Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
PASCAL, Statements, FOR

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  The FOR statement is a looping statement that repeats  execution
  of  a  statement  according  to the value of a control variable.
  The control variable assumes a value within a specified range or
  set.  A FOR statement has one of the following forms:

     FOR control-variable := initial {TO | DOWNTO} final-value DO

     FOR control-variable IN set-expression DO

  The 'control-variable' is the  name  of  a  previously  declared
  variable of an ordinal type.

  The 'initial-value' and 'final-value' are expressions that  form
  a range and whose type is assignment compatible with the type of
  the control variable.

  The 'set-expression' is an expression resulting in  a  value  of
  SET  type.   The  base  type  of  the  set  must  be  assignment
  compatible with the control variable.

  The 'statement' is any Compaq Pascal  statement  that  does  not
  change the value of the control variable.

  At run time, the initial and final values or the set  expression
  is evaluated before the loop body is executed.

  The 'TO | DOWNTO' directives determine  whether  loop  iteration
  will be incremental or decremental, respectively.

  In the TO form, Compaq Pascal checks to see if the value of  the
  control  variable  is less than or equal to the final value.  If
  this condition is met, the control variable takes on  the  value
  of  the  initial  value  for  the  first loop iteration.  During
  iterations, the control variable  increments  according  to  its
  data  type.  Looping ceases when the control variable is greater
  than the final value.

  In the DOWNTO form, Compaq Pascal checks to see if the value  of
  the  control  variable  is  greater  than  or equal to the final
  value.  If this condition is met, the control variable takes  on
  the  value  of  the  initial value for the first loop iteration.
  During iterations, the control variable decrements according  to
  its data type.  Looping ceases when the control variable is less
  than the final value.

  In the set expression form, Compaq Pascal checks to see  if  the
  set  expression is not the empty set.  If this condition is met,
  the control variable takes on the value of one of the members of
  the  set.   Iterations  occur  for  each  member of the set; the
  selection order of members of the  set  is  undefined.   Looping
  stops after the loop body executes for each member of the set.

  In both the TO and  the  DOWNTO  forms,  incrementation  of  the
  control  variable  depends  on  its  type.   For example, values
  expressed in type INTEGER increment or decrement in units of  1.
  Values   expressed  in  type  CHAR  increment  or  decrement  in
  accordance with the ASCII collating sequence.

  After normal termination  of  the  FOR  statement,  the  control
  variable  does  not retain a value.  You must assign a new value
  to this variable before you use it elsewhere in the program.  If
  the  FOR  loop  terminates  with  a  GOTO statement, the control
  variable retains the last assigned value.  In this case, you can
  use the variable again without assigning a new value.

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