Library /sys$common/syshlp/helplib.hlb PASCAL, Declaration Section, Module Initialization *Conan The Librarian (sorry for the slow response - running on an old VAX) |
The TO BEGIN DO section allows you to specify a statement, in a module, that is to be executed before the executable section of the main program. Syntax: TO BEGIN DO statement; The 'statement' is a Compaq Pascal statement. The TO BEGIN DO section can only appear in modules, can only appear once in a module, and must appear as the last section in the declaration section. (If appearing together, the TO BEGIN DO section must precede the TO END DO section at the end of the declaration section.) As a general rule, if a program or module inherits an environment file, the initialization section in the inherited module must be executed before the initialization section in the program or module that inherited it. If a module or program inherits more than one module that contains an initialization section, the order of execution of the inherited modules cannot be determined. Example: MODULE X( INPUT, OUTPUT ); VAR Debug : Boolean; PROCEDURE Test(...); {Executable section...} TO BEGIN DO BEGIN WRITE( 'Debug Module x? ' ); READLN( Debug ); END; END. This TO BEGIN DO section contains statements that write a string and test the validity of the Debug variable.