Moves the cursor to the item specified by the option word.


     GOTO   option

   Moves the cursor to the bottom of the current buffer.



   Moves the cursor to the specified buffer.


     GOTO BUFFER   buffer-name

3  Qualifiers


      /NOCREATE (D)

   Specifies whether or not the buffer should be created if it does
   not exist.


      /READ_ONLY (D)

   Specifies whether or not the indicated buffer should have the
   read-only attribute. If the buffer has this attribute, then LSE
   does not write the contents to a file when you exit from LSE or
   when you issue a COMPILE command. This qualifier has an effect
   only if the GOTO BUFFER command is creating a buffer. If you are
   going to an already existing buffer, the read-write status of that
   buffer is not changed. The /WRITE qualifier is equivalent to the
   /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier.


      /NOWRITE (D)

   Specifies whether or not the indicated buffer should have the
   write attribute. If the buffer has this attribute, then LSE writes
   the contents of the buffer to a file when you exit from LSE or
   when you issue a COMPILE command. This qualifier has an effect
   only if the GOTO BUFFER command is creating a buffer. If you are
   going to an already existing buffer, the read-write status of the
   buffer is not changed. The /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier is equivalent to
   the /WRITE qualifier.

3  Parameter

   Specifies the name of the buffer. You may use abbreviations.

   You can specify a buffer name with a character string value of up
   to 255 alphanumeric or special characters. If you begin the buffer
   name with special characters, such as those accessed on the top
   row of your keyboard by pressing the shift key, you must enclose
   the buffer name in quotation marks. Similarly, to specify a name
   that contains embedded blanks (spaces), or quotation marks and
   spaces, enclose the entire string in quotation marks.

   Moves the cursor to the next character.



3  Qualifiers


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down or to the right.



   Instructs LSE to move the cursor horizontally.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up or to the left.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor vertically.

   Produces the LSE Command> prompt at which you can enter LSE or SCA



   [SCA Required] Displays the declaration of the symbol indicated.
   LSE displays the source code containing the symbol declaration in
   another window and positions the cursor on the symbol declaration.


     GOTO DECLARATION   [symbol-name]

3  Qualifiers


   Indicates that you want to see the associated declaration for
   the symbol. An associated declaration is a related declaration
   that accompanies the primary declaration (such as an EXTERNAL


   If you specify both the /CONTEXT_DEPENDENT and the /INDICATED
   qualifiers, then SCA determines which declaration to display by
   using the following criteria:

   o  If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is a reference, LSE
      displays the declaration specified by the compiler as bound to
      that occurrence of the symbol.

   o  If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is an associated
      declaration, LSE displays the primary declaration.

   o  If the indicated occurrence of the symbol is a primary
      declaration, LSE displays the associated declaration.

   You cannot use the /CONTEXT_DEPENDENT qualifier without the
   /INDICATED qualifier.


   Instructs LSE to use the symbol name at the current cursor
   position, or the text within the currently active selected
   range, as the symbol name. To help SCA identify exactly which
   occurrence of the symbol name the cursor is positioned on, LSE
   passes both the current cursor position in the buffer and the file
   specification for the current buffer to SCA.

   If SCA has no information for the symbol name at the current
   cursor position (for example, if the line containing the symbol is
   a new line and the file has not been recompiled), then SCA uses
   whatever general information it has about that symbol as if you
   issued a GOTO DECLARATION command for the symbol name without the
   /INDICATED qualifier.

   If you specify the /INDICATED qualifier, you must not specify the
   symbol-name parameter.

   You cannot use the /INDICATED qualifier without the /CONTEXT_
   DEPENDENT qualifier.


      /PRIMARY (D)

   Indicates that you want to see the primary declaration for
   the symbol. A primary declaration is the declaration that SCA
   interprets as most significant for a symbol (such as a FUNCTION
   declaration). For example, the primary declaration of a routine
   describes the body of the routine.

3  Parameter

   Specifies that the declaration associated with the named symbol is
   to be displayed. You must not specify a symbol name if you specify
   the /INDICATED qualifier.

   Moves the cursor to the buffer containing the specified file. If
   no buffer contains the specified file, LSE reads the file into a
   new buffer.


     GOTO FILE   file-spec

3  Qualifiers


      /NOCREATE (D)

   Specifies whether the GOTO FILE command should succeed if the
   specified file does not exist. This qualifier has no effect if you
   are going to an existing buffer.



