Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb SET, FILE, /AI_JOURNAL, EXAMPLES *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ SET FILE /AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JOURNAL_DISK:,CREATE) - _$FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT In this example, the file FINANCE_DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.DAT is marked for after-image journaling. The required FILE keyword is used to place the journal on the disk JOURNAL_DISK, and the CREATE keyword generates a new version of the journal. The file specification for the journal will be JOURNAL_ DISK:[PAYROLL]WEEKLY.RMS$JOURNAL. The next step in the after-image journaling process after issuing this command is to back up the data file. 2.$ SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JOURNAL_DISK:,CREATE)/LOG SALES.DAT %SET-I-JCREATED, journal JOURNAL_DISK:[REGION_1]SALES.RMS$JOURNAL;1 created %SET-I-FILMARKAI, FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1]SALES.DAT;1 marked for RMS after-image journaling -SET-I-JFILE, using journal JOURNAL_DISK:[REGION_1]SALES.RMS$JOURNAL;1 %SET-I-MODIFIED, FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1]SALES.DAT;1 modified In this example, the file SALES.DAT in default directory FINANCE_DISK:[REGION_1] is marked for after-image journaling and the /LOG qualifier causes the result of the SET FILE command to be displayed on the terminal. 3.$ SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JNL_DISK:,CREATE)/LOG OVERDUE.DAT %SET-I-JCREATED, journal JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL;1 created %SET-I-FILMARKAI, WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT;1 marked for RMS after-image journaling -SET-I-JFILE, using journal JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL;1 %SET-I-MODIFIED, WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT;1 modified $ SET FILE/BI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JNL_DISK:)/RU_JOURNAL/LOG OVERDUE.DAT %SET-I-FILMARKBI, WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT;1 marked for RMS before-image journaling -SET-I-JFILE, using journal JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL;1 %SET-I-FILMARKRU, WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT;1 marked for RMS recovery-unit journaling %SET-I-MODIFIED, WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT;1 modified In this example, the file OVERDUE.DAT is marked for all three types of journaling using two SET FILE commands. A single journal (JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL) will be used for after-image and before-image journaling. The first SET FILE command uses the /CREATE qualifier to create a new after-image journal, JNL_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.RMS$JOURNAL. The file specification uses the current default directory [PAYABLE] and the default file extension RMS$JOURNAL. The second SET FILE command checks the disk JNL_DISK to see whether a journal already exists, and uses the existing journal for before-image journaling, as well as after-image journaling. 4.$ SET FILE/NOAI_JOURNAL/NOBI_JOURNAL - _$ WORK_DISK:[PAYABLE]OVERDUE.DAT,VENDORS.DAT In this example, the files OVERDUE.DAT and VENDORS.DAT are unmarked for both after-image and before-image journaling. It is not necessary to specify the journals that were used. If more than one journaling type was applied to the data files (as in the previous example), then you must cancel each of the journaling types before you can delete the data files. 5.$ SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JOURNAL_DISK,CREATE)- _$ /RU_JOURNAL [FIELD]SALARY.DAT $ SET FILE/AI_JOURNAL=(FILE=JOURNAL_DISK:[FIELD]SALARY)- _$ /RU_JOURNAL CHECKS.DAT In this example, the files SALARY.DAT and CHECKS.DAT are both marked for after-image and for recovery unit journaling. The after-image journaling for both files is written to the same journal, JOURNAL_DISK:[FIELD]SALARY.RMS$JOURNAL.