Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb VIEW, Creating the Options File *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
You can create an options file prior to specifying the VIEW command with the /OPTIONS qualifier. An options file is a text file with a default file extension of .CDA$OPTIONS on OpenVMS systems. The options file contains all the processing options for your input file format. Processing options help ensure minimal format and content changes while the CDA Viewer processes your input file for display. An options file is not required. Default processing options are applied automatically when you convert a file. You may, however, require settings other than the default. Enter options in the options file using this format, where format is the name of the file format to which the option applies and option is the option: format option [value] applies an input file of the specified format Use uppercase and lowercase alphabetic characters, digits (0-9), dollar signs ($), and underscores (_) to specify the processing options. Use one or more spaces or tabs to precede values specified for a processing option. The following example is a typical entry in an options file: DTIF_TO_DDIF PAPER_HEIGHT 11 The value specified for PAPER_HEIGHT is in inches by default. If the options file includes options that do not apply to the converter for a particular file format, those options are ignored. If you specify an invalid option for an input or output format or an invalid value for an option, you receive an error message. The processing options described in the following sections document any restrictions.