. Compaq does not recommend the use of embedded whitespace. If you do not specify a value for the /TAG_TERMINATORS qualifier, then the value is reset to the default (":"). If you omit the /TAG_TERMINATORS qualifier, the current value remains in effect. /TOPIC_STRING /TOPIC_STRING=string Specifies a prefix string to be concatenated to the /TOPIC_ STRING qualifier specified in a placeholder or token definition before LSE looks up the help text for that placeholder or token. (Typically, this is the name of the language in the HELP library.) /VERSION /VERSION=string Specifies a string that represents the version number of the tokens and placeholders associated with this language. You use the SHOW LANGUAGE command to display this string. /WRAP /WRAP /NOWRAP Specifies whether text should be wrapped to a new line when you are typing beyond the right margin of the current line. The /NOWRAP qualifier disables such text wrapping. If you omit this qualifier, then the WRAP setting for the language is not changed. 3 Parameter language-name Specifies the name of the language whose characteristics are to be defined.