Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
PASCAL, Input Output, Text File, WRITELN

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  The WRITELN procedure writes a line of data to a text file.


     WRITELN [[( [[file_variable,]] {expression},...
        [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] )]]

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with  the  text file to be written.  If you omit the name of the
  file, the default is OUTPUT.

  The 'expression' is an expression whose value is to be  written;
  multiple  output  values  must  be  separated  by  commas.   The
  expressions can be of any ordinal, real, or string type and  are
  written with a default field width.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in generation mode before WRITELN is called; it
  remains in that mode after WRITELN has been executed.

  The WRITELN procedure writes the specified values into the  TEXT
  file, inserts an end-of-line marker after the end of the current
  line, and then positions the file at the beginning of  the  next

  You can specify a carriage-control character as the  first  item
  in  an  output  line.  When you use carriage-control characters,
  make sure that the file is open  with  either  the  CARRIAGE  or
  FORTRAN option.

  If you specify a carriage format but  use  an  invalid  carriage
  control  character,  the first character in the line is ignored.
  The output appears with the first character truncated.

  See the "Compaq Pascal Language Reference Manual" for a complete
  description of the WRITELN procedure.
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