Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb POSIX Threads, PTHREAD routines, pthread_attr_setstackaddr, Description *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
This routine uses the value specified in the stackaddr argument to set the stack address attribute of the thread attributes object specified in the attr argument. When creating a thread, use a thread attributes object to specify nondefault values for thread attributes. The stack address attribute of a thread attributes object points to the origin of the stack for a new thread. The default value for the stack address attribute of an initialized thread attributes object is NULL. NOTE Correct use of this routine depends upon details of the target platform's stack architecture. Thus, this routine cannot be used in a portable manner. The size of the stack must be at least PTHREAD_STACK_MIN bytes (see the pthread.h header file). However, because the Threads Library must use a portion of this stack memory to begin thread execution and to maintain thread state, your program's "user thread code" cannot rely on using all of the stack memory allocated. For your program to calculate a value for the stackaddr attribute, note that: o Your program must allocate the memory that will be used for the new thread's stack. o On Tru64 UNIX, to create a new thread using a thread attributes object, the stackaddr attribute must be an address that points to the high-memory end of the memory region allocated for the stack. This address must point to the highest even-boundary quadword in the allocated memory region. Also note that: o If you use the pthread_attr_setstackaddr() routine to set a thread attributes object's stack address attribute and use that attributes object to create a new thread, the Threads Library ignores the attributes object's guardsize attribute and provides no thread stack guard area or overflow warning area for the new thread. o If you use the same thread attributes object to create more than one thread and each created thread uses a nondefault stack address, you must use the pthread_attr_setstackaddr() routine to set a unique stack address attribute value for each new thread created using that attributes object.