Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb RTL Routines, CVT$, CVT$CONVERT_FLOAT, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
input_value OpenVMS usage:varying_arg type: unspecified access: read only mechanism: by reference The address of a data area containing a floating-point number that is to be converted. The input_value argument may contain floating-point data in F_Floating, D_Floating, G_Floating, H_ Floating, IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, IBM_ Long_Floating, IBM_Short_Floating, or CRAY_Floating format. The value of the input_type_code argument determines the format and size of the input_value argument. input_type_code OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating- point data being passed in the input_value argument. Valid type codes are: Size in input_type_code Format Bytes CVT$K_VAX_F F_Floating 4 CVT$K_VAX_D D_Floating 8 CVT$K_VAX_G G_Floating 8 CVT$K_VAX_H H_Floating 16 CVT$K_IEEE_S IEEE_S_Floating 4 CVT$K_IEEE_T IEEE_T_Floating 8 CVT$K_IEEE_X IEEE_X_Floating 16 CVT$K_IBM_LONG IBM_Long_Floating 8 CVT$K_IBM_SHORT IBM_Short_Floating 4 CVT$K_CRAY CRAY_Floating 8 Declarations for the input_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries. output_value OpenVMS usage:varying_arg type: unspecified access: write only mechanism: by reference The address of a data area that receives the converted floating- point number. The output_value argument can contain floating- point data in F_Floating, D_Floating, G_Floating, H_Floating, IEEE_S_Floating, IEEE_T_Floating, IEEE_X_Floating, IBM_Long_ Floating, IBM_Short_Floating, or CRAY_Floating format. The value of the output_type_code argument determines the size and format of the data placed into the output_value argument. output_type_code OpenVMS usage:longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value The value of a longword bit mask specifying the type of floating- point data that the input_value argument will be converted into and returned in the output_value argument. Valid type codes are: Size in output_type_code Format Bytes CVT$K_VAX_F F_Floating 4 CVT$K_VAX_D D_Floating 8 CVT$K_VAX_G G_Floating 8 CVT$K_VAX_H H_Floating 16 CVT$K_IEEE_S IEEE_S_Floating 4 CVT$K_IEEE_T IEEE_T_Floating 8 CVT$K_IEEE_X IEEE_X_Floating 16 CVT$K_IBM_LONG IBM_Long_Floating 8 CVT$K_IBM_SHORT IBM_Short_Floating 4 CVT$K_CRAY CRAY_Floating 8 Declarations for the output_type_code argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries. options OpenVMS usage:mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value Conversion option specifier. The options argument is the address of a longword bit mask in which each option bit set causes the corresponding option to be used during the conversion. The following options can be specified using the options argument: Option Description CVT$M_ROUND_TO_ The default rounding option for NEAREST conversions to IEEE data types. This IEEE Std. 754 rounding mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the one whose least significant bit is 0 is the result. CVT$M_VAX_ROUNDING The default rounding option for conversions to non-IEEE data types. Performs "traditional" style rounding. This mode results in the representable output value nearest to the infinitely precise result. If the two nearest representable values are equally near, the output value is the closest to either positive infinity or negative infinity, depending on the sign of the input value. CVT$M_TRUNCATE Round the output value toward zero (truncate). CVT$M_ROUND_TO_POS Round the output value toward positive infinity. CVT$M_ROUND_TO_NEG Round the output value toward negative infinity. CVT$M_BIG_ENDIAN Interprets IEEE data types as Big Endian. CVT$M_ERR_UNDERFLOW Report underflow conditions as errors. Declarations for the options argument are in the $CVTDEF module found in the system symbol libraries.