Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb System Services, $PROCESS CAPABILITIES (Alpha Only), Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
pidadr OpenVMS usage:process_id type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Process identification (PID) of a kernel thread whose user capability mask is to be modified or returned. The pidadr argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of a longword that contains the PID. Process selection is made through a combination of the pidadr and prcnam arguments. If neither are specified or if both have a zero value, the service operations are made to the user capability mask of the current kernel thread of the calling process. The pidadr argument takes precedence over the prcnam argument where both are supplied in the service call. If the constant CAP$M_FLAG_DEFAULT_ONLY is specified in flags, then the user portion of the default process user capability mask is modified or returned instead, regardless of the values specified in pidadr. prcnam OpenVMS usage:process_name type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit descriptor-fixed-length string descriptor Process name of the process whose user capability mask is to be modified or returned. The prcnam argument is the 32- or 64- bit address of a character string descriptor pointing to the process name string. A process can be identified with a 1- to 15-character string. The service operations are made to the user capability mask of the initial thread of the specified process. You can use the prcnam argument only if the process identified by the descriptor has the same UIC group number as the calling process. To obtain information about processes in other groups, the pidadr argument must be used. If pidadr and prcnam are both specified, then prcnam is ignored. If neither argument is specified, then the context of the current kernel thread of the calling process is modified or returned. select_mask OpenVMS usage:mask_quadword type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Mask specifying which bits of the specified process' user capability mask are to be modified. The select_mask argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of a quadword bit vector wherein a bit, when set, specifies that the corresponding user capability is to be modified. The individual user capability bits in select_mask can be referenced by their symbolic bit constant names, CAP$M_USER1 through CAP$M_USER16. These constants (not zero-relative) specify the position in the mask quadword that corresponds to the bit name. Multiple capabilities can be selected by ORing together the appropriate bits. Alternatively, the constant CAP$K_ALL_USER, when specified as the select_mask argument, selects all user capabilities. modify_mask OpenVMS usage:mask_quadword type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Mask specifying the settings for those capabilities selected in the select_mask argument. The modify_mask argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of a quadword bit vector wherein a bit, when set, specifies that the corresponding user capability is to be added to the specified kernel thread; when clear, the corresponding user capability is to be removed. The symbolic bit constants CAP$M_USER1 through CAP$M_USER16 can be used to modify the appropriate bit position in modify_mask. Multiple capabilities can be modified by ORing together the appropriate bits. To add a specific user capability to a kernel thread, that bit position must be set in both select_mask and modify_mask. To remove a specific user capability from a kernel thread, that bit position must be set in select_mask and clear in modify_mask. The symbolic constant CAP$K_ALL_USER_ADD, when specified in modify_mask, indicates that all capabilities specified in select_mask are to be added to the appropriate capability set. The symbolic constant CAP$K_ALL_USER_REMOVE indicates that all specified capabilities are to be removed from the set. prev_mask OpenVMS usage:mask_quadword type: quadword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Previous user capability mask for the specified process or thread before execution of this call to $PROCESS_CAPABILITIES. The prev_mask argument is the 32- or 64-bit address of a quadword into which $PROCESS_CAPABILITIES writes the previous bit mask. If CAP$M_FLAG_DEFAULT_ONLY is set in the flags argument, then prev_mask will contain the user portion of the global default capability mask. flags OpenVMS usage:mask_quadword type: quadword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference Options selected for the user capability modification. The flags argument is a quadword bit vector wherein a bit corresponds to an option. Only the bits specified below are used; the remainder of the quadword bits are reserved and must be zero. Each option (bit) has a symbolic name, defined by the $CAPDEF macro. The flags argument is constructed by performing a logical OR operation using the symbolic names of each desired option. The following table describes the symbolic name of each option: Symbolic Name Description CAP$M_FLAG_DEFAULT_ Indicates that the specified operations ONLY are to be performed on the global context cell instead of on a specific kernel thread. This bit supersedes any individual kernel thread specified in pidadr or prcnam. Specifying this bit constant applies the service operations to the capabilities for all newly created processes. CAP$M_FLAG_PERMANENT Indicates whether to modify the permanent user process capabilities in addition to the current image copy. If CAP$M_FLAG_ PERMANENT is set, then both the permanent and current user process capabilities are modified. If this bit is clear or flags is unspecified, then just the current image process capabilities are modified. This bit also determines which of the capability masks are returned in prev_ mask. If set, the permanent mask, used to reinitialize the current set at image rundown, is returned. If the bit is clear or the flags argument is not specified, the current running mask is returned. CAP$M_FLAG_CHECK_CPU Determines whether the kernel thread can be left in a nonrunnable state under some circumstances. No operation of this service will allow a transition from runnable to blocked state; however, if the kernel thread is already at a blocked state, this bit determines whether the result of the operation must leave it runnable. If CAP$M_FLAG_CHECK_CPU is set or flags is unspecified, the kernel thread will be checked to ensure it can safely run on one of the CPUs in the active set; otherwise, any state operations on kernel threads already in a blocked state will be allowed.