Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
V73 Features, Programming Features, System Services

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The following table describes new and updated system services for
    OpenVMS Version 7.3.

    For additional information, refer to the OpenVMS System Services
    Reference Manual.

    System Service      Documentation Update

    $CHECK_PRIVILEGES   The description of the 'prvadr' argument has
                        been updated.
    $CLRAST             This service has been documented for Version
    $DCLEXH             The description has been updated, and a BASIC
                        example has been added.
    $DELETE_INTRUSION   This service has been updated in support of
                        Clusterwide Intrusion.
    $DEVICE_PATH_SCAN   This is a new service in support of
    $DISMOU             The following item codes have been added:
                        DMT$M_MINICOPY_REQUIRED, DMT$M_MINICOPY_
                        OPTIONAL, and DMT$M_FORCE.
    $EXPREG             The text for condition value, SS$_ILLPAGCNT,
                        has been updated.
    $GETDVI             The item codes, MT3_DENSITY and MT3_
                        SUPPORTED, have been added.

                        The item codes, DVI$_FC_NODE_NAME, DVI$_FC_
                        PORT_NAME, and DVI$_WWID, have been added.

                        The description for the DVI$_MOUNTCNT item
                        code has been updated.
    $GETJPI             The following item codes have been added:
                        JPI$_RMS_DFMBC, JPI$_RMS_DFMBFIDX, JPI$_
                        RMS_DFMBFREL, JPI$_RMS_DFMBFSDK, JPI$_RMS_
                        DFMBFSMT, JPI$_RMS_DFMBFSUR, JPI$_RMS_DFNBC,
                        JPI$_RMS_EXTEND_SIZE, JPI$_RMS_FILEPROT, and

                        The following item codes have been added for
                        Multithreads support: JPI$_INITIAL_THREAD_
                        PID, JPI$_KT_COUNT, JPI$_MULTITHREAD, and

                        The code example has been updated for VAX and
                        Alpha usage.
    $GETRMI             This is a new service in support of
                        Performance API.
    $GETQUI             The item code, QUI$V_JOB_REQUEUE, has been
    $GETSYI             The item code, SYI$_SERIAL_NUMBER, has been
    $IO_PERFORM         The 'porint' argument in the format section
                        has been changed to 'devdata, to match the C
    $MGBLSC             The text for the 'inadr' argument has been
                        updated, and the SS$_INVARG condition value
                        has been added.
    $MOUNT              The following item codes have been added:
                        MNT$M_MINICOPY_OPTIONAL, MNT$M_MINICOPY_
                        REQUIRED, MNT$M_REQUIRE_MEMBERS, and MNT$M_
    $PERSONA_QUERY      Tables for Common, General, and NT item codes
                        have been added.
    $PROCESS_SCAN       The following item codes have been added for
                        Multithreads support: PSCAN$_KT_COUNT and
    $REGISTRY           This service is now documented in the OpenVMS
                        System Services Reference Manual: GETUTC-Z
                        and online help.
    $SCAN_INTRUSION     This service has been updated in support of
                        Clusterwide Intrusion.
    $SCHED              The condition value, SS$_INCLASS, has been
                        added, and SS$_ILLSER has been deleted.
    $SET_DEVICE         This is a new service in support of
    $SET_SECURITY       The condition value, SS$_INVFILFOROP, has
                        been added.
    $SET_SYSTEM_EVENT   A new item code, SYSEVT$C_TDF_CHANGE, has
                        been added.
    $SHOW_INTRUSION     This service has been updated in support of
                        Clusterwide Intrusion.
    $WAKE               This service now accepts 64-bit addresses.
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