Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb
PASCAL, Input Output, Text File, PAGE

 *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX)

  The PAGE procedure skips from the current page to the next  page
  of a TEXT file.


     PAGE( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] );

  The 'file_variable' is the name of the file variable  associated
  with a TEXT file.

  The 'error-recovery' specifies the action  to  be  taken  if  an
  error occurs during execution of the routine.  By default, after
  the first error, the error message is printed and  execution  is

  The file must be in generation mode before the PAGE procedure is
  called;  the mode does not change as a result of the procedure's

  Execution of the PAGE procedure clears the record buffer, if  it
  contains  data,  by  performing  a  WRITELN  procedure, and then
  advances the output to a new page of the  specified  TEXT  file.
  The  next component written to the file begins on the first line
  of a new page.  You can use this procedure only on  TEXT  files.
  If you specify a file of any other type, an error occurs.

  The value of the page eject component that is output to the file
  depends  on  the  carriage  control  format for that file.  When
  CARRIAGE or  FORTRAN  is  enabled,  the  page  eject  record  is
  equivalent  to  the  carriage control character '1'.  When LIST,
  NOCARRIAGE, or NONE is enabled,  the  page  eject  record  is  a
  single form feed character.

  See the "Compaq Pascal Language Reference Manual" for a complete
  description of the PAGE procedure.
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