Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:48:01.32

                                                   Queue Requests
      Device:           Status     Total Size     Current    Max    Hosts
          11$DUA8       Online        2376153           0      2        6
          11$DUA9        Avail        2376153           0      0        0
          11$DUA10      Online        2376153           0      2        8
          11$DUA11      Online        2376153           0      2        7
          11$DUA13      Online        2376153           0      2        7
          11$DUA14       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
          11$DUA16       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
          11$DUS16       Avail        2376153           0      1        0
          11$DUA17       Avail        2376153           0      0        0
          11$DUA18      Online        2376153           0      1        4
          11$DUA19      Online        2376153           0      4        7
          11$DUA20      Online        2376153           0      1        7
          11$DUA21      Online        2376153           0     17       12

      This example shows the output generated by the command
      SHOW DEVICES/SERVED. The first column in the display shows
      the names of the devices that are served by the MSCP server.
      The second column shows the status of the devices. The third
      column shows the size, in blocks, of the device.

      The Queue Requests columns show the number of I/O requests
      currently awaiting processing by that device and the maximum
      number of I/O requests that have ever been concurrently
      awaiting processing by that device. The last column in the
      display shows the number of hosts that have the device on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:49:52.41
      Request Count:
           0-7:   951154        32-39:     2168        88-103:     1618
          8-15:   197224        40-55:     2543       104-127:      189
         16-23:   137707        56-71:     8343
         24-31:      982        72-87:      141

      Operations Count:
         ABORT             0   ERASE          22772   READ        1042206
         ACCESS            0   FLUSH              0   REPLACE           0
         AVAILABLE       611   GET COM STS        0   SET CTL CHR     176
         CMP CTL DAT       0   GET UNT STS  4026024   SET UNT CHR    3630
         CMP HST DAT       0   ONLINE           427   WRITE        259953
         Total       5355799

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/COUNT command. The numbers to the left of the
      colon (:),  separated by a hyphen (-), are the size, in pages,
      of the requests. The numbers to the right of the colon are the
      number of requests of that size that have been processed by the
      MSCP server.

      The section of the display headed by the label Operations Count
      shows the number of times the MSCP server has performed the
      MSCP operations listed. In the example, this MSCP server has
      performed 176 set-controller-characteristics (SET CTL CHR)
      operations, and has performed 3630 set-unit-characteristics
      (SET UNT CHR) operations.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-MAY-2001 13:51:32.01
      Resources:         Total      Free      In Use
          Buffer Area:     400       400           0
          I/O Packets:       0         0

                       Current   Maximum
          Buffer Wait:       0         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/RESOURCE command. The Total column shows the
      total number of pages in the buffer area and in the number of
      I/O-request packets set aside for use by the MSCP server. The
      Free column shows the number of pages in the buffer and the
      number of I/O-request packets that are available for use.

      The In Use column shows the number of pages within the buffer
      area that are in use.

      The line labeled Buffer Wait shows the number of I/O requests
      that are currently waiting for buffer space to become available
      for their use, and the maximum number of I/O requests that have
      waited concurrently to obtain a buffer.

             MSCP-Served Devices on BIAK 28-NOV-2001 13:54:41.99
                                                 Queue Requests
      Host:              Time of Connection      Current    Max   Devices
          IPL31       25-MAY-2001 21:44:06.44          0      1         0
          DELAND      25-MAY-2001 21:44:09.98          0      1         0
          HEAVEN      25-MAY-2001 22:03:15.67          0      7        10
          VIVA        26-MAY-2001 09:44:11.96          0      1         0

      This example shows the information displayed by the SHOW
      DEVICES/SERVED/HOST command. The first column contains the
      names of the hosts that have class drivers connected to the
      MSCP server. The next column contains the times at which these
      connections were made.

      The columns under the heading Queue Requests show the number
      of requests the MSCP server currently has outstanding for I/O
      activity on the devices it serves, the maximum number of such
      requests that have been outstanding at one time, and the number
      of MSCP server devices that the listed hosts have on line.

             MSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.49
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status    Total Size    Current   Max  Hosts
         254$DJB1       Avail             0          0     0      0
         254$DUA2      Online       1216665          0     0      1
         254$DUA4006    Avail             0          0     0      0

            TMSCP-Served Devices on HEN  3-DEC-2001 09:09:08.74
                                               Queue Requests
      Device:          Status     Position     Current   Max  Hosts
         90$MUA7        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA8        Avail             0          0     0      0
         90$MUA50      Online          3804          0     0      0

      This example displays the output of the SHOW DEVICES/SERVED
      command from a node that has both MSCP server and TMSCP server
      devices. In the display, the third column for MSCP server disk
      devices shows the size of the disk device. The same column
      for TMSCP server device shows the location where each tape is
      currently positioned.
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