Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb SCA, SCA Topics, Getting Started, EPascal Attributes Table *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The following table lists the SCA symbol classes and their corresponding meanings in EPascal. SCA Symbol Classes and Equivalent EPascal Language Terminology SCA Term EPascal Term Explanation Argument Formal parameter Component, Component, Components of array types, VARYING, Field String STRING; fields of records Constant, Constant CONSTants, predefined constants, Literal enumerated type constants Exception INTERRUPT_SERVICE Interrupt Service routine File File A file used during compilation Function, Function, Procedure, procedure Routine, Subroutine Generic N/A Keyword N/A Label Label Label declarations and uses Macro N/A Module, Program, Package module Placeholder N/A Program PROGRAM Psect Psect PSECT and COMMON attributes Tag N/A Task PROCESS_BLOCK Type Type For example, pointer, array, enumerated, subrange types Unbound Flexible type Variable Variable The following table lists the SCA occurrence classes and their corresponding meanings in EPascal. SCA Occurrence Classes and Equivalent EPascal Language Terminology SCA Term EPascal Term Explanation Primary Declaration For example, PROCEDURE XYZ; Associated FORWARD and For example, EXTERNAL PROCEDURE XYZ; EXTERNAL; declarations Declaration Declaration Both primary and associated declarations Read, Fetch Read Write, Store Write Address, Address Pointer Call Call Command_line Command line A file specified on the command line, for example, EPASCAL foo.pas Include %Include A file specified in a %INCLUDE statement Precompiled Include A file specified in an INCLUDE statement Reference Reference Any nondeclaration Explicit EPascal has no implicit occurrences. Everything is explicit. Implicit N/A Visible Appears in the source Hidden Does not appear in the source, for example, VAR I : INTEGER VALUE 10 has a hidden write reference. Compilation_ Module, unit Program The following table lists the SCA domain classes and their corresponding meanings in EPascal. SCA Domain Classes and Equivalent EPascal Language Terminology SCA Term EPascal Term Explanation Inheritable INCLUDEd Items in a precompiled file. Global GLOBAL Items declared with the GLOBAL attribute Predefined Predeclared For example, INTEGER, TRUE, WRITELN Multi_module Inheritable, Global, Predefined Module_ Items local to a compilation unit, specific and not in a precompiled file.