Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
SCA, SCA Topics, New Users

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The Compaq Source Code Analyzer (SCA) is an interactive cross-
    reference and static analysis tool that works with many languages.
    It can help you understand the complexities of a large software
    project. Because it allows you to analyze and understand an entire
    system, SCA is extremely useful during the implementation and
    maintenance phases of a project.

    SCA is included in the DECset Software Engineering Tools Package.
    SCA is tightly integrated with the Compaq Language-Sensitive Editor
    (LSE). When SCA is used with LSE, you can interactively edit,
    compile, debug, navigate, and analyze source code during a single
    development session.

    For more information, see the following topics:

    o  Basic_Query_Concepts - Describes some of the basic concepts
       underlying SCA queries.

    o  Getting_Started - Provides subtopics with information about
       getting started with specific languages.

    o  SCA_Tutorial - Provides a sample session that allows you to get
       started after completing the session.

    o  Building_An_SCA_Library - Describes how to quickly create an
       SCA library.

    o  Advanced_Query_Examples - Provides advanced examples using the
       SCA$EXAMPLE library.

    o  Glossary - Provides definitions of SCA terms.

    o  Command_Categories - Lists the different types of SCA commands.

    o  Callable_Routines - Provides a complete description of each SCA
       callable routine.

    o  Callable_SCA - Provides guidelines for using the SCA callable

    o  Libraries - Provides subtopics with information about project
       libraries and virtual libraries.

    o  Reducing_LOAD_Time - Provides guidelines for reducing your LOAD

    o  Quick_Reference_Card - Provides a pointer to the release
       notes, which contain a quick reference card for the SCA query

    Under SCA_Topics, there is help information for specific keywords.
    These keywords include attributes, relationships, and functions.
    For example, you can request help on SCA_Topics SYMBOL_CLASS to
    get information about the SYMBOL_CLASS attribute.
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