Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb SET, VOLUME, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ SET VOLUME/DATA_CHECK=(READ,WRITE) DBC5 The SET VOLUME command in this example requests that data checks be performed following all read and write operations to DBC5. 2.$ SET VOLUME/FILE_PROTECTION=(S:RWED,O:RWED,G:RE,W:RE) DBC5 The SET VOLUME command in this example sets the default protection to be applied to all files created on volume DBC5. System (S) and owner (O) are granted all types of access; group (G) and world (W) are permitted only to read and execute files on DBC5. 3.$ SET VOLUME/LABEL=LICENSES DBC5 The SET VOLUME command in this example encodes the label LICENSES on the volume DBC5. Note that if characters in labels are entered in lowercase, they are changed to uppercase by the /LABEL qualifier. 4.$ SET VOLUME/ACCESSED=25/USER_NAME=MANAGER/LOG DKA0: The SET VOLUME command in this example specifies that 25 directories are to be maintained in system space for ready access for the volume DKA0. The command also assigns the user name MANAGER to the volume and displays the volume specification after the volume is modified. 5.$ SET VOLUME/REBUILD/LOG NODE$DKA2: %SET-I-MODIFIED, _NODE$DKA2: modified The SET VOLUME command in this example causes a rebuild operation to begin on the volume that is mounted on NODE$DKA2. The /LOG qualifier directs the SET VOLUME command to display a notification message.