   Specifies whether the buffer you create is modifiable or
   unmodifiable. If you specify the /MODIFY qualifier, the GOTO
   FILE command creates a modifiable buffer. If you specify the
   /NOMODIFY qualifier, the GOTO FILE command creates an unmodifiable
   buffer. If you do not specify either qualifier, LSE determines the
   buffer's modifiable status from the read-only/write setting. By
   default, a read-only buffer is unmodifiable and a write buffer is


   Specifies that you want to create a new file. If the specified
   file already exists, LSE reports an error and aborts the command.
   The file-spec parameter may not contain wildcards if you specify
   this qualifier. You cannot use this qualifier with the /[NO]CREATE
   or /[NO]MODIFY qualifiers.



   Specifies whether or not the buffer you create is read-only and
   therefore unmodifiable. This qualifier and the /WRITE qualifier
   override any setting established by the SET DIRECTORY command. The
   /WRITE qualifier is equivalent to the /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier.

   If you specify neither the /READ_ONLY nor the /WRITE qualifier,
   LSE uses the default established by the most recent SET DIRECTORY
   command for the directory that contains the file. If during your
   current editing session you have not issued a SET DIRECTORY
   command nor defined the logical LSE$READ_ONLY_DIRECTORY, then
   the buffer is writeable by default.



   Specifies whether or not the buffer you create is writeable and
   therefore modifiable. This qualifier and the /READ_ONLY qualifier
   override any setting established by the SET DIRECTORY command. The
   /NOREAD_ONLY qualifier is equivalent to the /WRITE qualifier.

   If you specify neither the /WRITE nor the /READ_ONLY qualifier,
   LSE uses the default established by the most recent SET DIRECTORY
   command for the directory that contains the file. If during your
   current editing session you have not issued a SET DIRECTORY
   command nor defined the logical LSE$READ_ONLY_DIRECTORY, then
   the buffer is writeable by default.

3  Parameter

   Specifies the name of the file to be edited. LSE uses the
   directories specified in the SET SOURCE_DIRECTORY command to
   resolve the file specification. If the file cannot be found in
   one of those directories (or the list of directories is empty)
   and you used the /CREATE qualifier, LSE creates the file in your
   default directory.

   Moves the cursor to the end of the line, or the next line if the
   cursor is already at the end of a line.



3  Qualifiers


      /BEGINNING (D)

   Indicates that the cursor should be moved to the beginning of
   the line. The /BEGINNING, /BREAK, /BOUND, and /END qualifiers are
   mutually exclusive.


   Moves the cursor to the beginning or the end of the current
   line depending on whether the direction specified is FORWARD or
   REVERSE. If the cursor is already at the specified destination,
   LSE issues a message to that effect and the cursor does not move.
   The /BEGINNING, /BREAK, /BOUND, and /END qualifiers are mutually


   Moves the cursor either to the beginning or end of a line
   depending on whether the direction currently specified is FORWARD
   or REVERSE. If the cursor is already at the specified destination,
   LSE moves it to the corresponding break on the next line in
   the current direction. The /BEGINNING, /BREAK, /BOUND, and /END
   qualifiers are mutually exclusive.


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Indicates that the cursor should be moved to the end of the line.
   The /BEGINNING, /BREAK, /BOUND, and /END qualifiers are mutually


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down or to the right.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up or to the left.

   Moves the cursor to a marker name defined by a SET MARK command.


     GOTO MARK   marker-name

3  Parameter

   Specifies the name of a marker created with a SET MARK command.

   Moves the cursor to the next page where a page boundary is a form
   feed or the beginning or end of a buffer.



3  Qualifiers


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up.

   Moves the cursor to a placeholder.



3  Qualifiers


      /ALL (D)

   Instructs the GOTO PLACEHOLDER command to recognize all
   placeholders, including pseudocode placeholders and overview


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down or to the right.


   Instructs the GOTO PLACEHOLDER command to ignore pseudocode


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up or to the left.

   [SCA Command] Moves the cursor to the specified SCA query session.


     GOTO QUERY   [query-name]

3  Parameter

   Specifies the name of the query session.

   Moves the cursor to the currently active review session.



   Moves the cursor in the indicated direction two lines less than
   the number of lines in the current window.



3  Qualifiers


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up.

   Displays the source corresponding to the current diagnostic or
   query item. To display a query item, you must be using SCA.



3  Qualifiers


   Specifies that the buffer containing the source be set read-only
   and therefore unmodifiable. Using this qualifier overrides any
   setting established by the SET DIRECTORY command.


   Specifies that the buffer containing the source be set writeable
   and therefore modifiable. Using this qualifier overrides any
   setting established by the SET DIRECTORY command.

2  TOP
   Moves the cursor to the top of the current buffer.



   Moves the cursor to the beginning of the current, next, or
   previous word in the current buffer, depending on the direction



3  Qualifiers


      /CURRENT (D)

   Instructs LSE to use the current direction of the buffer.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor down or to the right.


   Instructs LSE to move the cursor up or to the left.