Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb RTL Routines, PPL$, PPL$SPAWN, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
copies OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access modify mechanism by reference Number of subordinates of the specified program to be executed concurrently. The copies argument is the address of an unsigned longword containing this number. Its value must be positive. If you specify a value greater than 1 for the copies argument, each copy created will have the same subprocess information (for example, standard input and output files). If you want to specify different information for each subprocess, call PPL$SPAWN once for each subprocess. On output, this parameter contains the number of subordinates actually created. This value differs from the requested number if an individual spawn attempt fails, for example, because of insufficient quotas. program-name OpenVMS usage logical_name type character string access read only mechanism by descriptor, fixed-length Name of the program (image) to be invoked. The program-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to a character string containing the file specification of the image. Program- name must have no more than 63 characters. If program-name contains a logical name, the equivalence name must be in a logical name table that the created subordinate can access. If you do not specify a program-name, the default is to execute in parallel the image being run by the caller. children-ids OpenVMS usage vector_longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access write only mechanism by reference, array reference Identifiers of each of the newly created subordinates. The children-ids argument is the address of a vector of longwords into which is written the index within the executing application of each subordinate successfully initiated by this call. flags OpenVMS usage mask_longword type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by reference Bit mask specifying options for creating processes. The flags argument is a longword bit mask containing the flags. Valid values for flags are as follows: PPL$M_INIT_ If set, the caller of this routine and SYNCH all subordinates created by this call are synchronized to continue processing only after each and every subordinate created by this call has called PPL$CREATE_APPLICATION. (See the Description section for more information.) A failure of the created subordinate after it successfully starts but before its call to PPL$CREATE_APPLICATION can cause difficulties with the use of this flag value. PPL$M_NOCLISYM If set, the created processes do not inherit CLI symbols from the calling process. The default action is for created processes to inherit all currently defined CLI symbols. PPL$M_ If set, prompt strings are not prefixed by NOCONTROL carriage return/line feeds. The default action is to prefix any prompt string specified with a carriage return/line feed. PPL$M_NODEBUG Prevents the startup of the OpenVMS Debugger, even if the debugger was linked with the image. PPL$M_NOKEYPAD If set, created processes inherit the current keypad symbols and state from the calling process. The default action is that created processes do not inherit keypad symbols and state. PPL$M_NOLOGNAM If set, created processes do not inherit process logical names from the calling process. The default is for created processes to inherit all currently defined process logical names. PPL$M_NOTIFY If set, a message is broadcast to SYS$OUTPUT as each process terminates. This flag is ignored if the process is not interactive (for example, run in batch). std-input-file OpenVMS usage logical-name type character string access read only mechanism by descriptor File name of the file to serve as the standard input file in the created subordinates. The std-input-file argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to a character string containing the file name. If you do not specify a value for this argument, the subordinate inherits the creating participant's standard input file (SYS$INPUT). std-output-file OpenVMS usage logical-name type character string access read only mechanism by descriptor File name of the file to serve as the standard output file in the created subordinates. The std-output-file argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to a character string containing the file name. If you do not specify a value for this argument, the subordinate inherits the creating participant's standard output file (SYS$OUTPUT).