Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
RTL Routines, LIB$, LIB$CREATE_VM_ZONE_64, Arguments

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)


    OpenVMS usage:identifier
    type:         quadword (unsigned)
    access:       write only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Zone identifier. The zone-id argument is the address of a
    quadword that is set to the zone identifier of the newly created


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Algorithm. The algorithm argument is the address of a quadword
    integer that represents the code for one of the LIB$VM
    algorithms. Use one of the following predefined symbols to
    specify this value:

    Symbol                  Value  Algorithm

    LIB$K_VM_FIRST_FIT      1      First fit
    LIB$K_VM_QUICK_FIT      2      Quick fit, lookaside list
    LIB$K_VM_FREQ_SIZES     3      Frequent sizes, lookaside list
    LIB$K_VM_FIXED          4      Fixed-size blocks

    If algorithm is not specified, a default of 1 (first fit) is


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Algorithm argument. The algorithm-argument argument is the
    address of a quadword integer that contains a value specific
    to the particular allocation algorithm.

    Algorithm      Value

    First fit      Not used, may be omitted.
    Quick fit      The number of lookaside lists used. The number of
                   lists must be between 1 and 128.
    Frequent       The number of lookaside lists used. The number of
    sizes          lists must be between 1 and 16.
    Fixed size     The fixed request size (in bytes) for each get
    blocks         or free request. The request size must be greater
                   than 0.

    The algorithm-argument argument must be specified if you are
    using the quick-fit, frequent-sizes or fixed-size-blocks
    algorithms. However, this argument is optional, but ignored,
    if you are using the first-fit algorithm.


    OpenVMS usage:mask_quadword
    type:         quadword (unsigned)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Flags. The flags argument is the address of a quadword integer
    that contains flag bits that control various options, as follows:

    Bit  Value                 Description

    0    LIB$M_VM_BOUNDARY_    Boundary tags for faster freeing.
                               Adds a minimum of 16 bytes to each
    1    LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL0    LIB$GET_VM_64; fill with bytes of 0.
    2    LIB$M_VM_GET_FILL1    LIB$GET_VM_64; fill with bytes of FF
    3    LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL0   LIB$FREE_VM_64; fill with bytes of 0.
    4    LIB$M_VM_FREE_FILL1   LIB$FREE_VM_64; fill with bytes of FF
    5    LIB$M_VM_EXTEND_      Adds extents to existing areas if
         AREA                  possible.
    6    LIB$M_VM_NO_EXTEND    Prevents zone from being extended
                               beyond its initial size. If you
                               specify this flag, you must also
                               specify an initial-size. Extend-size
                               is not used.
    7    LIB$M_VM_TAIL_LARGE   Adds areas larger than extend-size
                               areas to the end of the area list.
                               Allocations that are larger than
                               extend-size can result in new areas.
                               These areas are added to the end of
                               the area list. (This provides better
                               memory re-use when allocating small
                               and very large blocks from the same

    Bits 8 through 63 are reserved and must be 0.

    This is an optional argument. If flags is omitted, the default of
    0 (no fill and no boundary tags) is used.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Zone extend size. The extend-size argument is the address of a
    quadword integer that contains the number of Alpha pagelets to be
    added to the zone each time it is extended.

    The value of extend-size must be greater than or equal to 1.

    This is an optional argument. If extend-size is not specified, a
    default of 16 Alpha pagelets is used.


       The extend-size argument does not limit the number of blocks
       that can be allocated from the zone. The actual extension
       size is the greater of extend-size and the number of Alpha
       pagelets needed to satisfy the LIB$GET_VM_64 call that
       caused the extension.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Initial size for the zone. The initial-size argument is the
    address of a quadword integer that contains the number of Alpha
    pagelets to be allocated for the zone as the zone is created.

    This is an optional argument. If you specify a value for initial-
    size, the value must be greater than or equal to 0; otherwise,
    LIB$_INVARG is returned. If initial-size is not specified or is
    specified as 0, no Alpha pagelets are allocated when the zone is
    created. The first call to LIB$GET_VM_64 for the zone allocates
    extend-size pagelets on Alpha systems.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Block size of the zone. The block-size argument is the address of
    a quadword integer specifying the allocation quantum (in bytes)
    for the zone. All blocks allocated are rounded up to a multiple
    of block-size.

    The value of block-size must be a power of 2 between 16 and 512.
    This is an optional argument. If block-size is not specified, a
    default of 16 is used.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Block alignment. The alignment argument is the address of a
    quadword integer that specifies the required address alignment
    (in bytes) for each block allocated.

    The value of alignment must be a power of 2 between 8 and 512.
    This is an optional argument. If alignment is not specified, a
    default of 16 (octaword alignment) is used.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Maximum page limit. The page-limit argument is the address of
    a quadword integer that specifies the maximum number of Alpha
    pagelets that can be allocated for the zone. The value of page-
    limit must be greater than or equal to 0. Note that part of the
    zone is used for header information.

    This is an optional argument. If page-limit is not specified
    or is specified as 0, the only limit is the total process
    virtual address space limit imposed by OpenVMS. If page-limit
    is specified, then initial-size must also be specified.


    OpenVMS usage:quadword_signed
    type:         quadword integer (signed)
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by reference

    Smallest block size. The smallest-block-size argument is the
    address of a quadword integer that specifies the smallest block
    size (in bytes) that has a lookaside list for the quick fit

    If smallest-block-size is not specified, the default of block-
    size is used. That is, lookaside lists are provided for the first
    n multiples of block-size.


    OpenVMS usage:char_string
    type:         character string
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by descriptor

    Name to be associated with the zone being created. The optional
    zone-name argument is the address of a descriptor pointing to the
    zone name. If zone-name is not specified, the zone will not have
    an associated name.


    OpenVMS usage:procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value

    Routine that allocates memory. The number and type of the
    arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$GET_VM_
    PAGE_64 routine. If get-page is not specified or is specified as
    0, the LIB$GET_VM_PAGE_64 routine is used to allocate memory.


    OpenVMS usage:procedure
    type:         procedure value
    access:       read only
    mechanism:    by value

    Routine that deallocates memory. The number and type of the
    arguments to this routine must match those of the LIB$FREE_VM_
    PAGE_64 routine. If free-page is not specified or if free-page
    is specified as 0, the LIB$FREE_VM_PAGE_64 routine is used to
    deallocate memory.
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