/sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb PIPE, Examples *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
1.$ PIPE SHOW SYSTEM | SEARCH SYS$INPUT HIB This example uses the pipeline function to identify all hibernating processes on the system in one command. 2.$ PIPE RUN TEST | SORT/SPECIFICATION=TEST.SRT SYS$INPUT SYS$OUTPUT - | DIFF SYS$INPUT TEST.BENCHMARK This example uses the pipeline function to run a test, sort the result, and compare the result to the benchmark file in a single command without generating unnecessary intermediate files. 3.$ PIPE ( SET DEF WRK$:[WORK] ; RUN REPORT ) | MAIL SYS$INPUT SMITH This example shows one way a subshell can be specified as a pipe segment command in a pipeline. 4.$ more :== TYPE/PAGE=SAVE SYS$INPUT $ PIPE ANA/RMS PAGE.TXT | more Check RMS File Integrity 26-DEC-2001 16:12:00.06 Page 1 SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEST]PAGE.TXT;2 FILE HEADER File Spec: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TEST]PAGE.TXT;2 File ID: (4135,58220,0) Owner UIC: [PIPE] Protection: System: RWED, Owner: RWED, Group: RE, World: Creation Date: 26-NOV-2001 16:08:50.05 Revision Date: 26-NOV-2001 16:09:09.06, Number: 1 Expiration Date: none specified Backup Date: none posted Contiguity Options: none Performance Options: none Reliability Options: none Journaling Enabled: none RMS FILE ATTRIBUTES RETURN/SPACE=More, PREV/NEXT=Scroll, INS/REM=Pan, SELECT=80/132, Q=Quit This example shows the use of the /PAGE qualifier within a pipeline. The /PAGE function exists in a number of other DCL commands as well, and can be used similarly in conjunction with the PIPE command to form other useful tools. 5.$ ! TEE.COM - command procedure to display/log data flowing through $ ! a pipeline $ ! Usage: @TEE log-file $ $ OPEN/WRITE tee_file 'P1' $ LOOP: $ READ/END_OF_FILE=EXIT SYS$PIPE LINE $ WRITE SYS$OUTPUT LINE ! Send it out to next stage of the pipeline $ WRITE tee_file LINE ! Log output to the log file $ GOTO LOOP $ EXIT: $ CLOSE tee_file $ EXIT This is an example of a pipeline DCL application TEE.COM. The PIPE command to use TEE.COM can be: $ PIPE SHOW SYSTEM | @TEE showsys.log | SEARCH SYS$INPUT LEF The command procedure TEE.COM is used to log the data flowing through the pipeline. It reads in the data from SYS$PIPE instead of SYS$INPUT. 6.$ CD_WORK :== PIPE SAVE_DIR=F$DIRECTORY() ; SET DEFAULT FOO:[WORK] $ BACK :== SET DEF 'SAVE_DIR' $ $ CD_WORK ! Switch to working directory $ : $ : $ BACK ! Switch back to home directory $ GET_RECORD :== PIPE READ/END_OF_FILE=CLEANUP IN RECORD ; - F$EDIT(RECORD, "COMPRESS, TRIM") $ $ OPEN IN EMPLOYEE.DAT $ LOOP: $ GET_RECORD $ : $ : $ GOTO LOOP $ $ CLEAN_UP: $ : This example shows two simple uses of multiple commands with symbol definitions to build useful tools in command procedures. 7.$ PIPE cc foo.c && link foo, sys$library:vaxcrtl.olb/lib If the compilation does not generate any error, the object file is linked to produce an executable image. If the program compilation generates an error, the linking step is skipped. 8.$ $ PIPE RUN COLLECT_DATA.EXE || GOTO CLEAN_UP $ : $ : $ EXIT $ $ CLEAN_UP: $ : $ : Using conditional command execution, it is easy to set up simple error handling control flow in a command procedure. If the image COLLECT_DATA fails, control is directed to CLEAN_ UP. 9.$ PIPE COPY LARGE_FILE.DAT REMOTE"user password"::[DESTINATION]*.* & This PIPE command creates a background process to handle the copying of the large file. 10$ PIPE (SET DEF [.DATA_DIR] ; BACKUP DATA.SAV/SAV [...]) ; RUN FOO The subshell command sequence is done in a subprocess. This means that changing a process-specific characteristic (for example, the default directory) will not affect the current process after the subshell is finished. In this example, the save set is restored in a subdirectory to provide the necessary data to run the program FOO.