Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb PSM Routines, PSM$REPORT, Arguments *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
request_id OpenVMS usage:address type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference Request identifier supplied by the symbiont to the user routine at the time the symbiont called the user routine with the service request. The user routine must return the completion status PSM$_ PENDING on the call for this service request. The request_id argument is the address of a longword containing the request identifier value. The symbiont calls the user routine with a request code that specifies the function that the symbiont expects the user routine to perform. In the call, the symbiont also supplies a request identifier, which serves to identify the request. If the user routine initiates an asynchronous operation, a mechanism is required for notifying the symbiont that the asynchronous operation has completed and for providing the completion status of the operation. The PSM$REPORT routine conveys the above two pieces of information. In addition, PSM$REPORT returns to the symbiont (in the request_id argument) the same request identifier value as that supplied by the symbiont to the user routine that initiated the operation. In this way, the symbiont synchronizes the completion status of an asynchronous operation with that invocation of the user routine that initiated the operation. Any user routine that initiates an asynchronous operation must, therefore, copy the request identifier value that the symbiont supplies (in the request_id argument) when it calls the user routine. The user routine will later need to supply this value to PSM$REPORT. In addition, when the user routine returns, which it does before the asynchronous operation has completed, the user routine must return the status PSM$_PENDING. status OpenVMS usage:cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by reference Completion status of the asynchronous operation that has completed. The status argument is the address of a longword containing this completion status. The status argument is optional; if it is not specified, the symbiont assumes the completion status SS$_NORMAL. The user routine that initiates the asynchronous operation must test for the completion of the operation and must supply the operation's completion status as the status argument to the PSM$REPORT routine. The Description section describes this procedure in greater detail. If the completion status specified by status has the low bit clear, the symbiont aborts the task.