Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
PIPE, Description

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

    The PIPE command allows you to perform UNIX style command
    processing by executing multiple DCL commands in a single command
    line. You can use the PIPE command to execute DCL commands in a
    number of ways:

    o  Multiple command execution

       Multiple DCL commands are specified in a single PIPE command
       and executed sequentially. The syntax for multiple command
       execution is as follows:

       PIPE   command-sequence ; command-sequence [; command-sequences]...

    o  Conditional command execution

       A command sequence is executed conditionally depending on the
       execution result of the preceding command sequence.

       Using the following form, command-sequence2 executes if, and
       only if, command-sequence1 succeeds:

       PIPE   command-sequence1   &&   command-sequence2

       Using the following form, command-sequence2 executes if, and
       only if, command-sequence1 fails:

       PIPE   command-sequence1   ||   command-sequence2

    o  Pipeline command execution

       A pipeline is formed by connecting DCL commands with pipes as

       PIPE pipeline-segment-command | pipeline-segment-command [|...]

       Each pipeline-segment command runs in a separate subprocess
       with its SYS$OUTPUT connected to the SYS$INPUT of the next
       pipeline-segment command. These subprocesses execute in
       parallel; however, they are synchronized to the extent that
       each pipeline-segment command, except the first, reads the
       standard output of its predecessor as its standard input. A
       pipeline finishes execution when the last pipeline-segment
       command is done.

       It is very common to use filter applications in a pipeline.
       A filter application is a program that takes data from
       SYS$INPUT, transforms it in a specific way, and writes it
       to SYS$OUTPUT.

    o  Subshell execution

       Command sequences can be executed in a subprocess environment
       by using the subshell execution form:

       PIPE   ( command-sequence [separator command-sequence]... )

       The command sequences in a subshell are executed in a
       subprocess environment. DCL waits for the subshell to complete
       before executing the next command sequence. The ( ) separator
       is similar to the SPAWN/WAIT command.

    o  Background execution

       Command sequences can be executed in a subprocess environment
       by using the following form:

       PIPE  command-sequence [ separator command-sequence]...  &

       DCL does not wait for the command sequences to finish. Control
       passes back to DCL once the background subprocess is created.

    o  Input/output redirection

       A command sequence can redirect its SYS$INPUT, SYS$OUTPUT,
       or SYS$ERROR to a file during execution of the command as

       To redirect SYS$INPUT:

          PIPE    command-sequence < redirected-input-file

       To redirect SYS$OUTPUT:

          PIPE    command-sequence > redirected-output-file

       To redirect SYS$ERROR:

          PIPE    command-sequence 2> redirected-error-file

       A pipeline-segment command can also redirect its SYS$INPUT,
       SYS$OUTPUT, or SYS$ERROR; however, SYS$OUTPUT redirection
       is allowed only for the last pipeline-segment command, and
       SYS$INPUT redirection is allowed only for the first pipeline-
       segment command.

    You can interrupt a PIPE command by pressing Ctrl/Y. If the
    PIPE command is executing in a pipeline or a subshell command
    sequence, the command sequence and the PIPE command are deleted.
    In this case, a CONTINUE command entered immediately after the
    interrupt will not resume the execution of the PIPE command.

    If the PIPE command is executing a command sequence other than
    a subshell or a pipeline command sequence, DCL behaves as if the
    command sequence were entered as a DCL command without the PIPE
    command verb and interrupted by Ctrl/Y. Refer to the OpenVMS
    User's Manual for more information on the Ctrl/Y interrupt.

    The return status of the PIPE command is the return status of
    the last executed command sequence. Each command sequence sets
    the global symbol $STATUS with a returned value after it finishes

    When a PIPE command is executed in a command procedure with the
    ON condition processing, the conditional execution of command
    sequences (&&, ||) takes precedence over the action previously
    specified by the ON condition statement.

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