Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb PASCAL, Declaration Section, Routine Declaration *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The basic algorithm for a program can usually be divided into relatively simple, repetitive tasks. In Pascal, you can code each task separately as a routine; that is, as either a procedure or a function. A procedure contains one or more statements to be executed once the procedure is called. A function contains one or more statements to be executed once the function is called; in addition, functions return a single value. A routine call executes all statements in the body of the declared routine. You must declare a routine before you can call it. In addition, function calls return a single value. Syntactically, procedure calls are statements, and function calls are expressions. You can call routines in the executable section of a program or in the body of another routine. Syntax: [[attribute-list]] PROCEDURE routine-identifier [[formal-parameter-list]]; { [[declaration-section]] BEGIN {statement};... END | {EXTERN EXTERNAL FORTRAN FORWARD} } Syntax: [[attribute-list]] FUNCTION routine-identifier [[formal-parameter-list]] : [[attribute-list]] result-type-id; { [[declaration-section]] BEGIN {statement};... END | {EXTERN EXTERNAL FORTRAN FORWARD} } The 'attribute-list' is one or more optional identifiers that provide additional information about the type-denoter. The 'routine-identifier' is the name of the routine. If you use the routine-identifier within the routine body (with the exception of assigning a value to the routine-identifier of a function), the result is a recursive call to the routine. The routine-identifier of a procedure can be redeclared in the procedure's declaration-section. The routine-identifier of a function cannot be redeclared in the function's declaration-section; however, it can be redeclared in any nested routines within the function's declaration-section. The 'formal-parameter-list' is a comma list of the routine's formal parameters. A procedure can have as many as 255 formal parameters; depending on the function return value, some functions are limited to 254 formal parameters. Optionally, you can specify a mechanism specifier and an attribute list for each parameter. The 'declaration-section' can include all sections except TO BEGIN DO, TO END DO, and VALUE sections. Data specified in this declaration section is local to the routine and to any nested routines; you can redeclare identifiers that are declared in an outer block. You cannot redeclare a formal parameter identifier to be a local variable in the routine. The 'statement' is any Compaq Pascal statement. In a function executable section, there must be at least one statement of the following form: routine-identifier := result The 'routine-identifier' is the name of the function. The 'result' is a value of either an ordinal, real, structured, or pointer type that VAX Pascal returns when function is called. This value must be of the same type as the result-type-id, and cannot be a file type or a structured type with a file component. 'EXTERN', 'EXTERNAL', 'FORTRAN', and 'FORWARD' are predeclared identifiers that direct Compaq Pascal to find the body of the routine elsewhere. The EXTERN, EXTERNAL, and FORTRAN identifiers declare routines that are independently compiled by Compaq Pascal or that are written in other languages. In Compaq Pascal, these identifiers are equivalent. Although not part of the Pascal standard, many Pascal compilers only accept the FORTRAN identifier for external routines actually written in FORTRAN; if portability is a concern, you may wish to use FORTRAN only for external FORTRAN routines. The 'result-type-id' is the type specification of the function return value. The function's result must be of this data type. This type cannot be a file type or a structured type with a file component. Example: PROCEDURE Read_Write( VAR A : INTEGER ); This declares a procedure, 'Read_Write', which takes one variable parameter, 'A'. Example: FUNCTION Counter( VAR Instring, Outstring : VARYING[10] OF CHAR; VAR Valid : Boolean ) : INTEGER; This declares a function, 'Counter', which takes three variable parameters, 'Instring', 'Outstring', and 'Valid' and returns an INTEGER value.
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