Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb PASCAL, Input Output, Seq Access Output, PUT *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The PUT procedure adds a new component to a file. Syntax: PUT( file_variable [[, ERROR := error-recovery]] ); The 'file_variable' specifies the name of the file variable associated with the output file. The 'error-recovery' is the action to be taken if an error occurs during execution of the routine. Before executing the first PUT procedure on a file opened for sequential access, you must execute an EXTEND, REWRITE or TRUNCATE procedure to set the file to generation mode. EXTEND, REWRITE and TRUNCATE set EOF to TRUE, thus preparing the file for output. (TRUNCATE is legal only on files with sequential organization.) If the file has indexed organization, the components to be written must be ordered by the primary key. Before executing the first PUT statement on a file opened for direct access, you must execute an EXTEND, REWRITE or LOCATE procedure to position the file. The PUT procedure writes the value of the file buffer variable at the end of the specified sequential-file or direct-access file. You can use LOCATE to position a direct-access file and then use PUT to write the value of the file buffer variable at that position. After execution of the PUT procedure, the value of the file buffer variable becomes undefined (UFB returns TRUE). EOF remains TRUE and the file remains in generation mode. You can call the PUT procedure for a keyed-access file, regardless of the file's mode (inspection, generation, or undefined). PUT causes the file buffer variable to be written to the file at the position indicated by the key. If the component has more than one key, the file buffer variable is inserted in each index at the appropriate location. After execution of PUT, a keyed-access file is in generation mode. See the "Compaq Pascal Language Reference Manual" for a complete description of the PUT procedure.