Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
SET, TIME, Parameter

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    Specifies a date in the format day-month-year, or a time in the
    format hour:minute:second.hundredth, or both. These fields accept
    the following values:

    Field      Type    Values

    Day        Integer 1 to 31
    Month      String  JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP,
                       OCT, NOV, or DEC
    Year       Integer 1858 to 9999 - VAX only
    Year       Integer 1957 to 2056 - Alpha only
    Hour       Integer 0 to 23
    Minute     Integer 0 to 59
    Second     Integer 0 to 59
    Hundredth  Integer 0 to 99

    The hyphens (-),  colons (:), and period (.)  are required
    delimiters. Separate the date and time, when both are specified,
    with a colon. The syntax is sometimes specified as follows:

    [dd-mmm-yyyy[:]] []

    Alpha systems also allow a 2-digit year format:

    [dd-mmm-yy[:]] []

    The century applied to the 2-digit year format is determined by
    the corresponding year in the supported Alpha date range (1957-

    If the explicit time value is not specified, the interval system
    clock is automatically reset according to the time-of-year clock.

    Note that the time-of-year clock is optional for some VAX
    processors. For further information about the time-of-year clock,
    refer to the hardware documentation for your computer.


       Alpha systems maintain system time during power failures
       and system down time. When a system is booted, if the time
       is known to be earlier than the time value of the last time
       modification, or greater than five years in the future, you
       are prompted to enter the time at the console prompt.
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