Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb SET, WORKING_SET, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set /Limit= 150 /Quota= 700 /Extent= 700 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota= 700 Authorized Extent= 700 $ SET WORKING_SET/QUOTA=1000 %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 150 Quota = 700 Extent = 700 The SHOW WORKING_SET command in this example displays the current limit, quota, and extent, as well as the authorized quota and authorized extent. The SET WORKING_SET command attempts to set a quota limiting the maximum number of pages any image can request that is greater than the authorized quota. Note from the response that the quota was not increased. 2.$ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set /Limit= 150 /Quota= 350 /Extent= 350 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota= 350 Authorized Extent= 350 $ SET WORKING_SET/LIMIT=100 %SET-I-NEWLIMS, new working set: Limit = 100 Quota = 350 Extent = 350 $ SHOW WORKING_SET Working Set /Limit= 100 /Quota= 350 /Extent= 350 Adjustment enabled Authorized Quota= 350 Authorized Extent= 350 The SET WORKING_SET command in this example sets the working set size for any image in the process to 100.