Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb Sys Parameters, ACP_DATACHECK *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
ACP_DATACHECK controls the consistency checks that are performed on internal file system metadata such as file headers. ACP_DATACHECK is a bit mask. The following table shows the bits that are defined currently: Bit Description 0 Set this bit to perform consistency checks on read operations. When this bit is set, the IO$M_DATACHECK function modifier is automatically set on all subsequent IO$_ READLBLK operations that read file system metadata (see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual). 1 Set this bit to perform consistency checks on write operations. When this bit is set, the IO$M_DATACHECK function modifier is automatically set on all subsequent IO$_ WRITELBLK operations that read file system metadata (see the OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual). 2 Set this bit to perform read-after-write consistency checks. This is similar to setting bit 1, except that in this case the file system does the checks, not the lower level device or disk driver. Note that read-after-write consistency checks are not allowed on deferred writes. Deferred writes are turned off if this bit is set. 3 Reserved for Compaq use only; must be zero. 4 Reserved for Compaq use only; must be zero. 5 and 6 These two bits control the checks that are performed on reads and writes of directory blocks. You can select one of four different levels: By Select Setting This Bit 6 And Bit 5 To Check That... Level... to... to... The block is a valid 0 0 0 directory block (reads only) The block is a valid 1 0 1 directory block (reads and writes) The block is a valid 2 1 0 directory block and contains valid entries (reads and writes) The block is a valid 3 1 1 directory block and contains valid entries in correct alphanumeric order (reads and writes) When you set the SYSTEM_CHECK system parameter to 1, you enable level 3 checking of directory blocks. Write errors result in BUGCHECK and crash your system; read errors exit with error status SS$_BADDIRECTORY. 7 Reserved for Compaq use only; must be zero.